Really low 3dmark 06 scores with a 8800gts


Aug 21, 2004
I bought a 8800gts (woot!) and threw it in my machine and right away ran 3dmark 06 expecting to nearly double my old score of 3500 with a 7800gt. Sadly, the score i got was a sad 3650. I know i have a weak cpu but come on! Can it be a bottleneck that bad? Im running the demo version of '06 version 1.02. Are there tweaks people do to the full version or something of that sort?
Thanks in advance!
Definitely something fishy going on there. You should be getting at least 7000-something with that CPU and card I would think.
Any thoughts on what it could be? Possibly chipset drivers? Anything in BIOS causing conflicts?
Format. When ever I do an upgrade like that, I ALWAY FORMAT. Better safe then sorry i say.
newls1 said:
Format. When ever I do an upgrade like that, I ALWAY FORMAT. Better safe then sorry i say.
An upgrade like what ? installing a video card ? hardly a hardcore upgrade.

all it really needs is uninstall old drivers, run driver cleaner pro in safe mode if your lazy and dont want to do it manually and then turn pc off, insert newbie vid card, power on, install drivers, reboot, bobs your uncle...

OP, you sure you got rid of every last trace of your old drivers ?
Nope, not positive. Do they really cause that much of a difference? I always thought it was mostly stability problems that they caused.

I have a 3800x2 that I had a 2.5ghz and I also have a 7950gx2. I hit 8116 in 3dmark06, so surely you got something REALLY wrong. You should at least be hitting 6800-ish or more, I'd think. ;)
yea dude, something is definitely wrong. i get about 4100 with my opty @ 2.25 and stock 7800gt. uninstall old drivers and reinstall the newest drivers from the interweb. ;)
Something not right maybe your PSU can't power the GTX? This is my Core2DUO rig with a overclock 7950GT

My first suspicion would be ur psu. Even my 7800gt was running into power issues with my old 430w. I got a 520w and everything is fine now. And even if ur psu is rated high, it may not be quality and lacking the necessary volts on ur 12v rails. Other then that, reformat or possible try removing ur drivers, cleaning in safe mode using "driver cleaner pro" and reinstalling.
Are you using the drivers that came with the card, or the new 97.02's from the NV website? They seem to be solving a lot of problems for people.
Make sure that you aren't forcing any extra settings (like AA or AF) through your control panel. One time I had gotten a really low 3DMark score, and it was because I had forgotten that I had set 4x AA (instead of "Application Preference") through the control center. Just a thought.
Thanks everyone for your input! Ok, did the driver cleaner business and it helped a bit..the control panel now works (it kept crashing before). So i think it IS my PSU afterall. Its a truepower 2.0 - 430W..that must be it..its the only thing THAT weak in my rig. Thanks again
Ya 430w is not enough. My 520w has the minimum required voltages on the 12v (30A) for a 8800gtx. I don't know the required amps on the GTS but I can guarantee 430w ain't cutting it.
4200 x2
k8ngm2-fid (mATX board)
corsair xms ddr400 2x1gb
enermax liberty 400w

Nothing overclocked currently.
3dmark06 7474

400w psu doesn't seem to be limiting me too much. *shrug*
Guys... power issues don't cause under-performance. They cause stability and post issues.

I would take newls1's advice and perform a fresh install.
Actually, though I agree a power issue is usually more severe then just a performance drop, I have personally witnessed low video rendering performance from it. Obviously he should do a fresh install before spending money, but when I got my 7800gt, during 3dmark runs I would be fine occasionally, yet randomly and 95% of the time during intensive parts my fps should drop to a constant number like 19fps which would be under that I should get and be solid enough to act like a cpu bottleneck (power bottleneck). This would obviously throw my score off (much lower) and fresh installs didn't help. So after dealing with this problem for months I finally got a new psu and the problem was solved.
P.S. Before anyone questions this, it would happen in areas where I would get like 25-30 normally, but all of a sudden its a solid 19 with no flux for a minute or two. And of course the test after the one it happened on would run fine (unless it happened there too).
One problem I ran into was a throttling issue due to the driver, where the card was getting about 25% performance (8800 GTX). I tried re-installing/removing/cleaning drivers, but that didn't work and I actually ended up formatting/re-installing and it did work.

I was getting 5000 in 3dmark06 in SLI and after reformatting I got 12700. There is a driver bug. Not sure if it's your problem, but the bug does exist.
I don't suppose there is a way i can get a new hard drive...install windows on it...delete windows from my old hard drive. Thus bypassing a laborious job of backing up 100gigs of data? Any helpful hints on this manner? I really want to improve my performance but i oh so hate reformatting

Thanks alot
Well I have the same problem...I really wish there was a better way to fix this that I wouldn't have to friggen spend all night reformatting.
I fixed it!!

I uninstalled the drivers, went into safemode and ran driver cleaner, then installed the ones from the installation disc and now thigs are running peachy. 15k in 3d05.