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  1. Y

    Project: SuperCube

    well my brother (Petra) did finish his water cooled cube... but he hasent taken any pictures of it yet... (the water is no longer in a bucket of water lol) :D
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    free land

    how do you know where you land is? it doenst say ANYWHERE on the website... :confused:
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    Project: SuperCube

    this log is getting kinda old
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    Project: SuperCube

    My brother Petra was so worried that the video card might be dead, and he was asking my friend and I if we smelt anything burning lol, and of course the video card is dead when he said that. Iv been telling my brother to try to get all of the soder off of the back of the video card and try to...
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    Project: SuperCube

    As my brother says (Petra) "you never buy any video card off Ebay because most of them dont work" (and no warranty)
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    Show off your best pics!

    I dont see and D100 logos on any of the pictures what are you talking about? :confused:
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    Show off your best pics!

    Dude shes hot! id do her! :D
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    Show off your best pics!

    Im good at poping cherries if you know what I mean :D
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    Show off your best pics!

    Yes it is lol
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    Show off your best pics!

    LOL thats my picture... :D
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    What does this mean in real world terms

    ewww! its a IBM deathstar! THEY ALL SUCK! they all die in like 1 year! :mad:
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    In general, which brand hard drive would you rather buy

    Seagate is the best hard drives out there, period! :D
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    My Maxtor drives head keep resetting

    ill try that diagnostic utility test and see if it makes that noise anymore. :o
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    My Maxtor drives head keep resetting

    Like Seagate! I have a 180 gig Seagate hard drive and it is so quite!!! and they have a 5 year warrenty! but they arnt cheap.
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    My Maxtor drives head keep resetting

    But if you run a diagnostic utility doesnt that delete everything off of your hard drive? :confused:
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    My Maxtor drives head keep resetting

    Ya Maxtor Drive( 80 gig) is less then a year old and every like 2 minutes I can hear my hard drive's head reset and my hole computer slows down for a little while. Are Maxtor drives suppose to do that? Becuase its really annoying listening to my drive make a werid noise every so often. Is...
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    My computers a hard drive killing machine...

    Its not that i need to get data off if it, I just want it to work, because this computer has killed 2 deskstar hard drives in around a year, they both where about a year or 2 old.
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    Xboxlive Halo2 questoin

    Ya I had the same problem too with my 2 mouth free thing, so I just used my friends in his Halo2 box so im not worried :-)
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    Is frys going to be open today at 12:00 for half-life2 today??

    And can't you just download DOD source for FREE!! instead of buying it becuase its a mod?
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    Is frys going to be open today at 12:00 for half-life2 today??

    Ya but at least the people who get the box have the CD's, But the people who didnt buy the CD's have to download Half-life2 on steam again! you can just install it on the CD's if you buy the box!!!! who cares if theres no manuals in the box.
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    Is frys going to be open today at 12:00 for half-life2 today??

    frys wasnt even open for Halo2 at midnight! so thats kinda messed up.
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    Is frys going to be open today at 12:00 for half-life2 today??

    Damn my friend who works at fry's says it isnt going to be open at 12:00! only EB games!
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    Is frys going to be open today at 12:00 for half-life2 today??

    Ya but then you dont get the CD's and the box!
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    My BF1942 CD is scratched :(

    LOL nice one peacetilence thats funny. :D 1200 degrees!!! I can burn right though a CD with my soldering iron witch is like 250 degrees!
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    Is frys going to be open today at 12:00 for half-life2 today??

    Is frys electronics actually going to be open at 12:00 for Half-life2 tonight? :confused: ?
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    My BF1942 CD is scratched :(

    I sent you a Private Message... about where to get another Battlefield 1942 CD
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    Question about returning a apple hard drive.

    (Got the harddrive(60Gig deskstar AKA: Deathstar) when I bot the G4 and its still under Apple care)
  28. Y

    My computers a hard drive killing machine...

    Ya I found the IBM floppy on hitachigst's site and try it out, and on both of my dead drives it says " Error 1/71-Defective drive - Drive is not ready" so I guess there both dead... what do you guys say?
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    Question about returning a apple hard drive.

    It was pluged into my G4 in the external case. Then I took the hard drive out of the case, I formated it to NTFS and put it in my PC. :confused: ?Does that void the warranty? :confused:
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    My computers a hard drive killing machine...

    I dont have a IBM floppy disk, could I like download it somewhere and put it on a floppy?
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    My computers a hard drive killing machine...

    Ya ill try that. ill see if my brother has the IBM floppy.
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    My computers a hard drive killing machine...

    Is it just me or is my computer a hard drive killing machine? because in the past year my computer has killed 2 NTFS PC "deathstars" they both where about 2 years old... is it that the hard drive where too old or was my computer just mad at me and decided to kill them :mad: ?
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    Question about returning a apple hard drive.

    Ok its came out of a G4 its a deathstar or what ever its called(and it "was" in a exsternal case thing), and then I formated it to NTFS and put it in my PC and it died in like 5 weeks while it was in my PC... So if I do have to bring my computer in can I bring my PC? But I perfer to bring in...
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    Do I need new ram if my computer...

    Do you think I should do a windows repair? like pop in my windows XP disk and do a windows repair. one person in another forum told me to do this... will it delete any of my programs on my computer? and will it fix my problem? I allready defraged several times and ran nortorn...
  35. Y

    Whats wrong with my computer? Any one elz have this problem?

    like 19 gigs out of 80. But that shouldnt matter unless i have like 2 gigs left. But iv reformated befor and it still does the "7 second freeze" like when im downloading and web bowsing. I will try the repair thing on my XP install disk and ill give that a try and see if it does it anymore. :o
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    Question about returning a apple hard drive.

    Its a hard drive for god sake... The return policy wouldnt change depending on what type of hard drive it is. :mad:
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    Whats wrong with my computer? Any one elz have this problem?

    But if I do repair my existing windows will it delete anything? will I have to update stuff again? like the service packs or somthing? :confused:
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    Question about returning a apple hard drive.

    Does anyone know what the return policy is!? :mad:
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    Whats wrong with my computer? Any one elz have this problem?

    my computer just crashes when im trying to go to "My computer" everything on the desktop will disappear and in 5 seconds all the icons come back. thats another problem I was having too. But my main problem is when my computer keeps freezing for 7 seconds over and over again, I do have a small...