My computers a hard drive killing machine...


Nov 7, 2004
Is it just me or is my computer a hard drive killing machine? because in the past year my computer has killed 2 NTFS PC "deathstars" they both where about 2 years old... is it that the hard drive where too old or was my computer just mad at me and decided to kill them :mad: ?
So I take it you have the IBM Deskstar, dubbed DeathStar by customers? I had that HD for a while, then a strange noise started, then it crashed and didn't want to POST. Lame. After searching on the net I found out it was the HD. (I have a Western Digital now, no probs).
To fix you DeathStars:
Have that IBM Floppy they gave you? Bot it up, and you have to re-write all the sectors. 0's and 1's. Yay for that. The time it takes Depends on the size of the drive. I use it as a MP3 drive now. It hasn't failed yet again...but I don't use it for much.
I dont have a IBM floppy disk, could I like download it somewhere and put it on a floppy?
Ya I found the IBM floppy on hitachigst's site and try it out, and on both of my dead drives it says " Error 1/71-Defective drive - Drive is not ready" so I guess there both dead... what do you guys say?
I have a desktar from 2 years ago, still works fine. Check your power supply. Also, if your drives moves while the head is spinning, ie the machine gets kicked or it vibrates badly, the drives may die early. As well, make sure youre hooked to a UPS so you aren't getting wierd power fluxes. I know that at my old house the lights would dim when we turned on the vacuum. That is bad for computer components.
yoyo13131 said:
Ya I found the IBM floppy on hitachigst's site and try it out, and on both of my dead drives it says " Error 1/71-Defective drive - Drive is not ready" so I guess there both dead... what do you guys say?

If you can find another drive of the same type that works, you may be able to transfer the circut board from one to the other if you need to recover data off of it.
this may sound a little off topic but how clean is the power your giving your system & or your power supply. I have an office with over 60 unit & this one system killed 3 HD in under 1 year so i replaced the HD, The power supply & the UPS, 6 month still no problems. After seeing the power gird in the building it was at the end of the chain look at maybe a better ups or test your power supply
[Metal]_Ice said:
this may sound a little off topic but how clean is the power your giving your system & or your power supply. I have an office with over 60 unit & this one system killed 3 HD in under 1 year so i replaced the HD, The power supply & the UPS, 6 month still no problems. After seeing the power gird in the building it was at the end of the chain look at maybe a better ups or test your power supply
off topic? I would say you're about as on topic as you could get

the PSU is the first thing I would check
dariob said:
If you can find another drive of the same type that works, you may be able to transfer the circut board from one to the other if you need to recover data off of it.

Its not that i need to get data off if it, I just want it to work, because this computer has killed 2 deskstar hard drives in around a year, they both where about a year or 2 old.
yoyo13131 said:
Its not that i need to get data off if it, I just want it to work, because this computer has killed 2 deskstar hard drives in around a year, they both where about a year or 2 old.

then seriously check the psu and hook up a UPS. The deskstars only had one bad run and you ain't got em. In the meantime, your drives were prolly killed.