Show off your best pics!

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jayjaya29 said:
Awesome man, must be kool to take pictures there. Was it snowing?

Yeah. It was lightly snowing (it's always raining or snowing in Bergen). My girlfriend and i had just finished a walking tour of Bergen, past the fish markets and old battlements (that's where that was taken) given to us by a friend of mine. She actually took that photo.

And for the record I'm not a 'man' ;)




Nice shots, o0moonman0o. I like the borders too. What did you use to make them? I want to put a simple border around the pictures that I like, just white with my name and copyright in the corner.
thx, i made the border in photoshop cuz i custom made the brand logo since i couldn't find one already made on google :/
o0moonman0o: <3 for the d100, it seems no one likes it compared to the D70, not sure why though (I still like it over the D70)
We turned my friend's cottage's kitchen (yes, kitchen) into a nightclub. Here's my feeble attempt to capture the 'rave' experience (crazy newyears party).


So much fun..


Takin a break...


Back to dancin'
hey KevC, what sort of camera did you use for those shots? digital or film? (probably film). What settings?

I still remember when I shot this one using a 4 hour exposure of the North Star and my old canon SLR back in 1987:
Hey jmroberts70,
I was just playing around with those shots. I was using my Canon S230, settings... don't remember much. I don't think there's that many settings though, but exposure time was something like 10-15seconds. That's an awesome shot of the North star though!
KevC said:
Hey jmroberts70,
I was just playing around with those shots. I was using my Canon S230, settings... don't remember much. I don't think there's that many settings though, but exposure time was something like 10-15seconds. That's an awesome shot of the North star though!

wow. I am again humbled by the amazing shots taken with "non-pro" cameras like yours. They look awesome! thanks for the info.
*sigh*, I want shutter control...

Awesome pics tho, the first one with all the blue streaks is amazing.
doh said:
That focus is really messing up my eyes.

Where did you find wild cherries in Rochester?!

There's normal vegetation here, come on, now. And yeah, the focus is a little unpleasant. Still getting to know the camera.
mwarps said:
There's normal vegetation here, come on, now. And yeah, the focus is a little unpleasant. Still getting to know the camera.

What kind of camera?
mwarps said:
There's normal vegetation here, come on, now. And yeah, the focus is a little unpleasant. Still getting to know the camera.

The out of focus background is due to the wide aperature you were using (f/2.8, I assume). In this case, it is kind of blown out (over exposed) due to the hazy, grey sky. If there was a blue sky, or lots of green leaves, it would look quite nice. You could have tried to reframe the shot with perhaps the tree trunk or something.

Impressive bokeh for a digicam.
My sister and brother are my assistants for today =)

All shot with 50mm 1.8 @ F5.0 - 9.0 (iso200 and 400)
Back lighting was provided by a 60watt spot bulb diffused with A4 paper and bluetac (which melted moments later LOL) - The flash was bounced off a piece of A2 canvas board which has one side "foiled" other side white and the finn bounce was used.

Tripod of course so I could hold everything with one hand and shoot with the other - whew it's not easy :S




PS-RagE said:
The out of focus background is due to the wide aperature you were using (f/2.8, I assume). In this case, it is kind of blown out (over exposed) due to the hazy, grey sky. If there was a blue sky, or lots of green leaves, it would look quite nice. You could have tried to reframe the shot with perhaps the tree trunk or something.

Impressive bokeh for a digicam.

Actually, that was f/3.7. I've been trying to get a handle on the overall focus of the camera, but it's difficult in close-up.
Old warehouse at the airport:

Plane taking off:

Note: DO NOT hang around the airport for 2+ hours pointing something at landing planes.

The authorities were NOT happy with me!!!
(and they made me delete the pictures of them:()
Note: DO NOT hang around the airport for 2+ hours pointing something at landing planes.

The authorities were NOT happy with me!!!

On a similar note, do NOT take pictures of squirrels near postal offices and other government buildings on the way to school. I got in trouble for doing that since this town combines the two into one building and feeds squirrels there at lunch directly across from my school. :confused: :(

Tim_axe said:
On a similar note, do NOT take pictures of squirrels near postal offices and other government buildings on the way to school. I got in trouble for doing that since this town combines the two into one building and feeds squirrels there at lunch directly across from my school. :confused: :(


Damn he's cute though!!!!

(and YGPM)

what's the deal with the D100 logos on all of your pictures? They look like company stock shots.
ahaha... sorry cuz sometimes when i post on some forums people keep asking me wat camera i used so i decide to just slap the camera logo on so people don't ask all the time. :D
mdude85 said:

what's the deal with the D100 logos on all of your pictures? They look like company stock shots.

I dont see and D100 logos on any of the pictures what are you talking about? :confused:
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