Are you going i7 or not?

Going i7 or no

  • You betcha I am

    Votes: 121 38.1%
  • Nope, my s775 system is just fine or other system is just fine.

    Votes: 102 32.1%
  • Nope, going AM3

    Votes: 15 4.7%
  • I'll wait for the next round of Intel/AMD stuff.

    Votes: 80 25.2%

  • Total voters
Apr 7, 2009
Well I'd like to know who is going to skip i7 or who is going to/ has got an i7 system.

Personally, I just traded my Lian Li PC-V2000 for an i7 920 but I am selling it ASAP when it comes from the guy so I'm not going i7 this time... I see no real life performance gain. Right now I have a q9550 (c1 :mad: stepping yuck) at 3.7 ghz so I mean an i7 would just be a waste for me.

I do no benchmarks or anything, so to me I am going to skip this round Intel.. Maybe I'll slap together an AM3 rig.
If motherboard prices weren't as high as they were, I might actually consider it. But even then nothing I've got would justify the expense over my current rig...maybe if I was running Photoshop CS4, or anything at 2560x1600...
When mobo and CPU prices drop, then maybe. I'm pretty happy with my current setup.
Already did, but had to sell it. Im gonna try and get a D0 920 based gaming rig if I ever get some spare cash.
i think im just going to wait for newer stuff after the i7. running an E8400, 8gb ram...and i can just get a quad later on if need be but for now im good
It should be more like, "do you have enough money to go i7?
Already upgraded to I7, came from a 6400X2 BE and its a night and day difference. The old rig has been downgraded to HTPC use :D
I bought an i7 when they first hit. Paid way too much for the kingston RAM (only thing instock) that I have since replaced. I did get double live seach cashback from newegg and that helped the price a bit.

I use the i7 for my workstation and left my e8400 for my gaming rig. I couldn't be happier with the performance. Running at 3Ghz w/12 GB & RAID 10 it never feels taxed no matter what I throw at it. Win7 just sings on it and everything just works.
maybe when the 32nm stuff arrives and the prices of mobos and DDR3 become dirt cheap I will.
Till then I'm gonna get as much milage with the E6600 which does everything I want it to for my needs.
I just went and picked up the last pieces I actually need to get my i7 PC running yesterday. I somewhat skipped the latter/current 775 chips. I only bought this 5200 a few weeks ago because I wanted a chip that used less power than my P4 640 when I turn my current rig into a server, but now I'm thinking about selling it.

Honestly, there are deals to be had in the i7 arena if you look hard enough. I paid $230 for my mobo, $230 for my CPU, and $40 for my RAM. No, those prices don't match the current 775 prices, but as Just made reference to, the prices are WAY cheaper now than they were. Not to mention the i7 stuff was/is always meant to be the "enthusiast" grade stuff. If you want bargains your gonna have to wait for i5.
really the only poorly priced part now is the motherboard.
Video cards have finally gotten cheap for the power and dd3 has gone way down since I got my i7 in Jan.

with the price of ddr3 right now, I might add another 6gb.
Did my research and decided against it. Bought a PII 720 and ended up with a free 4th core and stable at 3.7Ghz...couldnt be happier...well I could be happier but I dont think Megan Fox is going to fall for me... :)
eh, as much as I want to jump on that train, I'll probably wait for quite a while or possibly the next generation.

DDR3 would be nice, but honestly my q6600 is far from struggling and the minor performance gains just arent worth the $$$ to me at the moment.
Jumped on the bandwagon a few weeks back, and have not regretted it since.
I really want to upgrade my rig to an i7 but due to the current economy situation, I am being conservative with my money.
My overclocked Q9550, Q8200 and (besides heat) X4 9850 systems are fine.

I'll wait for 32nm. DDR3 prices should be more reasonable by then, and hopefully mainstream/2nd generation LGA1366 boards will also be out.
Nope. I upgrade when my existing hardware no longer performs to the subjectively-determined (by me) level I want. I have not yet reached that point.
E5200 @ 3.7 still going strong in all my games.

No need to upgrade, will wait for the next round.
My overclocked Q9550, Q8200 and (besides heat) X4 9850 systems are fine.

I'll wait for 32nm. DDR3 prices should be more reasonable by then, and hopefully mainstream/2nd generation LGA1366 boards will also be out.

Have you looked at DDR3 prices lately? They've plummetted, my once $300+ ram is now less than half of that.

i7 rocks, I'd say pull the trigger.
Have you looked at DDR3 prices lately? They've plummetted, my once $300+ ram is now less than half of that.
And DDR2 is much, much cheaper than that. "Reasonable" to me is near price parity.

I don't expect it to be at giveaway prices (i've pigged out on $15AR 4GB kits), but wide availability of vanilla (in-spec speed and voltage) $30-$40 4GB DDR3-1333MHz kits would tip it for me. That inches closer each month.
Already did. I was upgrading from a S939 / nForce4 system, and I didn't want to buy into older technology.
I pulled the trigger this week after a couple weeks of research. I thought about dumping some money into a new Q9650 and maybe 4 GB of more RAM, but decided it would just be a dead end tech that would not net me much more performance than what I currently have. I received a large refund this year due to my son being born last year, so I upped my monitor to a 3008WFP and my system to i7. Parts should be here Friday. I should be good for another 12-18 months.
I'm happy with my current system; I want to see what Core i5 (or whatever it ends up being) has to offer before I consider the upgrade.
Already did back in February, loving every minute of it !
I have no immediate Core i7 purchase planned. I'm happy with my dual LGA771 setup for the time being.
nope - i gotta pretty sweet 775 setup ( a couple of em ) Next best BIG event for me.
Already did, upgraded from an X6800 - it's been a joy. Many things are much better, especially major multitasking. Glad I did it.