Do I need new ram if my computer...


Nov 7, 2004
Ya my computers freezes every once in a while. Like when im downloading stuff and web bowsing my computer freezes for about 7 second and then is fine for about 4 second and it keeps repeating this over and over again. Its priddy time consuming when you want to wait 5 minutes just to shut off your computer with out holding the power button. Does anyone know what might be casuing this? the ram? it be nice to have some advice.

System Specs...

1.14GHz AMD Athlon Thunderbird
EPoX EP-8KTA3+ motherboard (VIA KT-133a)
512MB of PC-133 SDRAM
Leadtek GeForce4 Ti4200 (4x AGP/64MB onboard DDR) w/nVidia FW 61.77
80GB 7200RPM Maxtor HDD
Netgear 10/100 PCI Ethernet card
Windows XP Professional w/SP1

(P.S I ran norton,adaware,spybot,and defragmented my hard drive, and ran mem test 9 times and found nothing (that took 6 hours for the mem test) but somtimes my computer keeps doing the "7 second freeze" thats what I call it)
could be hard drive, memory, processor or any number of things. First back up ur things and try a fresh install of windows, if this fixes the problem it was software related. if your computer takes forever to install windows its definately hardware related. try switching components from another computer then powering on and seeing if it runs better. keep switching components til u get an answer. slow and painful way of doing things but at least you will know what is wrong. or you could pay someone but not worth money or learning process
Everything looks fine. I would check that your heatsink is cooling your cpu well, also look inside your case to make sure your fans are working, maybe even do a clean up as computers can get dusty pretty quickly. Maybe even do a driver update for the chipset if you havent already done so and a defrag to top it off. My moms computer also freezes up from time to time. Though considering its a Pentium 2 400mhz, 512mb pc-133 ram, 40gb 7200rpm hd, I'm not surprised.
It sounds to me like it is a software issue and not a hardware issue. Try some OS tweaking guides
To me it also sounds like software cause I had a similar problem in a older PC that I had until I got this program and problem was solve and mind you my pc was not as good as yours in other words less memory and half your processor. Here is the link to the program and you can get it at Staples or Office Max unless you want to buy over the internet. ;)
He aid he already defragmented an d Diskeeper is terrible anyway O&O is much better.
KoolDrew said:
He aid he already defragmented an d Diskeeper is terrible anyway O&O is much better.
Well but at least is better than the Windows defrag. Now where cn Iget that O&O that you are talking about.
Diskeeper is made by the same people who made the Windows defrag. The windows one is basaically a lite version. You can buy O&O places (search google)
Do you think I should do a windows repair? like pop in my windows XP disk and do a windows repair. one person in another forum told me to do this... will it delete any of my programs on my computer? and will it fix my problem?

I allready defraged several times and ran nortorn...