For those of you with both Xbox 360 AND PS3.


Jun 7, 2005
When a game comes out for both systems, such as Call of Duty, or games like Assassins Creed or Fallout 3, which do you buy for?

The games listed are just examples.

Reason being is I've always had a PS3, I've had a Xbox 360 on and off from time to time, two 360's have RROD'd on me, one which was an elite, at that time I took a break and got kind of fed up.

I just recently got my 360 back, and I have right now, just exclusives for the system. I have some games for the PS3 that are out on both systems. Call of Duty: World at War, Fallout 3, Madden 09, FEAR, and a few others.

Now I have actually heard Sony has troubles porting over 3rd party titles because of the Cell processor. If this is the case, do most games perform better on the 360? I know the 360 also has achievements. I used to be a huge achievement hunter but now I could really care less for them, at times I think they're annoying. Highly debatable though. I've just heard some games like Call of Duty has a lower frame rate on the PS3 and some of the graphics are worse.

What do you do?
Everybody buys for 360 because most people are achievement whores. Be honest, that's why. Oh, and to play online.
Now I have actually heard Sony has troubles porting over 3rd party titles because of the Cell processor. If this is the case, do most games perform better on the 360? I know the 360 also has achievements. I used to be a huge achievement hunter but now I could really care less for them, at times I think they're annoying. Highly debatable though. I've just heard some games like Call of Duty has a lower frame rate on the PS3 and some of the graphics are worse.
Most games are developed for the PC/360 because they are extremely similar technology wise, so designing a game is essentially the same on both. Some companies like Valve don't developed for the PS3 because they don't like it. It's funny though because the PS2 was difficult to program for also but companies did it because it was the most popular system. So to answer your question, yes it's harder to make a PS3 game and that's why performance is not as good even though it's a more powerful system, because nobody takes the development time to fully utilize it. But games like Metal Gear Solid 4 show what it's capable of, and so will God of War III. But it's a tender spot for me so I'm going to end it here. There's way to many 360 fanbois in this area and it's really annoying.
360, mostly because of the organized internet. Easier to play with friends. I bought the PS3 mainly for exclusive titles and Blu Ray.
My original intention of a PS3 was a bluray player, exclusive titles, and MGS4. :)

Thought I ended up selling my Xbox, I had a PS3-only for about 7-8 months. It's a shame with the 3rd party titles, I really do like the PS3 better then the 360, but I am no means a sony fan-boi, I've just always enjoy'd the Playstation platforms.

But I really do hate achievements sometimes, sometimes I've thought about making a new gamertag just so I can start fresh and not have as many games on my profile list with 10 out of 1000 points and 0 out of 1000 points (used to work at a video store, enough said.) .. But the fact that games perform better on the 360 really throw me into a bind with those two factors, since I do like better performance.
But I really do hate achievements sometimes, sometimes I've thought about making a new gamertag just so I can start fresh and not have as many games on my profile list with 10 out of 1000 points and 0 out of 1000 points.

You can delete them from your game list now.
I have both and have learned to always buy the 360 version on games that are made for both. In my experience (experimenting with Gamefly rentals) if there is any difference at all...the 360 version will either run or look slightly better. There are PS3 games that are just as good looking/performing as anything on the 360 but they are usually first party or exclusives...companies that go multi-platform usually don't have the resources (or incentive) to optimize for the PS3 which is apparently much harder to program for.
i switch back and fourth except for exclusives obviously but if a game comes out on both systems and its a game i want to play, so if i bought a game for my 360 last month i buy the next one for my PS3, because how a game feels and looks on a console i think is completely subjective. everyone will have a different opinion especially if they tend to like one over the other already.
I sold my 360 prior to getting my PS 3 but I would definiatly play the 360 version... Better gamepad and also better graphics.

the reason "PS 3" is more harder to develope for. You have to translate this it´s because it has a weaker GPU so it´s harder to make it look as good as the 360 version which is what they try to achieve...PS 3 also have extremely poor support for antialising obviously.
I sold my 360 prior to getting my PS 3 but I would definiatly play the 360 version... Better gamepad and also better graphics.

the reason "PS 3" is more harder to develope for. You have to translate this it´s because it has a weaker GPU so it´s harder to make it look as good as the 360 version which is what they try to achieve...PS 3 also have extremely poor support for antialising obviously.

I really don't think the GPU has anything to do with it. It's the cell processor.

MGS4 is proof that the PS3 has plenty of power.
Mostly 360. They tend to be a bit more stable fps wise, better gamepad for shooters and Live is so much better than PSN. I use my PS3 for ps3 only games and blu-ray movies. Though I did just order Burnout Paradise on PS3 because I heard it was the lead platform rather than the 360 version.

One thing to mention though is the PS3 is vastly superior in the D pad dept. So if you don't plan on picking up a joystick I'd go PS3 for fighters. This doesn't mean jack post Street Fighter 4 though since they are putting out Sega Saturn style gamepads for both the 360 and ps3.
xbox360 for multiplatform games:

-XBL and Friends
-Some multiplatform games run/look a little better or have exclusive DLC
-Gamers use mics

XBL is the only real reason though. It's much easier to join games with friends and keep track of them through xbl. This also leads to having more friends on xbl.

I pretty much only use my PS3 for exclusives and a Blu--ray player.
If its got trophies then ps3, if its multiplatform including the pc ill get the ps3 version, blitz it get the trophies sell it and then get the pc version (ie cod5), if its just on the ps3 and 360 ill get the ps3 version as all my friends have one (ie Playstation Home, online gaming for free!) if its a really bad port on the ps3 ill get the 360 version, (cant think of any real bad ports though recently). Obviously the exclusives i get on that particular platform (ie Gears 2/resistance 2). If its a multiplatform downloadable game ill get the ps3 version. if its only on pc and 360 ill get the pc version everytime.
xbox360 for multiplatform games:

-XBL and Friends
-Some multiplatform games run/look a little better or have exclusive DLC
-Gamers use mics

XBL is the only real reason though. It's much easier to join games with friends and keep track of them through xbl. This also leads to having more friends on xbl.

I pretty much only use my PS3 for exclusives and a Blu--ray player.

Same here except that I normally turn the mic off when playing online because most of the kids on there are annoying little shits. :rolleyes:

I did however get Valkyria Chronicles for my PS3 and looking forward to playing it. That brings my total game count to: Xbox 360: 44 / PS3: 2 :p
I go for my PC first, then PS3 unless the game is drastically inferior compared to the 360 version. I like the peace of mind in regards to its reliabliity. It's quieter and is not the eye-sore a white 360 is when grouped with the rest of my electronic goodies.
My 360 is actually packed in a box in my closest. I pull it out only when I need it (which is seldom - I really should sell it)
My 360 is actually packed in a box in my closest. I pull it out only when I need it (which is seldom - I really should sell it)
Yup, you probably should. But then I can't really understand why someone would have it packed away due to looks... in my opinion it's the best looking console this gen, especially if you skin it.
Go for 360 unless they are exclusives.

Think my total count now is 360 = 24 games / ps3 = 5

I like the PS3 but overall the 360 has more depth and my non gamer friends prefer the 360 controllers over the ps3 ones for some reason.
Yup, you probably should. But then I can't really understand why someone would have it packed away due to looks... in my opinion it's the best looking console this gen, especially if you skin it.

Black Yamaha receiver, black cable box, black TV, black PS3, cocoa wood entertainment center. A white 360 doesn't look right with the rest of my stuff.
The design IS nice, but the color doesn't work well for me.
Call of Duty - PC
Assassins Creed - Rented for PS3
Fallout 3 - PC
Madden 09 - Don't like sports games.
GTA4 - PS3, I preferred the soft look and install.

I don't like FPS on consoles typically. I make exceptions for FPS designed specifically for the console, like Resistance. Co-op is also a reason I'll prefer a console purchase. Same goes for RTS.

Before the NXE, I always preferred the PS3 to the 360. Now it's pretty even. I typically don't care about achievements or trophies, but every so often I see one that I think would be fun to go for. I only own two multi platform console games: Rainbow Six Vegas 2 and Armored Core 4. Both are for PS3.

As for the controller argument, I think both controllers are flawed in different ways. I strongly dislike the 360's positioning of the analog sticks compared to the PS3's. However, I also strongly dislike the PS3's triggers. Neither really hurts my hands, even over long periods of use.
I have a few multi-platform games, most are for 360 because I prefer the controller. Lately I have been trying to space them out a bit though, bought Madden for 360 but NHL for PS3. I'll probably continue to do that in the future since it's not good to have all your eggs in one basket.
For me, it just depends on the game.
For games that require aiming, I definitely prefer the 360's analog sticks. They seem to be less jumpy, plus I like that they're concave.
For action/adventure games like Assassin's Creed or GTA4 - I just get the one that reviews best. If the review scores are the same, I just look for the cheaper one or the one my other friends have.
For anything that can possibly use a d-pad, the PS3 is the only way to go. Using the analog stick as a poor man's d-pad is no fun.
For sports, I tend to like the PS3's pad better, too. On the 360's football games, they remapped the control scheme a bit, so I just like the PS3's "classic" scheme of using X for everything.
For driving, I tend to like the 360's analog just because of the concave tips. More comfort when precision is a must.
Black Yamaha receiver, black cable box, black TV, black PS3, cocoa wood entertainment center. A white 360 doesn't look right with the rest of my stuff.
The design IS nice, but the color doesn't work well for me.

Sell it and put it towards an elite;)
When a game comes out for both systems, such as Call of Duty, or games like Assassins Creed or Fallout 3, which do you buy for?

The games listed are just examples.

Reason being is I've always had a PS3, I've had a Xbox 360 on and off from time to time, two 360's have RROD'd on me, one which was an elite, at that time I took a break and got kind of fed up.

I just recently got my 360 back, and I have right now, just exclusives for the system. I have some games for the PS3 that are out on both systems. Call of Duty: World at War, Fallout 3, Madden 09, FEAR, and a few others.

Now I have actually heard Sony has troubles porting over 3rd party titles because of the Cell processor. If this is the case, do most games perform better on the 360? I know the 360 also has achievements. I used to be a huge achievement hunter but now I could really care less for them, at times I think they're annoying. Highly debatable though. I've just heard some games like Call of Duty has a lower frame rate on the PS3 and some of the graphics are worse.

What do you do?

I mostly buy on PS3 because it doesn't have such a high chance of dying on me as the 360, but some games like Fallout 3 and COD5 I have on both systems. I also will get a game on 360 rather than PS3 if it's actually better on 360 (Fallout 3 is the only one that comes to mind due to DLC but I have that on both anyways).
360, mostly because of the organized internet. Easier to play with friends.

this is such FUD it's not even funny.

the only reason it's better for playing with friends is because it's been out longer and more people own an xbox360.

with PS HOME coming out very soon, this holiday season is the real ground floor for the PSN.
this is such FUD it's not even funny.

the only reason it's better for playing with friends is because it's been out longer and more people own an xbox360.

with PS HOME coming out very soon, this holiday season is the real ground floor for the PSN.

Doesn't mean the original comment wasn't less true. I doubt HOME will do much but further the "online gay nightclub" scene. :p I haven't even bothered using my HOME beta code yet. *shrug*
this is such FUD it's not even funny.

the only reason it's better for playing with friends is because it's been out longer and more people own an xbox360.

with PS HOME coming out very soon, this holiday season is the real ground floor for the PSN.

So you call his comments FUD, and then proceed to give a reason for why it's actually not FUD, considering that it is probably true for A LOT of people?! :confused:
Black Yamaha receiver, black cable box, black TV, black PS3, cocoa wood entertainment center. A white 360 doesn't look right with the rest of my stuff.
The design IS nice, but the color doesn't work well for me.
Aye, in your case skinning + faceplate is the right move... or getting an elite (I did the latter).
Black Yamaha receiver, black cable box, black TV, black PS3, cocoa wood entertainment center. A white 360 doesn't look right with the rest of my stuff.
The design IS nice, but the color doesn't work well for me.

You based your purchase on the colour of the console? :confused:

Gamespot also did a 360 vs PS3 graphics comparison, and the 360 games wound up looking slightly better in many cases.
You based your purchase on the colour of the console?
He has the console... he just doesn't like it playing with the other stuff he has. :)

I don't blame him either, I never have, and never will buy a white console. When I've had no choice in the past I've always gone with custom enclosures (Hey, aesthetics matter to some of us!).
It's going to be _exceedingly_ rare for the rest of your home theater setup to be slick glossy black like your receiver (and possibly TV). I mean, add a TiVo HD or a Wii, and you're already screwed on that front.
All of my AV gear is black... and that's the reason the Wii wont be joining the party until they release the black version they originally showed me. :( (Or I go for a custom case, but right now there isn't enough on the Wii I want to make it worth the extra expense)

Glossy / matt black doesn't really matter to me. I can deal with silver if I have to... but white? No way.
Glossy / matt black doesn't really matter to me. I can deal with silver if I have to... but white? No way.
You do realize that:
1. You can buy black faceplates for the 360.
2. You can buy an Elite, which is entirely black.
i agree with most, if the hardware isnt black its gets hidden!! Black Rules!! (erm thats not a racist comment btw!!)
I buy the PS3 version simply because I do not want to use my 360 too much in fear of the RROD.
PS3 (roommates) for Sony exclusives and Blu Ray, everything else is always 360.