It's really sad how collectors/limited editions aren't really special anymore.


Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 29, 2008
Before, a CE/LE would come out for a high-profile game now and then and it really would be limited, but now it's a joke. Hell, I went to best buy yesterday and they had more copies of the "Collectors Edition" then the regular game! I mean wtf? I miss the days where having the LE actually meant something.
I like the FO3 CE just for the content. If CE means kickass lunchpails and bobble heads, I'm down.
Slightly OT: I love how Fry's is currently liquidating giant stacks of Halo 3 Legendary Editions for $50... ;) "Please take them! Please!"
Slightly OT: I love how Fry's is currently liquidating giant stacks of Halo 3 Legendary Editions for $50... ;) "Please take them! Please!"

Yeah, those things were a trap for retailers. Not only have they lost money on them due to having to price them below cost after a while, but there's a lot of overhead involved in something that stupidly large.
I still have my Collectors Edition Box for Diablo II. Oh yeah! I'll post pics later.
You mention that miss the days when they meant something. What would these CE/LE mean to you?
My point is it's not really special anymore because almost every game has one now and most don't have anything extra that's good.
Publishers have realized that a large amount of consumers are willing to pay extra money for trinkets with their games, so they're just following demand. People are expecting "special" editions so that they can buy into a name brand more, such as the Resident Evil Xbox.

CE items are prime for the taking after a few months, though :) I picked up the Fallout 3 Bobble/Lunch box CE for $50 on Amazon right after Christmas.
Ultima 9 Dragon Edition - 120% Awesome

But then again, every Ultima game prior to that had a lot of cool stuff anyhow. Manual, 2 spellbooks, trinket/coin, cloth maps. Those were the days.

Now, gamemakers are selling these off as CE instead of the past when this was par for the course.

Anyone else here still have a glowing wishstone from Wishbringer?
Ultima 9 Dragon Edition - 120% Awesome

But then again, every Ultima game prior to that had a lot of cool stuff anyhow. Manual, 2 spellbooks, trinket/coin, cloth maps. Those were the days.

Now, gamemakers are selling these off as CE instead of the past when this was par for the course.

Anyone else here still have a glowing wishstone from Wishbringer?

Ah! I bought Wishbringer used back in the 80's, I didn't even realize that game came with a wishstone! That would've been great to have. It's just a stone, but having it around would stir up fond memories of that game.
cloth maps for ultima 7 and part 2 were awesome. probably the best things that could come with a fantasy rpg.
The CE of Oblivion was nice. The Pocket Guide To The Empire was awesome. And I still have my 1 Gold Septim Coin.

The Age of Conan CE was a sham.
Yeh, it's really hit or miss. Sometimes you get soundtracks or posters or bonus game content or something, which is decent overall (your personal preference will determine what you value as worth it). Hell, I remember getting a HL2 t-shirt with my CE.

Lately though, some CEs have been pathetic and I don't buy them without knowing the exact contents now. In fact, I don't really buy them at all anymore.
Fallout 3 had a decent CE. Bobble head doll, lunch box, art book, and DVD. I use the lunch pail every day, and I get many comments as my students tend to notice it.
Ah! I bought Wishbringer used back in the 80's, I didn't even realize that game came with a wishstone! That would've been great to have. It's just a stone, but having it around would stir up fond memories of that game.

:) I was thinking about the old Infocom games recently and I remember the box for Stationfall had a set of blueprints to the station, hard copies of a bunch of in-game forms and a cloth Stellar Patrol patch. Every edition was a CE in those days, and like jgoewert pointed out, the Ultimas were notorious for it. It was interesting that the Tabula Rasa CE was pretty good too (pity about the game), no doubt Garriott had a hand in that.
The Crysis one sucked.
Unfortunately, i think people in general are starting to feel that CE editions are just not worth it. I got ROYALLY screwed by Fable 2, $10 bucks extra for a Making of DVD, everything else was cut, or given away for free :/
Before, a CE/LE would come out for a high-profile game now and then and it really would be limited, but now it's a joke. Hell, I went to best buy yesterday and they had more copies of the "Collectors Edition" then the regular game! I mean wtf? I miss the days where having the LE actually meant something.

Well were not too far off from the days when you wont even have a physical item. Your future CE/LE games will all be digital downloads. FO3 lunchboxes and bobbleheads won't be around much longer, enjoy em while you got em.
Depends on who makes the game. If you are able to get a limited edition by walking into a store and picking up it's not that limited.
Anyone remember the Working Designs RPG collector's editions? Japan's collector's versions have always blown ours away, especially years ago when the best you could get here was a gold Zelda cartridge (and don't get me wrong, I fought to save up enough money for every Zelda game on opening day so I could buy that cartridge!)
Anyone remember the Working Designs RPG collector's editions? Japan's collector's versions have always blown ours away, especially years ago when the best you could get here was a gold Zelda cartridge (and don't get me wrong, I fought to save up enough money for every Zelda game on opening day so I could buy that cartridge!)

This is what I meant by depends on who makes it. Atlus is the closest thing to Working Design now days; but so far no company has put as much work into the quality of production as working design.

Many companies are too greedy to have a good Limited Edition because it requires not flooding the market with them.
This is what I meant by depends on who makes it. Atlus is the closest thing to Working Design now days; but so far no company has put as much work into the quality of production as working design.

Many companies are too greedy to have a good Limited Edition because it requires not flooding the market with them.

Atlus has been gearing up more special stuff for the stuff they sell. I snapped up everything from WD when they released special editions because the really pack in the box.

Although, Special editions of stuff in Japan are mindblowing even by old day standards. We have a guy here in St.Louis that has these shipped over to resell at his store. Front Mission 3 came will TWO special edition full size possible mech toys like the ones that they sold standalone. One of the RPG's had a "gold" amulet, a headscarf, and some other stuff. One of the Dragon quests had a full size plastic sword and headband. It is ridiculous.

I did pick up the Special Forces edition of Empire: Total War. It is very much a "meh" perk with the additional units + the Best Buy Unit, but those could have been free to begin with. The map isn't anything special as I could just print out a bunch of the images and made it for my wall.
I never really got into the LE/SE for games. The most was the gold cart Zelda's, and those I got just by chance anyway. To me, anything extra just gets put on a shelf or something and sits there. The extra money just was never worth the clutter.

But I do see how some people really enjoy that kinda stuff. It seems a lot of people just want it because they can turn around and sell it for a bunch in 15 years. I mean, if its quality stuff inside the LE, what does it matter if they make a few too many of them. I've never really been one to need to have something someone else can't get.

I really wasn't trying to be harsh, but reading it does seem to come off that way, but not sure how to change it. I sympathize with those that want the cool LE's that just aren't being made much today, but could care less for those who just want them as an investment or e-peen type of thing.
I'll pay a little extra for an SE or an LE but I have to see a lot more than a pretty tin box. I need an artbook and maybe a soundtrack disc and goodies like that or it's no sale.
I've never shared the appeal for such editions. That's probably because there is no functional difference I've found between a CE/LE and the cheaper, normal edition of a game. There may be exceptions to that rule, depending on your definition of functionality of course. Personally, I buy a game for the game play - crazy I know. When I set down the controller/mouse, I'm done. Posters, short novels, soundtracks, etc have no appeal to me - I'd rather be playing the game than perusing stuff about playing the game. If you're buying a CE/LE to resell it for profit someday, you have more time, patience, and closet space than I'll ever have - and a need for a financial advisor.

That said, there is obviously a market for this stuff. If you want it and you don't feel slighted paying for it, more power to you. I personally don't wish the CE/LE's were the way they used to be because I don't care - but hey, if developers can get higher margins and more money out of the other guy, I'd hope it'd keep the prices lower than they would be otherwise for the products I'm interested in.
I'll pay a little extra for an SE or an LE but I have to see a lot more than a pretty tin box. I need an artbook and maybe a soundtrack disc and goodies like that or it's no sale.

Yeah, which reminds me. Warcraft 3 had a pretty decent collectors edition. The box came with a nice fat art book and some other bonus stuff.
+1 for me with the Bobblehead/Lunchbox FO3 edition. Only CE I've ever bought. I'm not big into the figurine trend these days but stuff like soundtracks and Making-of DVDs are always cool. I actually bought a SE of an album because it had bobbleheads of all 5 band members :D
I ordered the mass effect 2 collectors edition for PC from EA Store for $44.95

free shipping

It comes with a hardcover book and behind the scenes dvd and some special in game armor
so i guess its worth it?
HL2: CE was worth getting from EB the day it was released. The CE included the HL2 on DVD, free t-shirt and another free t-shirt from EB. Well worth the $50 in my opinion. Besides it was the only way to get the game on 1 disk at the time. :)
Slightly OT: I love how Fry's is currently liquidating giant stacks of Halo 3 Legendary Editions for $50... ;) "Please take them! Please!"

dont forget about the Crysis collectors edition.. theres tons of those still floating around stores..
Fallout 3 had a decent CE. Bobble head doll, lunch box, art book, and DVD. I use the lunch pail every day, and I get many comments as my students tend to notice it.

What? Teachers aren't supposed to play games. :p
There are still copies of Hellgate London CE in FutureShop that they are still have a price of $69.99 lol
I never really got into the LE/SE for games. The most was the gold cart Zeldas, and those I got just by chance anyway.
