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  1. X

    Super Mario Bros. Crossover 2.0 Released

    haha nerd! Looks really cool!
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    XFX Radeon HD 6990 Drawing!

    Great warranty and performance from my experience! Much like my Sonata!
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    Rift has lost its shine -- are there any MMOs out there that cater to us explorers?

    I was in the same boat as you. I was always looking for "That Game" that would allow me to truly create a character and let him explore in a dynamic living world and play by my own rules. I think Vanguard was the game that most promised this..and that was sad. If you live near a national...
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    Rift: Planes of Telara... looking good! (MMORPG)

    Haha, I didnt have a torrent app up ( I decided to "go straight" and pay for things after college was over and started making actual money). I am running vista on that machine, so that could be giving me some goblins as well...
  5. X

    Rift: Planes of Telara... looking good! (MMORPG)

    Has anyone else noticed the controls feeling a little sluggish in the game as well? It may have just been lag i had last night, but the controls and movement didnt seem super crisp.
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    Rift: Planes of Telara... looking good! (MMORPG)

    Okay, so upgrading to a new video card would most likely increase my framerate but not necessarily the image quality?
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    Rift: Planes of Telara... looking good! (MMORPG)

    Hey all, So I decided to try Rift last night after hearing the praise in this thread and others and so far my first impression is "so-so". I made a Riftblade/Reaver/Paladin and he is about lvl 6 right now i believe, just left the starting area. I was playing with the sliders a lot during my...
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    It's really sad how collectors/limited editions aren't really special anymore.

    You mention that miss the days when they meant something. What would these CE/LE mean to you?
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    Galaxy Gives it Away!

    Go Galaxy!
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    Neverwinter Nights 2

    NWN2 is more like that older D&D game "Temple of elemental evil". The game is pretty nasty on systems for some reason or another and was pretty much unplayable when it came out because of the older hardware mixed with lots of bugs That being said, the game is REALLY fun! All the quests are...
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    Best bang for the buck?

    Wow, i havent even heard of the E3110 until right now. What a cool chip. Is there anything special i should know about it that differs from Core2Duo? ( I have never owned a Xeon before) Thanks -Miles
  12. X

    Best bang for the buck?

    This has probably been asked a million times on the forums and a good [H] user would just use the search function...but ill ask anyway =) I need to upgrade my aged 4200+. Its been performing decently with my 8800gts 640 but i need a little more juice now a days. SO, my question is: Which...
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    Ugh, strange OS error.

    I recently bought a new hard drive, power supply, and mobo. When I boot the computer up with the Vista Disk in, i get an error "The File is possibly corrupt. The file header checksum does not match the computed checksum". When i place my old hard drive in the computer and try to boot windows (...
  14. X

    Really low 3dmark 06 scores with a 8800gts

    I don't suppose there is a way i can get a new hard drive...install windows on it...delete windows from my old hard drive. Thus bypassing a laborious job of backing up 100gigs of data? Any helpful hints on this manner? I really want to improve my performance but i oh so hate reformatting...
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    Really low 3dmark 06 scores with a 8800gts

    Thanks everyone for your input! Ok, did the driver cleaner business and it helped a bit..the control panel now works (it kept crashing before). So i think it IS my PSU afterall. Its a truepower 2.0 - 430W..that must be it..its the only thing THAT weak in my rig. Thanks again
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    Really low 3dmark 06 scores with a 8800gts

    Nope, not positive. Do they really cause that much of a difference? I always thought it was mostly stability problems that they caused.
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    Really low 3dmark 06 scores with a 8800gts

    Any thoughts on what it could be? Possibly chipset drivers? Anything in BIOS causing conflicts?
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    Really low 3dmark 06 scores with a 8800gts

    I bought a 8800gts (woot!) and threw it in my machine and right away ran 3dmark 06 expecting to nearly double my old score of 3500 with a 7800gt. Sadly, the score i got was a sad 3650. I know i have a weak cpu but come on! Can it be a bottleneck that bad? Im running the demo version of '06...
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    Cant get into advanced 3d options (8800gts)

    lol, will do tonight after lab.
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    Cant get into advanced 3d options (8800gts)

    I can overclock just fine, its the AA,AF settings i want to play with. i want x16 AA! :D
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    Cant get into advanced 3d options (8800gts)

    No i think they did away with that feature with the new 8800 drivers.
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    Cant get into advanced 3d options (8800gts)

    I just picked up a 8800gts today (!!). Came home DL'd the latest nvidia in their new and improved control panel i cannot get into advanced settings (AA,AF,Vsync,etc..). I click on the "Take me there" link and nothing happens. Anyone else having this problem? What can i do to bypass...
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    All 8800GTX cards recalled!

    This is all very exciting! It is "convenient" that the recall was posted hours after Decapitator registered his card...oh how the wonderful world of [H] makes my days more fun! Anyone else getting a real kick out of the past few days? Im loving it! I wasnt going to get a card right away at...
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    $18,000 Video card

    LoL i saw the HIPERWALL last year on a fieldtrip with my computer science class. Thing was a beast! the guy working it said it was running off of a bunch of geforce 20 of them. * i assume you are talking about the Hiperwall at NASA/AMES research center. if not then :confused:
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    Vidcard lull?

    Grats on your cards guys! You are probably the hardcore peeps i was referring to. Be proud =)
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    Vidcard lull?

    I have a feeling that crysis will have "tech-demo syndrome" like Doom3 and will be insanely demanding on our GPU's. But i am thinking that UT2k7 will be a flashy game but very playable on most cards, due to the inherit nature of team FPS games needing high framerates to be successful. CS = hit...
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    Vidcard lull?

    This thread has turned amazing! But honestly, i still have troubles playing my games at 1600x1200 with all the good stuff on. I play BF2,Oblivion,Fear. Should i be able to play those games with AF and AA on?(rig in sig) I just want a piece of awesome hardware that will make all my games...
  28. X

    Vidcard lull?

    Its been a while since anything exciting happened in the vidcard world recently. Last big thing was the 7950 and that was exciting to a few hardcore peeps only ( many people bought them?) I am just waiting for something awesome to end this dry streak. No real point to this thread...
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    Been asked a million times im sure. upgrade? =/

    Does anyone know the supposed date of the G80's release? Im sure it is all mostly speculation now but has anyone heard anything that might lead us to believe anything?
  30. X

    Been asked a million times im sure. upgrade? =/

    Im running a 7800gt with a 4200+x2 and 2 gigs of ram. Im having alot of problems keeping Oblvion within tolerance at 1600x1200 (above 25fps) I would like to have plenty of IQ enabled and a decent clip of about 35fps outside. So my question is: Should i upgrade to a 7950gx2 and be happy? OR...
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    dual 7800gt or one 7900gtx?

    Cool ok thanks Im pretty sure thats what ill be doing but what games dont support SLI? i was under the impression that all newer games support it. I dont really care about getting 400fps in Q3 so thats ok =) I just wanna play Oblivion/Fear 1600 x 1200 while getting 30 fps.
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    dual 7800gt or one 7900gtx?

    Ok thanks! So am i correct in the assumption that 2 7800gt's are ~ to a 7900gtx?
  33. X

    dual 7800gt or one 7900gtx?

    Pretty much as the title suggests...i already have one 7800gt and i want an upgrade to be rockin in Oblivion. I have a 4200+ dual core so i think my proc is pretty much...should i go dual 7800gt for 300bucks or 7900gtx for 500 or so? thanks guys!
  34. X

    X-Fi + Headphone trouble

    Ok, so i just got the X-Fi extreme i dont know where to plug my headphones in...the microphone port in front of my case no longer works...and none of the four holes on the card i destined to go USB for phones now? pls help always do =)
  35. X

    Windows Restarts on startup...(sorry for off topic =( )

    Like i said, sorry for the off-topic, but i really need help..or else im going out the window =). Ok ya...i just built my new system and when it loads up, it goes to the windows screen and the little bar starts going and right when it reaches the end the comp this a common problem...
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    I dont know how to Flash the!(asus a8n-sli deluxe)

    Ok so i have an Asus A8N-Sli deluxe and a amd64 4200+ x2 proc. i made a ms-dos boot disk with bios version 1014 on that all i need to do or do i need to download a flash utility? if so, where do i get one ??
  37. X

    Which brand for a 7800GT

    On newegg they have a: Xfx - $389 eVGA - $409 + free copy of bf2 bfg - $419 Is there much of a difference between these brands besides basic clock speeds? If so which one do you recomend?
  38. X

    Oh no! does a8n deluxe support x2?

    Wow thanks alot, Merc. Ill do that when all my stuff arrives. Dude you rule, that was the best response i could hope for =)
  39. X

    Better performance on an X2?

    I know this maybe should belong in the Motherboard forum, but its kinda related here too. So i got an Asus A8N-SLI deluxe today and now i found out that you need a BIOS update to use an X2 processor. Now im wondering if i should return the Deluxe and go for the Premium instead. Does...
  40. X

    Oh no! does a8n deluxe support x2?

    Cool, is there any difference in performance between the deluxe and premium boards. For example, is it made to run X2's better? or is the deluxe just the same with the BIOS update?