Been asked a million times im sure. upgrade? =/


Aug 21, 2004
Im running a 7800gt with a 4200+x2 and 2 gigs of ram.
Im having alot of problems keeping Oblvion within tolerance at 1600x1200 (above 25fps)
I would like to have plenty of IQ enabled and a decent clip of about 35fps outside.

So my question is:
Should i upgrade to a 7950gx2 and be happy? OR Should i wait till G80 becomes available and be really happy?
Of course i can turn around and sell the 7950 when the g80 hits the shelves and take less of a hit to the ol'wallet.

Thanks in advance guys, you are always helpful.
its really not worth it, just wait till the G80 is out, FSAA + HDR !!!
Does anyone know the supposed date of the G80's release? Im sure it is all mostly speculation now but has anyone heard anything that might lead us to believe anything?
Not worth it. I dunno, maybe if you wipe your ass with dollar bills it is, but speaking as a person with a typical middle class financial situation, I would say negative.
xhuludx said:
Does anyone know the supposed date of the G80's release? Im sure it is all mostly speculation now but has anyone heard anything that might lead us to believe anything?

NV announced a while back that it'll be 2nd half of '06. We'll see it before Christmas.
leSLIe said:
its really not worth it, just wait till the G80 is out, FSAA + HDR !!!

Or just buy an X1800/X1900 - I'm playing with FSAA + HDR right now (well, not RIGHT now, but you know what I mean :p)