Whats wrong with my computer? Any one elz have this problem?


Nov 7, 2004
Ya my computers freezes every once in a while. Like when im downloading stuff and web bowsing my computer freezes for about 7 second and then is fine for about 4 second and it keeps repeating this over and over again. Its priddy time consuming when you want to wait 5 minutes just to shut off your computer with out holding the power button. Does anyone know what might be casuing this? the ram? it be nice to have some advice. ( once it said it needed more virtual memory but I restarted and it was fine.)

System Specs...

1.14GHz AMD Athlon Thunderbird
EPoX EP-8KTA3+ motherboard (VIA KT-133a)
512MB of PC-133 SDRAM
Leadtek GeForce4 Ti4200 (4x AGP/64MB onboard DDR) w/nVidia FW 61.77
80GB 7200RPM Maxtor HDD
Netgear 10/100 PCI Ethernet card
Windows XP Professional w/SP1

(P.S I ran norton,adaware,spybot,and defragmented my hard drive, and ran mem test 9 times and found nothing (that took 6 hours for the mem test) but somtimes my computer keeps doing the "7 second freeze" thats what I call it)
Does your computer behave like this outside of windows? If it is slow in memtest, or another non-windows application then you should swap out your power supply and see if that helps.

If your computer is slow only in windows, I would do a repair install. Boot from your xp cd, choose install windows and then choose to repair the existing windows installation that it identifies.
The Bryophyte said:
Does your computer behave like this outside of windows? If it is slow in memtest, or another non-windows application then you should swap out your power supply and see if that helps.

If your computer is slow only in windows, I would do a repair install. Boot from your xp cd, choose install windows and then choose to repair the existing windows installation that it identifies.

my computer just crashes when im trying to go to "My computer" everything on the desktop will disappear and in 5 seconds all the icons come back. thats another problem I was having too. But my main problem is when my computer keeps freezing for 7 seconds over and over again, I do have a small power supply...
Does your computer behave like this outside of windows? If it is slow in memtest, or another non-windows application then you should swap out your power supply and see if that helps.

If your computer is slow only in windows, I would do a repair install. Boot from your xp cd, choose install windows and then choose to repair the existing windows installation that it identifies.
But if I do repair my existing windows will it delete anything? will I have to update stuff again? like the service packs or somthing? :confused:
It should keep your installed programs intact. There are probably lots of spyware and adware and such, or else useless resource-hogging bloatware installed. If you run through your open processes list and identify each item, and then check add/remove programs for things you don't need, it might help speed it up also. If a repair install doesn't work, a full reinstall for windows would be your best bet.
deadoralive said:
how much space is left on your harddrive?

like 19 gigs out of 80. But that shouldnt matter unless i have like 2 gigs left. But iv reformated befor and it still does the "7 second freeze" like when im downloading and web bowsing. I will try the repair thing on my XP install disk and ill give that a try and see if it does it anymore. :eek: