Will a ati 4850 bottleneck a AMD FX-60 proc?


Jun 7, 2005
Topic says it all. I'm getting back into PC gaming. I have an AMD FX-60 processor with a 7800 GTX video card. I want to get a new good decent gaming monitor that won't burn my pockets and get a new video card. I was looking at a ATI 4850. Will this be too much for my FX-60 processor? How does this processor compare to Core 2 Duo chips these days? I bought this system about 2-3 years ago, back then nothing could compare to the FX-60 chip. So it's why I ask.
It'll be perfectly fine. The processor is probably compared to a 2.2-2.3 ghz core 2 duo.
You will get slowdowns and poor minimum frame rates.

I don't recommend it.

Sell the FX and get a fast C2D or C2Q instead.
Yup you could definitely sell the FX-60 for a good price and just get a Q6600 for $180. If what the above people are saying is true, you could get a MUCH faster processor and gain $20 while at it
What games and resolution do you play? I don't play mmoRPG, or RTS, but most everything I've thrown at my GTX 260 at @ 1600x1200 has been great, dead space is smooth, bioshock (when it wants to play) is smooth. All my year plus older games are usually in the high 70+ FPS area.

I'm sure if you play fallout 3, GTA 4 you are gonna definately see draw backs to the CPU. I'm in a tossup and wait to see when i7's start coming down in price. I surely don't have $300 for cpu and another $250 motherboard and then another $150 for DDR3, but sure looks like fun ;)

Whatever happened to the nice budget range mb's, the i7 just too new? I surely don't need SLI. (I did that mistake once already)
The current i7's target is not budget, the budget i7's will be coming out next year, I believe Q2, and will use a different socket/mobo/featureset.
I would sell the FX-60 on ebay, while it still has some value. I had a dual core 4800+ (@ 2.7 ghz) that I ran for 2 years...great with games, but when new titles hit (supcom, COD4, crysis, UT3, Bioshock, etc...) my overclocked dual core AMD was the bottleneck compared to my overclocked 8800GTs in SLI at 1920 x 1200 (the two 8800GTs perform about 15-20% better than 4850...so this is close analogy). When I changed to SLI but kept the 4800+ (read: more graphics power) my FPS didn't go up in games like Elder Scrolls IV, Crysis, Bioshock...because my CPU was wheezing. When I upgraded to a new CPU (3.0 ghz core2duo), but left everything else (well, not mobo obviously) the same (read: GPUs) my performance went up 30%+ on the same games.

Food for thought. Oh, and I sold my old rig with the A8N32-sli deluxe mobo, 4 gb ddr, athlon 4800+, eVGA 7900 GT for $400...then I saw that I could have broken it down into components, and sold just the CPU and GPU on ebay for almost $350 (back in July). Doh!
Wow it fetches a nice price. You can get a E7200, 4GB DDR2, and a cheap gigabyte P35 motherboard for what FX60's are fetching on ebay.
What games and resolution do you play? I don't play mmoRPG, or RTS, but most everything I've thrown at my GTX 260 at @ 1600x1200 has been great, dead space is smooth, bioshock (when it wants to play) is smooth. All my year plus older games are usually in the high 70+ FPS area.

I'm sure if you play fallout 3, GTA 4 you are gonna definately see draw backs to the CPU.
Actually, Fallout 3 is suprisingly light on CPU. I can run Fallout 3 with 25FPS consistant at 1360x768 on my HDTV. COD4 and Mass Effect are about the same. Far Cry 2 worked suprisingly well, for the short time I played th game. CoD:WaW barely runs. about 22-25 when nothing is happening, but as soon as enemies show up and I start shooting, it tanks to 12 FPS.
The FX-60 bottlenecks the 4850. Hell an FX-60 can bottleneck an 8800GT in many situations for gosh sakes!

I would buy an 8800GT to match with that FX-60 and your system will be about maxed out properly. Those of us running the 2.4-3.0GHz AMD dual core S939 cpus are all in the same boat but for this current generation of games, we are still doing pretty well.

Only really CPU intensive games will give you problems but Crysis and Fallout 3 and Far Cry 2 and everything run perfectly acceptable. COD4 and 5 run at ridiculous speeds.