Final Fantasy XIII - March 9, 2010

dragonball is too old for most narutards to know about

While that is very true...there would be no Naruto without it. The creators of Naruto are DB fans, hence the color palettes and character designs...just some trivia :)

Anyways, I'm looking forward to a new FF, and FINALLY out for this generation of systems.
if you like Final Fantasy, you probably like Naruto

Damn that explains everything, I always wondered why I liked both Final Fantasy and Naruto but now that I know there is a direct connection with the two it clears everything up.

I am ignorant in the ways connecting unrelated things to each other so could you help me out with your profound wisdom.

I like Persona that why I like Darker than Black?

I like dragon quest ....... is that why I like One Peace?

I Don't like Halo ........ is that why I don't like Lord of the rings?

So this is what enlightenment feels like.
I don't like star wars, star trek, lord of the rings or harry potter.... is that why I don't like bet middler or Barbara Streisand?

j/k (except it's true I don't like any of them)
I don't like star wars, star trek, lord of the rings or harry potter.... is that why I don't like bet middler or Barbara Streisand?

j/k (except it's true I don't like any of them)

You sir are a special kind of geek to not like Star Wars, Star Trek, LOTR, Harry Potter or Streisand.

Totally understand the haterade on Middler noone likes her.

On Topic:
I'm looking forward to this game. I bought a PS3 way back in the day partly because I thought it was going to be exclusive on that system. Whoops! Anyhow I'm hopeing the story is there, and its not just a bunch of eyecandy.
what really bothers me about these new Final Fantasy games is the severe lack of fantasy.

i mean FF2(US)/FF3(US) for a 16bit game you had 10+ characters loads of myth and legend type stuff, mages/paladins/knights/bards/kings/ninjas etc. now its futuristic ninja/gunslingers with the only fanstasy related aspect being you can summon ifrit or bahamut,

FF7 is an amazing game that breached the lines of fantasy and future. but they havent been able to recreate that feeling again. they keep trying with these random storylines ff8/10. ff9/12 kind of brought it back the fantasy but didnt feel the same.

idk i miss the old rpgs of snes and wish they could recreate some of them, lagoon, secret of mana, chronotrigger/cross. secret of evermore,

really the best rpg's ive played in recent times was lost oddysey and last remnant. even though last remnant was obnoxiously long. (even with trainer, 25 teammates on battlefield and and stats maxxed shit took forever)

right now Dragon age is my crack, but its in a different catagory of rpg so i wont go there
if you like Final Fantasy, you probably like Naruto

Statements like this boggle my mind, Naruto is the farthest thing away from Final Fantasy that there is

personally I drew a lot of flack from my hardcore gaming friends by proclaiming that FFX was the best game in the series, not only that, but I said that FF Tactics was 2nd best, above 6 and 7

they labeled me a heretic for my beliefs.
Statements like this boggle my mind, Naruto is the farthest thing away from Final Fantasy that there is

personally I drew a lot of flack from my hardcore gaming friends by proclaiming that FFX was the best game in the series, not only that, but I said that FF Tactics was 2nd best, above 6 and 7

they labeled me a heretic for my beliefs.

Heretic, burn him, burn him !! :)
Loved 7,8,10. Never played 12 but from what friends have said I would probably like it.

Ive been keeping tabs on 13 for quite some time now and am definitely glad it's almost time. Versus 13 is going to be better so far I'm thinking.
I just want them to make a jazzed up visual version of FF8 but I guess its never gonna happen....
2 and 3 were my favorites, and 3 was definitely the best of any of the series (American Counting).
I actually don't know if this is a day 1 buy for me. I was so hyped for it a year ago.

I'm really sick of developers showing us products so far in advance. Develop the game, get it out there, 3-6 months before release, and people will be excited. For example, if right now was the first time I was hearing about and seeing footage of FF13, I'd have the same excitement I had over a year ago.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who thinks that way. I know games take longer to develop now, but marketing divisions of certain companies really need to learn to adapt.

Statements like this boggle my mind, Naruto is the farthest thing away from Final Fantasy that there is

personally I drew a lot of flack from my hardcore gaming friends by proclaiming that FFX was the best game in the series, not only that, but I said that FF Tactics was 2nd best, above 6 and 7

they labeled me a heretic for my beliefs.

Well you're close, but FF Tactics is #1, above 6, 7, and 10. ;)
March 9, 2010, English version or JAP only ?

English version. jap version comes out next month. i also believe that GT5 has been delayed because of this game.

They dont want to release both GT5 and this game in the same month.
Neato - this game is coming out on my B-Day next year!

...too bad I'm not into FF at all... :(
I would also rank tactics above most others, but don't typically see it as part of the main series. But yeah, totally awesome game/story, not sci-fi at all if I recall, and challenging gameplay. The thing I started to dislike about FF was that it was getting way too easy, and battles fealt like annoying chores between story points (and the fact that I hated the story lines/characters in 8 & 10)

Anyways, Yes I totally agree on the trend to show games WAY too far in advance. I remember seeing FF6 ONCE in a magazine, then buying it a couple weeks later. I thought that must have allot to do with it, but I never saw much at all of FF8, 10 or 12 until playing them, and thought they sucked. To be fair, I only beat 8 and 10, only played the demo for 12, so 12 might have a chance to redeem itself.
FF13 will get me to purchase a PS3 Slim...that and the inevitable Kingdom Hearts 3.

I do agree with some of the sentiment in previous posts that the stories are sometimes not as good as they need to be. I also agree with the games being too easy now, then again maybe we're just better gamers then we were all those years ago. ;)

I remember the original Final Fantasy, not the updated versions on DS or PS1. If Chaos wanted to kill you he would do it no matter what your level was.

FF3 (FF6), FF7, and FF8 have the best storylines out of all of them in my opinion with FF7 topping the three of those. You actually wanted to see how the story progressed because you actually cared.

FFX was a very good game (sphere grid is best upgrade system for an FF RPG to date, Junction from FF8 and Materia from FF7 are close seconds) but the story was a tad boring compared to the other three I just listed. The whole revelation about Sin was underwhelming as well. Plus the ending was stupid.

FFX-2 was good for a goof but it wasn't remotely anything special. Once you got the Dark Knight sphere the game was ridiculously easy.

FF9 was pretty meh and FF12 was just a single player FFXI online. The story in FF12 was incredibly boring. No story to anybody. I didn't mind the battle system in FF12 especially since I did play FFXI for nearly three years.

I do hope FF13 is really hard though. I want Square to really ramp up the difficulty. I want to die at the hands of bosses once in awhile. Make it a challenge. Force us to build a good solid strategy for winning other then grinding a few levels. Currently if you level up 5-6 times every time you enter a new area you are more then strong enough to dominate everything in your path. By the time you're done with that part of the story you've added 10-15 levels.
Ill give it a shot.. did not play 12 and 11 sucked. 10 was great.. 9 was good.. 8 was ok (like the summons) 7 was awesome.. 6 was amazing and tactics is the best in the series.
I don't have my hopes up for this game. Got my hopes up for XII and didn't like it in the slightest.

The Migration between action and RPG should be saved for other games IMO and hopefully they stick to the classic RPG elements with a great story. I have no problem with it being cliche as long as its a well done cliche.

aside from FF2 and FF X-2 all the games have been well done to the point which each could be argued to be the best.

FFT shouldn't be compared to the rest of the games because it is a different style of game completely (which they need NEED another SRPG final fantasy). That game was near perfect the only flaw being too few playable characters and near the end of the game you get too many holy knight types making all your other characters ride the bench.
FFX was a very good game (sphere grid is best upgrade system for an FF RPG to date, Junction from FF8 and Materia from FF7 are close seconds) but the story was a tad boring compared to the other three I just listed. The whole revelation about Sin was underwhelming as well. Plus the ending was stupid.

I liked the FF6 Espers system in terms of how it fit into the lore. Espers being magical beings (aka the classical Summons) that upon death can share their power (spells) with you and allow you to summon them in battle. The Materia system is great too gameplay-wise but doesn't quite explain why Fire Materias grant you with Fire etc.
I liked the FF6 Espers system in terms of how it fit into the lore. Espers being magical beings (aka the classical Summons) that upon death can share their power (spells) with you and allow you to summon them in battle. The Materia system is great too gameplay-wise but doesn't quite explain why Fire Materias grant you with Fire etc.

I'm fairly certain materia was explained as having knowledge from the 'Ancients' stored inside from concentrated/condensed Mako/Lifestream. Of course its not as neat as the FF6 system lore-wise but it still fits.
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Insert likely-to-inevitable "Will it outsell Modern Warfare 2?" subthread here...

I'm going to go with no but we'll see. To be honest, I haven't liked a JRPG in a very long time. The last Final Fantasy game (12?) literally bored me to tears and I ended up just giving it away. Here's to hoping this new one is better.
Cant wait. This will be the first Final Fantasy I will have played since FF7. :cool:
Am I the only one who loved FFIX? I would suck a million dicks for SE to make a next-gen FFIX.