4870 Fan Speeds - Where is yours?

I run 45% on my 4870x2. Idles at 44, peaks at 75. Not too loud, but my case muffles noise pretty well
50 percent here. 39C idle, ~52C load. I got like 7 fans in my system hehe, 50 percent blends in with them
I keep mine at 35% on idle and it stays at about 60C-65C

For gaming I crank it up to 75% and it usually doesn't go above 80C. It's so loud that I can hear it from downstairs, but my headset really dampens the noise and I never hear it when gaming.
Which card do you own? Cards with the stock reference cooler or card with the stock dual fans? I've used both and my 4870 with dual stock fans runs 51-55c auto which is 29% very quite compared to stock reference but my 4870's in CF run about 60-61c When using the 4870 with reference cooler ran fan at 35% to get 52-55c which IMO wasn't that bad.
35% which is right in line with the sound of my system.

Idle between 52-57 and load 64-69 or so.
30-35% depending on how hot my office is. Temps are usually mid 50s idle and low 70s at load. After 35% it's just way too loud.
40%, except while gaming then 80%. I wear circumaural headphones while gaming, so I don't notice the noise my 4870 with reference cooling puts out.
4870X2. 27% idle 51 celsius, load and game rivatuner auto fan, never goes over 35-40%, 70 celsius max. :)
Keep mine at 33% all the time, rarely gets hot.

<3 antec 900 case :)
Two profiles:

Normal use at 35%
Games at 45%

Games rarely exceed 65C and idle is 38-39C :D

You ain't heard loud. Try an 8800 GT at 100% sometime............Jack Bauer would crack after a hour or so.:eek::eek:
I leave it at 35% desktop (while running F@H), and 50% when I play a game.