Mirror's Edge


Nov 15, 2005
Funny how everyone is playing Fallout 3 and Farcry 2 and forgot about this game. I played the demo on PS3, I can see potential in this game. All the movements feel very natural, even though it is hard to control using a controller, but I really liked to little integration with sixaxis. I am getting this for PC due to superior control and graphic (720p is not HD, really...).
Looking at picking this one up as well, I'm still debating on what system. Not really feeling the pull of the PC on this one, so it'll likely be one of the two consoles, just need to figure out which one I like the controls on more.
Yeah, this one came as a surprise to me. Downloaded it on Xbox Live and it was really fun. It's odd since basically all you're doing is running away, but the way its handled makes it feel pretty slick.
After playing the demo I have a feeling the game might be short. But it is still a fun game.
Looked interesting, but I think the only game I would be playing is making it to the toilet before it's too late.
Looked interesting, but I think the only game I would be playing is making it to the toilet before it's too late.

i dont get it.

dl'd demon on xbox live, feels really fluid, just a bit to get used to. on a 2nd run-thru of the demo, it feels much better. i was hoping it'd get released for pc and was wondering if i could use my xbox 360 controller on the pc to play this?
i dont get it.

dl'd demon on xbox live, feels really fluid, just a bit to get used to. on a 2nd run-thru of the demo, it feels much better. i was hoping it'd get released for pc and was wondering if i could use my xbox 360 controller on the pc to play this?

You know, Pray to the porcelain goddess from the motion sickness this game is very likely to cause? :D
Remember kids, rest 15 minutes for each hour of play, or else... =)
This does look good, my primary concern is that the levels aren't sprawling and supposedly very linear but with slightly different routes. If it's short in addition to that, it's probably going to have little replay value and end up burning through it quite fast.

Still it looks fun, I'll most likely pick up a copy on the PC, we need to reward EA for new IP design otherwise they're never going to stop remaking the same shit over and over.
I still think this game would've been better in 3rd person view. That would also solve all the motion sickness problems.
I still think this game would've been better in 3rd person view. That would also solve all the motion sickness problems.

Same here. I'd pick it up without hesitation if it were 3rd person. However, I have a tough time with first person games and it just doesn't seem to work for me.

The demo was fun, and I finished it, but I don't think I could go though a whole game of it. When it drops to $20ish, I might consider it, but not at $60.
I thought the demo was pretty good, I wasn't even considering getting this one, some of the controls seem kind of complicated like running off walls having to tap L1,R1,L1 on the fly and disarming weapons. Think I may wait for a sale to pick this one up.
Can't get used to the controls.

I hate multiple actions on same buttons.

Will pass this one.
Everything seemed to flow pretty naturally for me...controls, movement, etc. When you get some speed up and start chaining some moves together, it can actually be rather exhilarating! I enjoyed the XBL and, at the very least, look forward to renting it!
Loved the demo and I'll be picking it up. Felt like a nice change from the ordinary and the control scheme fits well once you get use to it, feels natural.
Loved the demo and I'll be picking it up. Felt like a nice change from the ordinary and the control scheme fits well once you get use to it, feels natural.

THe controls did feel clunky at first, but once you got the hang of them they were alright. Timing is everything in the game. The only thing I didn't like was the "slow-motion" effect, which feels pretty tacked on.
The controls for moving are great. The only thing that took me some time is learning the disarm controls. I loved the demo, but I too fear the full game will be quite short. The time trials and inevitable DLC should keep it fun though.
haha.. sorry, I feel bad for people who get motion sickness from games.. I've NEVER had that problem.. thank god, so I can fully enjoy everything without running to the bathroom.. (wimps lol :p )

People who play in the dark, and people who play on larger screens are more susceptible to it. I usually keep my lights on, and play on a 24" monitor... so I've been safe thus far :D
People who play in the dark, and people who play on larger screens are more susceptible to it. I usually keep my lights on, and play on a 24" monitor... so I've been safe thus far :D

I play in the dark when possible. Or with a light on that won't glare on my screen.
People who play in the dark, and people who play on larger screens are more susceptible to it. I usually keep my lights on, and play on a 24" monitor... so I've been safe thus far :D

I've found this to be true too
I've found this to be true too

I guess you guys don't play dark games then huh. If I try to play a dark game in the day with glare and shit, I just about want to break something. So I avoid it.

I don't get motion sickness either.
I guess you guys don't play dark games then huh. If I try to play a dark game in the day with glare and shit, I just about want to break something. So I avoid it.

I don't get motion sickness either.

I have indirect lighting behind my monitor and it helps a lot. When playing something like FEAR or even back to the days of AVP sure I want things to be as dark as possible. I have found for myself I get more motion sickness if there the room has no light source. So now I have a very mild light in the room, above and beyond case lightning
Forgot about this game - when is it coming out for pc? is there already a pc demo? me-wants!!

+1 for blessed with no motion-sickness problems at all. i play for hours at a time in the dark on either a 24" lcd or our 150" projector wall, and haven't had any motion sickness at all. on the projector-wall, when sitting very close and watching someone else play, i have gotten headaches if they twitched around a lot, but smoother movements were pretty easy to follow - still nothing like the nauseating efect some people have described.
Funny how everyone is playing Fallout 3 and Farcry 2 and forgot about this game. I played the demo on PS3, I can see potential in this game. All the movements feel very natural, even though it is hard to control using a controller, but I really liked to little integration with sixaxis. I am getting this for PC due to superior control and graphic (720p is not HD, really...).

LOL. 720P makes me puke. I'm playing resistance 2 on my new sammy and I'm thinking man, this looks like ass! Mark of a spoiled man I guess.

On topic, Mirror's Edge looks awesome. It's new, fresh, innovative. It's has incredible art design. I hope it plays well. From what I've read, there are multiple paths depending on skill level. Sign me up!
Even though my hand/eye coordination is good enough for me to be decent at fps......I hit a snag in the demo where you have to jump/wallrun/jump and couldn't do it with about 5-6 tries. This may be a rental in a couple months...too many good games dropping right now for me work on training my reflexes.
Even though my hand/eye coordination is good enough for me to be decent at fps......I hit a snag in the demo where you have to jump/wallrun/jump and couldn't do it with about 5-6 tries. This may be a rental in a couple months...too many good games dropping right now for me work on training my reflexes.

Are you talking about where you had to wallrun and do a spin jump to catch the platform opposite the wall?

When you're following the other girl
on 360 anyway, you just have to time your LB-RB-LB out right...it's a pretty quick 1-2-3 motion.
Funny how everyone is playing Fallout 3 and Farcry 2 and forgot about this game.

I haven't forgot about this game. I can't wait for it to be released. Fallout 3's been eating up all my time, but I will gladly take a breather from it for some first person free running action.

I still think this game would've been better in 3rd person view. That would also solve all the motion sickness problems.

But then it would just be a Prince of Persia game in a modern setting. The first person is what makes it stand out.

I have heard some complaints that people felt "confined" by the first person perspective. This didn't make sense to me at first, since these same people play lots of first person shooters. Then I realized that Mirror's Edge requires a much greater awareness of where you are and how far away from things you are. The lack of "peripheral vision" in this game makes that a little harder. However, I was able to get through the demo twice and loved it, so I guess I unconsciously adjusted or it just didn't bother me.
My experience with this demo can be summarized in a single word:


Once the novelty wears off, which it did for me inside the demo, it was just meh.
Hyped up as Spore, just as mediocre. Will save my money.
Once the novelty wears off, which it did for me inside the demo, it was just meh.
Hyped up as Spore, just as mediocre. Will save my money.

I don't think it's over hyped at all, in fact it's received little to no hyp (imo). The game delivers so far. I found it very enjoyable and might pick it up.

If you thought the game was boring, that doesn't make it bad, just means it's not something that interests you, and that's okay.
I played the demo on PS3 and thought it was pretty neat. I own ZERO First Person Shooters on consoles because of my complete inability to use the thumbstick, but I did pretty good with this game. I may pick it up.
I think the demo was fun, but that's just one of many opinions ......

I'm looking forward to the full game!! :) :)
Loved the demo and this game looks solid just from the demo... I hope this actual release is really worth the money. I honestly don't see myself being able to play this keyboard and mouse, will gladly buy this for my RRoD'ed 360.
Downloaded the demo last night and really got a kick out of it. I don't know if there's any other game out there like it, but I really got the 'new' feeling playing this game. Like I did when Quake came out, and Super Mario 64.

I LOVED the game world, it's just beautiful and well modeled. It also has amazing graphics.

My only real complaint is that I had a hard time wrapping my head around the controls. Especially when it came to fighting. Maybe because in the demo they really avoided it, but every time I was put in a combat situation it really came down to me just blindly pressing buttons.

Still seems like an A+ game. I probably won't be able to afford to buy it, but will DEFINITELY be renting it ASAP.