Rift: Planes of Telara... looking good! (MMORPG)

It's really true in Rift because it only uses one core unlike another MMO that will go nameless. :)

Not sure what you are smoking but just fired up rift and watched the CPU monitor and its definitely using all 4 cores Seems to favor core 3 for whatever reason but its definitely using them all.

Mine uses 1 core and barely scratches the others. And your pic even shows it using 2 as 3% is pretty much not using a 3rd in my book. BF:BC2 is what I would consider to be a multicore game. I wish Rift did utilize the other cores more as it make having a quad beneficial.
Mine uses 1 core and barely scratches the others. And your pic even shows it using 2 as 3% is pretty much not using a 3rd in my book. BF:BC2 is what I would consider to be a multicore game. I wish Rift did utilize the other cores more as it make having a quad beneficial.

Don't look at the bars... I had to alt tab to take the ss so obviously it shows nothing there.

look at the graph its clearly using all 4 cores.
Windowed mode is your friend for things like this.

True but the graph shows everything you need to know. Its using all 4.

EDIT: Just tried windowed mode and as soon as you take focus away from rift CPU usage drops.
A lot of games will drop usage way down when you lose focus, you have to graph your usage during normal play then alt tab and look at graph history to get a good idea of usage.
A good looking game but I'm just not sure if I want to renew my sub. I know the game will fizzle out at 50, for me at least, so it's a question of "Do I want to finish leveling?"
A good looking game but I'm just not sure if I want to renew my sub. I know the game will fizzle out at 50, for me at least, so it's a question of "Do I want to finish leveling?"

I am staying with it. I am having a lot of fun, still have 11 more levels to hit 50. Looking forward to that content, plus running an alt up on the other faction to experience that side as well.
I think at 50, like all games, its all about your guild and friends you've made. This game for whatever reason seems to have a more social atmosphere than WoW did. I'm already making friends outside my guild and I find people who recognize me.

I look forward to running experts and raids, I just hit 50 last night. Seems like I have plenty to do still.

Theres also always alts :D
Well they stayed true to the first content patch and had that out quickly. If they keep it up the endgame will have plenty to do before you know it.
I think at 50, like all games, its all about your guild and friends you've made. This game for whatever reason seems to have a more social atmosphere than WoW did. I'm already making friends outside my guild and I find people who recognize me.

I look forward to running experts and raids, I just hit 50 last night. Seems like I have plenty to do still.

Theres also always alts :D

Grats on 50!

Also, in Vanilla WoW, the game had a good social aspect. Once server transfers started though, that social aspect died a bit. Then with cross server bg's, it died even more. It became non-existent with the LFD tool.
Have a look at this picture to see what I'm talking about with it being heavily single thread. I ran task manager, played Rift, tabbed out and took the shot (that's why it says 1% despite the graphs). So, you can see Rift is not single thread only, but you can see it is heavily single thread. Once core is loaded close to max. Another is loaded maybe 50ish%. Another is loaded 20% and the 4th has very little to do.

So while it is using 4 cores, it isn't using them that well. That one main thread is where most of the things are getting done. That is why I say a faster CPU matters more for Rift. I'm not saying don't get a quad or that it is 100% worthless, particularly since other games can use it (and more will all the time) I'm saying that going from dual to quad will get you little. You need to increase the speed of the CPU to really get a benefit.
I think at 50, like all games, its all about your guild and friends you've made. This game for whatever reason seems to have a more social atmosphere than WoW did. I'm already making friends outside my guild and I find people who recognize me.

I look forward to running experts and raids, I just hit 50 last night. Seems like I have plenty to do still.

Theres also always alts :D

Being a tank makes you pretty recognizable it seems. I get tells from people I've grouped with since the beginning dungeon. In WoW i don't really remember that aspect of it.

As far as stuff to do? I hit 50 in Shimmersands and still have Iron Peak and Stillmore to go. Tons of content and lots of extra curricular fun with rifts, dungeons, expert dungeons, and the River of Souls ongoing quests.
I see similarities to WoW in that it is an MMO, but by far and large it is much more similar if not practically identical to Warhammer. Seems the only major change (gameplay wise) is the fact that the public quests are not in fixed locations... they're rifts that spawn almost anywhere.

Sadly, as much as I want to play this game beyond the free trial I had over the weekend, I don't know how long the game will last. Warhammer did pretty well in the first month or two and then just slowly died out leaving a small percentage of starting subs. I guess they had several new game mechanics that they thought up and introduced, which ultimately didn't succeed as planned and ended up hurting the game - tiered PvP zones and fixed PQs to name two.

Does anyone have insight to Rift's world PvP? Is there any other than see red player, kill it?
Have a look at this picture to see what I'm talking about with it being heavily single thread. I ran task manager, played Rift, tabbed out and took the shot (that's why it says 1% despite the graphs). So, you can see Rift is not single thread only, but you can see it is heavily single thread. Once core is loaded close to max. Another is loaded maybe 50ish%. Another is loaded 20% and the 4th has very little to do.

So while it is using 4 cores, it isn't using them that well. That one main thread is where most of the things are getting done. That is why I say a faster CPU matters more for Rift. I'm not saying don't get a quad or that it is 100% worthless, particularly since other games can use it (and more will all the time) I'm saying that going from dual to quad will get you little. You need to increase the speed of the CPU to really get a benefit.

A faster CPU matters for ALL mmos. Rift is no special exception and is not really any more CPU reliant than the rest. Using one core more than the rest does is not necessarily a bad thing.

Bottom line is it IS multithreaded and if you dont seem to think it makes much of a difference set affinity to a single core and compare.
Been having fun in Rift again. Got a solid group of guildmates that power through T1 and T2 dungeons. I'm about half T1 and T2 gear now as well and I must say that while every rogue seems to be fleeing Assassin for Nightblade as PvE DPS I still hit like a truck with about 27% chance to crit self-buffed. I have sometimes even pulled aggro off my tank from a long stream of crits. So I think I'll remain 51 sin 15 nb for the time being as my melee DPS spec.
Hey all,
So I decided to try Rift last night after hearing the praise in this thread and others and so far my first impression is "so-so". I made a Riftblade/Reaver/Paladin and he is about lvl 6 right now i believe, just left the starting area.

I was playing with the sliders a lot during my time in game trying to hit the sweet spot of graphics/performance. Now, when i set it to ultra, everything still looked kind of drab and dull, a little like Vanguard used to look. Odd palate, gummy textures, and the effect of having models looking apart from the landscape (kind of hard to describe).
It would run OK, like 10fps.

Im using an Intell Q6600 and an old evga 8800gts. Is my 8800gts not using some newer shader model or something? I have been out of PC hardware for a while so I am not sure what the hardware is up to these days.

Nah, the game is DX9 only (which is insane at the point) so the 8800 GTS is using the best shaders it offers. They just... aren't that great.
I see similarities to WoW in that it is an MMO, but by far and large it is much more similar if not practically identical to Warhammer. Seems the only major change (gameplay wise) is the fact that the public quests are not in fixed locations... they're rifts that spawn almost anywhere.

True and not true. WAR was a WoW clone through and through. It also had a rocky start and not much polish.

Rift built upon the good pieces of WAR, WoW, and a few others, but then changed the class dynamics. It's pretty newish and different. Theres a few other newish dynamics, but most of all, it was polished and worked very well on release day. Since release, they've already started adding content and tweaking things. Their first world event is underway, and went live with patch 1.1.

Those are good signs for me that good things are coming.
I think at 50, like all games, its all about your guild and friends you've made. This game for whatever reason seems to have a more social atmosphere than WoW did.
Like someone else said before WoW was pretty social in the beginning. Ultimately the social aspect is a matter of number of players active during your playtime. If the server population is low (in comparison to WoW) then the social interaction tends to be better since there are statistically fewer assholes around to make it suck for everyone.

I fondly remember running through the Karanas in early EQ1 and it was a major event when you came across another player and you would chat a little, exchange tips and perhaps some gear/food and then be on your way again. There was simply more of a mutual respect based on that both players bested the odds of running through the zones underleveled and undergeared.

The earlier it is in a game the more likely it is that you will have good social experiences. Once the game gets overrun by folks who just powerlevel their alts through the content it will start to suck like in every other game.
Like someone else said before WoW was pretty social in the beginning. Ultimately the social aspect is a matter of number of players active during your playtime. If the server population is low (in comparison to WoW) then the social interaction tends to be better since there are statistically fewer assholes around to make it suck for everyone.

I fondly remember running through the Karanas in early EQ1 and it was a major event when you came across another player and you would chat a little, exchange tips and perhaps some gear/food and then be on your way again. There was simply more of a mutual respect based on that both players bested the odds of running through the zones underleveled and undergeared.

I miss those old EQ1 days. Good memories. The MMO world and community was different then.

I have heard someone say that Rift is a mashup of WoW, Warhammer and EQ2. And having played all of those and then some i'd agree with that assessment.
Like someone else said before WoW was pretty social in the beginning. Ultimately the social aspect is a matter of number of players active during your playtime. If the server population is low (in comparison to WoW) then the social interaction tends to be better since there are statistically fewer assholes around to make it suck for everyone.

I fondly remember running through the Karanas in early EQ1 and it was a major event when you came across another player and you would chat a little, exchange tips and perhaps some gear/food and then be on your way again. There was simply more of a mutual respect based on that both players bested the odds of running through the zones underleveled and undergeared.

The earlier it is in a game the more likely it is that you will have good social experiences. Once the game gets overrun by folks who just powerlevel their alts through the content it will start to suck like in every other game.

I think content will often drive people to be social. The EQ1 example is good here because the whole thing really did feel like a big adventure. Simple things could be struggles and getting places was a real sense of accomplishment. Meeting people was usually a treat and not a "WTF this person is killing my mobs" experience.

In WoW there is no adventure, seems like everyone is just trying to level as fast as possible and the new questing design means you barely even have to travel. You barely even have a chance to meet people unless they are directly on your linear path through questing.
True and not true. WAR was a WoW clone through and through. It also had a rocky start and not much polish.

Rift built upon the good pieces of WAR, WoW, and a few others, but then changed the class dynamics. It's pretty newish and different. Theres a few other newish dynamics, but most of all, it was polished and worked very well on release day. Since release, they've already started adding content and tweaking things. Their first world event is underway, and went live with patch 1.1.

Those are good signs for me that good things are coming.

I don't think I'd go as far to say that "WAR was a WoW clone through and through." I mean sure it definitely had a lot of the same features as do all MMOs now that WoW has made some things standard, but a clone? Hardly.

I guess you're saying that Rift is different primarily because of the class/soul system? I could agree with that - something I left off of my description of the major difference between it and WAR. don't get me wrong, I liked warhammer a lot... it was just missing some things like end game activities and that whole tiered pvp thing just flopped. They still put out world events and the like though similar to Rift is doing, albeit Rift is doing them much sooner - probably due to the observation from WAR. I also tend to agree that the developers of Rift seem to be more responsive to what the game is missing or needs fixed. Hopefully they continue to stay ahead of the game, so to speak.
Nah, the game is DX9 only (which is insane at the point) so the 8800 GTS is using the best shaders it offers. They just... aren't that great.

Okay, so upgrading to a new video card would most likely increase my framerate but not necessarily the image quality?
Okay, so upgrading to a new video card would most likely increase my framerate but not necessarily the image quality?

I run what's in my sig and the game performs and looks great but I don't think Rift looks as great as some people boast about. Don't get me wrong though, it's not terrible.

But honestly, I wouldn't play this if you're mostly coming in for an eye-candy adventure.
It looks better than WoW, which is what most people compare it to.

Of course, WoW is a 5 year old engine....
Has anyone else noticed the controls feeling a little sluggish in the game as well? It may have just been lag i had last night, but the controls and movement didnt seem super crisp.
Has anyone else noticed the controls feeling a little sluggish in the game as well? It may have just been lag i had last night, but the controls and movement didnt seem super crisp.

Close your torrent application.

Not trolling, just that that is what causes that feeling for me despite using QoS. Rift is sensitive. :\
Close your torrent application.

Not trolling, just that that is what causes that feeling for me despite using QoS. Rift is sensitive. :\

Haha, I didnt have a torrent app up ( I decided to "go straight" and pay for things after college was over and started making actual money).

I am running vista on that machine, so that could be giving me some goblins as well...
Haha, I didnt have a torrent app up ( I decided to "go straight" and pay for things after college was over and started making actual money).

I am running vista on that machine, so that could be giving me some goblins as well...

Try the Leatrix Latency Fix. Its on the WoW Interface website however it has nothing to do with WoW. It adjust a few Windows network settings that can help a lot with MMOs when you have a stable but sort of pokey connection.


This script will also set everything back to defaults if you want.
Their was a new update i had to apply this evening and it practically halfed my fps making this game totaly unplayable at 10-15fps.

well done Trion!!
Yea I noticed a huge dip in my FPS. I thought it was just me.. so I didn't say anything. Gah. Just when I resub, too
I think content will often drive people to be social. The EQ1 example is good here because the whole thing really did feel like a big adventure. Simple things could be struggles and getting places was a real sense of accomplishment. Meeting people was usually a treat and not a "WTF this person is killing my mobs" experience.

In WoW there is no adventure, seems like everyone is just trying to level as fast as possible and the new questing design means you barely even have to travel. You barely even have a chance to meet people unless they are directly on your linear path through questing.

I do prefer the online worlds that came out when the genre started. It's not about online worlds any more, it's about online games. It's all a bit contrived these days. The game devs are so busy chasing Blizzard's mass-market profit that they've forgotten what Massively Multiplayer RPGs are/were all about.
I got in on a massive zone invasion tonight. Ended up taking out a Harbinger of Alsbeth and some gladiator bosses. It was fun and the first time I've done something like that since leaving Freemarch.
I've been playing for a couple weeks, just hit 50 a couple days ago. I haven't ran an instance since I hit 50... I get laughed at when I say I'm a DPS warrior because of the state of warrior dps, and I don't feel like I could tank reliably with my quest gear. I feel like I picked the wrong class. ><