Xboxlive Halo2 questoin


Jun 28, 2004
with halo2 can you do 4 player split screen over xbox live?

i posted this in the other halo topic, figured this would get a better response.
yea you can. They can either go on with you under their XBL account or go on Live with you as a quest.

But yes 4 players can play Halo2 on Xbox Live on the same Xbox
You can. And it's a riot. (more so if you have a larger t.v.). and if you have more than 1 xbox live communicator (ghetto rigged or otherwise)
SWEET. This just made my day, the reason I ask is because I don't own an xbox, but my friend does and he is purchasing Xbox Live today. Ghetto rigged headset? I have a headset for my computer, any way I can rig that up for Xbox live?
MrWoot said:
SWEET. This just made my day, the reason I ask is because I don't own an xbox, but my friend does and he is purchasing Xbox Live today. Ghetto rigged headset? I have a headset for my computer, any way I can rig that up for Xbox live?
Best Buy and others have $10 kits to extend a communicator to a 4-way jack (including the extra three headsets). Pretty good deal.
Hmm I just tried to use my free 2month trail period and it keeps on telling me that the code I entered is invalid (I tried for like an hr using a bounch of different possible numbers/letters so nothing) Im just wondering if anybody else has had this problem? I tried looking on for some support but I couldnt find anything.
DemonDiablo said:
Hmm I just tried to use my free 2month trail period and it keeps on telling me that the code I entered is invalid (I tried for like an hr using a bounch of different possible numbers/letters so nothing) Im just wondering if anybody else has had this problem? I tried looking on for some support but I couldnt find anything.

I had the problem, just had to reread it a bunch of times and fiddle around switching letters and numbers. They're really easy to mix up.
IcedEmotion said:
I had the problem, just had to reread it a bunch of times and fiddle around switching letters and numbers. They're really easy to mix up.

Thanks yea I hate these things honestly they really suck. I guess I'll have to get back to being frustrated for the next hr or so :(
DemonDiablo said:
Hmm I just tried to use my free 2month trail period and it keeps on telling me that the code I entered is invalid (I tried for like an hr using a bounch of different possible numbers/letters so nothing) Im just wondering if anybody else has had this problem? I tried looking on for some support but I couldnt find anything.

Ya I had the same problem too with my 2 mouth free thing, so I just used my friends in his Halo2 box so im not worried :)