Rift has lost its shine -- are there any MMOs out there that cater to us explorers?


[H]F Junkie
Sep 18, 2005

I'm getting increasingly bored / frustrated with this game. I keep switching shards (servers), classes, and builds hoping something will be different. No such luck.

Leveling is miserable now. I've gone through the first 20-25 levels about 7 times now with a mix of Defiants and Guardians. It's exactly the same. Every. Time. No branching, no variation apart from the weak and sparse race-specific quests. I had fun the first few times, but I keep running in to places in the low 30s that annoy me either through excessive grinding / repetition, sudden ramping up in difficulty, boring area / mob design, or a combination thereof. I start having to rely on other people, who are consistently annoying and stupid / unreliable themselves. I get tired of dieing. I get tired of doing the same stuff over and over. I get tired of going back to the same areas to pick up stuff / kill stuff / place stuff over and over.

The sense of accomplishment and discovery that I enjoyed a few weeks ago when I started playing is pretty much gone now. As I said above, even switching shards and going Guardian when I'd had all Defiants on the same shard previously didn't bring the 'excitement' back for me. I've also been somewhat disappointed from the start and the relative lack of character customization in this game and limited range of races / types represented -- 2/3rds of all the races are either humans or elves. Boring. Dwarves? Also boring. The only even slightly compelling race is the Bahmi, and they're just sort of blah.

I like discovery. I want to explore and find new things. I realize this isn't the 'point' of this game and have realized from the start, but hoped there would be enough there to hold my interest for at least a few months. The areas were somewhat varied, the artifacts somewhat interesting; it was okay for a while, just not enough anymore. Now I've got another 6 months paid (maybe 3, I can't recall at the moment)... and no real desire to continue. I'm in a guild (got promoted to officer almost immediately), there are people around for me to group with and talk to, it's just not enough to hold my interest. I am almost universally terrible at PvP and have no real interest in it, so there's little incentive for me to get to end game apart from shiny equipment. I kind of got over the equipment for equipment's sake thing back when I finished Diablo II...

Probably going to sell my account / game time some time in the next few weeks and hope someone else finds themself a better fit for the game.

I've considered other MMOs, but I don't think there's anything out there really geared to 'people like me' who mostly just like to explore and solve puzzles and stuff, or even cater to 'us' as a sort of aside from the main game mechanics. At least, nothing that doesn't consist almost entirely of rainbows unicorns and sunshine marketed to seven year old girls. Sorry to be close-minded, but that's just "not my bag."

I tried Age of Conan since it seems to start off more like a single player game with a fair bit of character development (and the trial is free / game and expansion total a whopping $13 on Amazon right now). That and there's "Adventures" right there in the sub-title. No dice there either. I don't enjoy the combat system, the pacing feels off, and for all the ranting and raving I've seen / heard about the graphics in the game and beautiful landscapes, I was not impressed. Took a whole night to download near 7GB, played the game for maybe 3 hours total and felt like I'd been cheated despite not paying a cent. I've yet to uninstall and may give it another hour or two at some point (again, free after all) but unless something really amazing happens, don't see much changing. There's no real exploration, at least not yet, just paths / corridors with the occasional small offshoot with a boss standing around, a city... blah. Almost no world interaction. Nothing much to find. Nothing much to do apart from find people and go kill / collect random stuff for them just like every other MMO I've ever tried. So, more of the same.

I've been following The Secret World for a while, but the more I see the more I think it's going to be just another boring group monster killing MMO, not the amazing game that could've risen out of the original concept. Secret societies, mystery, mayhem, ancient plots, discovery and deduction? Yes please! Oh wait, it's going to be the same multiple faction everyone fighting for power let's go to this place and kill monsters then beat up on people in PvP crap? Yeah no thanks. The thing that pisses me off the most? "There are not levels in our game" stated over and over... then there's a goddamn XP bar across the bottom of the screen in the preview clear as day, which you fill to get points. Points used to buy skills. Which is why you level in every other goddamn game. Don't worry though, they're on a big circle not a 'tree' so it's different. Way different, cause we moved all your stat boosts to skills and equipment. Just... exactly the same. Yeah rite -- try harder assholes, nobody's fooled.

So is there anything out there? I imagine someone will say "Minecraft" and while I do enjoy it occasionally there isn't enough variation in what you can find in the game for me. "Yay, diamonds!" can only go through my head so many times. If I make all the stuff I want out of diamonds, why would I care about finding more diamonds? The limited height and depth of the world pisses me off a bit too, as it's so arbitrary and unnecessary. Landscapes and caves, while they can be impressive for a while, don't have a ton of variation either. I haven't played in a while though -- have they implemented multiple 'areas' in a world yet? Like grass to desert to snow? Not that that would really be 'enough' to satisfy what I'm looking for now.

I do realize that this sort of thing really lends itself better to single player games, but there hasn't been a lot of development there lately either. Myst: Uru and the expansion Path of the Shell were probably the closest to my ideal in this genre I ever found, but after removal of the online component the worlds grew stale and I lost interest a few weeks or months later. I'd been there, done that, and there was no one to share it with / show it to anymore.

I'm having trouble articulating what I'm looking for, really.

My perfect game would go something like the following. So far as I know, there's nothing like it out there. Please tell me I'm wrong.

A huge, huge world, maybe even procedurally generated so there's no way to run out of places to discover. Wide variation in population / architecture / culture / flora and fauna. Goes way beyond pallette swaps. I hate pallette swaps. Ideally some kind of ancient / forgotten / destroyed civilization, technologically or otherwise advanced from which the players can find artifacts and buildings / complexes / vehicles / etc if they look hard enough. Focus on survival (environmental factors, animals in jungles, crime in cities, etc) and problem solving (discovering and unlocking new areas, secret societies, diffusing political issues, revolutions, etc) / technical ability (fixing and jerry-rigging artifacts to be useful, research, etc). Fighting should be secondary and almost completely avoidable -- there are billions of people at get along just fine not beating the crap out of everything all the time. Multiple professions, from the sort of treasure-hunter type I've been describing primarily to merchants, mercenaries, diplomats. Everyone could have their own city if they wanted since the world could expand on demand, being procedural in nature, so you wouldn't be limited by what others were doing or wanted to do, you could potentially just go off on your own to the edge of the world / universe / whatever and start anew. If others showed up and showed interest they could get in on the fun, if not, fine, you still get to play 'your way.' Lots of mystery, uncertainty, an extensive story discovered through study of the artifacts and civilizations discovered.

A sort of interactive archaeology space opera universe simulation with focus on storytelling, neat gadgets, and problem solving. Kinda like an expedition to RAMA (Arthur C. Clarke) on an even larger scale. Bordering on the impossible to create and with little mass market appeal, I know. The above description is a very simplified basis for a MUD a friend and I started working on years ago, but were overwhelmed and couldn't even manage in text. Add a 3D engine and quadruple the player population, and you get even closer to the impossible. So much for that..

Anything even approaching it?
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EVE online. It doesn't have wildly different looking areas, but the exploration and freedom are 2nd to none.
found an article on massively about wurm online which seemed like it would have all the exploring you're hankering for.
EVE online. It doesn't have wildly different looking areas, but the exploration and freedom are 2nd to none.

I did not enjoy EVE any of the several times I've tried it. It's insanely difficult to get in to, in my experience a large percentage of the population there are huge jerks and hostile to new players with honest questions. Also apart from different colored planets / stars everything looks the same to me. There's nothing (so far as I know) to 'find' like I want, either.
Guess you'll be waiting for SW:TOR and GW2 just like everyone else that got burned out with WoW and tired of rift after a week. Other than that, no other mmo's for a year + .
Hold on a second. Are you saying that MMO's that are ultra-casual and hold your hand the entire game, get boring real fast?

Guess you'll be waiting for SW:TOR and GW2 just like everyone else that got burned out with WoW and tired of rift after a week. Other than that, no other mmo's for a year + .
Pretty much this. Although, there are numerous Free2Play ones you can sign up to play. Play a new one every week or something. :p

Here's to hoping TOR doesn't get delayed and that it doesn't suck.
I admit I only read your thread title as your wall of text just crit me for max hp.

But here's to hoping these will deliver:
Guild Wars II
Tera Online
The Secret World

I think if all the above fail to satisfy anyone on top of the current stuff we have now, its time to stop playing MMO's.
I'm unsure as to the other titles, but GW2 is supposed to be HUGE on exploration, and is a huge step-up from the original (in which my wife and I logged countless hours), in all ways. Exploration is a huge aspect, and I think, among many other unique mechanics of GW2, that it will probably rise above the rest in terms of what it has to offer.
I did not enjoy EVE any of the several times I've tried it. It's insanely difficult to get in to, in my experience a large percentage of the population there are huge jerks and hostile to new players with honest questions. Also apart from different colored planets / stars everything looks the same to me. There's nothing (so far as I know) to 'find' like I want, either.

You know what you lack that could propel you forward in EVE? Personal hatred and bitterness and vengefulness.

All those people that were rude to you, should be punished should they not? If you could harness the sum total of rage and anger at those people, it's power would overcome any boredom, any difficulty, it would blot out the sun, you would slowly build strength and resources, and you would venture out and conquer.

You sir, are not hateful enough, start now, build more resentment.
Mortal Online is one of the more difficult MMO's out right now. Real time combat + skill based system. (I don't like skill based systems though because you always need to re-roll).
One of my favorite things to do in EVE is to fly around cloaked and just explore star systems. I'm a huge sci-fi nerd, and the game has such a rich backstory that it's entertaining for me to just see all of the sites talked about in the lore. I originally tried to get into it back in 2007, but found it too difficult. Tried again a few months ago and found the tutorials to be very helpful and the game just sucked me in.
This probably isn't what you were hoping to hear and you've probably tried it, but on the off-chance you haven't: I recently quit Rift too and also like games where exploration is rewarded rather than punished/denied, so I bought Minecraft. I know I'm a good way behind the crowd on this but it follows a very similar RPG-style gear development model but it's aimed toward developing awesome shit instead of levelling. The skinner box mechanic is still at play though and I'm finding it very fun to explore.
Guess you'll be waiting for SW:TOR and GW2 just like everyone else that got burned out with WoW and tired of rift after a week. Other than that, no other mmo's for a year + .

Those won't have what he is looking for. TOR follows the same mold and GW2 will most likely be focused on multiplayer, no matter what kind of pre-release hype the devs try to feed us.

I admit I only read your thread title as your wall of text just crit me for max hp.

But here's to hoping these will deliver:
Guild Wars II
Tera Online
The Secret World

I think if all the above fail to satisfy anyone on top of the current stuff we have now, its time to stop playing MMO's.

edit: Im playing TERA and it is very good, but it also follows the "standard" type of MMO format now. YOu are led area to area and then quest hub to quest hub. Only the combat and ridiculously good visuals are there to seperate it as far as I know. The game is completely in Korean for me though, so it's possible that I don't know a lot :p
TERA is definitely standard MMO fare from an exploration perspective...
but damn the visuals are stunning and the part-PSO-part-Monster-Hunter combat system is awesome.
I mean, we're all waiting on Guild Wars 2 and The Old Republic aren't we? You can wait with us.
I was in the same boat as you. I was always looking for "That Game" that would allow me to truly create a character and let him explore in a dynamic living world and play by my own rules. I think Vanguard was the game that most promised this..and that was sad.

If you live near a national park, i highly recommend taking a 3-4 day vacation and go backpacking. That might sound lame and rather Luddite, but for me it satisfies the exploration bug that i had. Just grab a trail map of the park and a topographical map of the area and go to it! Get off the trail as much as you can and set up camp when you are tired. If you are inexperienced and out of shape like i was, then you will have a great adventure. You will get lost, scared, and cold but in the end it will be awesome.

That should satisfy the wanderlust you have and it might give a little perspective.

Maybe you just don't enjoy MMO games?

This. MMOs are really the best of what you are looking for. If they can't satisfy your need to explore, I don't know what will. Most MMO worlds are HUGE. I mean, I could spend an entire day exploring the intricacies of just one area in wow. If I were to walk through every part of the world, it would take me months to take it all in.

Edit: Give minecraft single player survival mode a shot. If you get bored with one map, randomly generate a new one.
Maybe you just don't enjoy MMO games?

I think this. OP didn't talk too much doing stuff either with or against other players which is a huge part of MMO's.

Maybe a single player RPG would be better?
Join us on League of Legends, we have a big crew that runs around getting things done.
Sounds like what you need is a big does of EQ 1 or perhaps even Anarchy Online if it is still around.
I think this. OP didn't talk too much doing stuff either with or against other players which is a huge part of MMO's.

Maybe a single player RPG would be better?

yea i think he should try out some open single player rpg..
mmorpg is just not fun without friends/guilds to play with + players to fight against
I don't really know of any single player RPGs that are primarily exploration focused, either. It's always area to area, swords and sorcery type stuff. Linear and combat focused. I guess the closest thing I've played to what I described were bits and pieces of Fallout 3 / New Vegas, and even then it wasn't really as flexible as I would've liked.

To those that said I should go camping / hiking, valid suggestion but sadly I already do that and it doesn't fully scratch the itch. I want to see lost civilization, ancient high technology -- sci-fi epic adventure mixed with Indiana Jones! I'm not going to stumble on any buried glowing ruins left by a long dead civilization in the nearby national forest, but it's at least theoretically possible on the computer. ;)

Join us on League of Legends, we have a big crew that runs around getting things done.

I do play sometimes, but I'm not very good, so not that often. Not really what I'm after either.
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Write a walk thru, please. I gave up after this passed free weekend.
Honestly, OP, it sounds like you need to play Final Fantasy II and III for SNES and/or Dragon Warrior for NES. Seriously.
this thread makes me miss the first 5 years of EQ and AC :(

Absolutely. I remember so many things about exploring AC. The first run with my patron to Glendon wood, going to to Teth the first time. First time someone showed me subway. I would love another experience like that.
You could try out Risen. Its a great game for exploring. I loved it. Here is a video to give you a taste:


It is not an MMO but whaddaya gonna do?

Also, you could try Red Dead Redemption. I hear there is some exploring to do in that as well (have not played - its on my to do list).
Maybe you just don't enjoy MMO games?

MMO's have become entirely mediocre since WoW went ultra-mainstream. I think him like many are just tired of McMMO's, which are a plague on the whole industry now.
The days of true exploration in MMO worlds are over. This is a result of all MMO's having in-game maps and mini-maps. The world is already mapped out for you. Not helping the matter is the fact that now the internet has 10 different sites for a same MMO with information that has been data-mined rather than discovered. These two factors contribute to that sense of discovery disappearing from MMOs.

When the world is already mapped out for you, there is no element of exploration. In the days of Everquest and Ultima, it was not uncommon for players to have hand drawn maps and excel files of co-ordinates they personally created and maintained (and held such info VERY precious and we hesitant to share it with anyone but the most trusted of friends) with all the areas and landmarks they had personally explored and discovered. This was "true exploration."

I'm not saying that I think MMOs need to revert back to this style. It's obviously a very archaic way to design a game and would almost certainly result in unprecedented backlash by the community because of the difficulty and time-sink it would add. These days (most) gamers don't want to spend countless hours wandering a world hoping to find something cool. They want to be told where they need to go, the fastest way to get there, and move onto the next place ASAP.
Absolutely. I remember so many things about exploring AC. The first run with my patron to Glendon wood, going to to Teth the first time. First time someone showed me subway. I would love another experience like that.

Old school MMORPG players! I loved AC, I remember when everyone had to get the Green Mire Cuirass. I remember when Arwic was broken (at least on Frostfell) that portal storms were constant and you had to run from house to house. Of course the best was when pyrels actually had weight to them. :D I went back several years ago and only saw one person, during my "trial" of coming back. Surprisingly, our guild was still there with the mansion and I was still with the guild!
The days of true exploration in MMO worlds are over. This is a result of all MMO's having in-game maps and mini-maps. The world is already mapped out for you. Not helping the matter is the fact that now the internet has 10 different sites for a same MMO with information that has been data-mined rather than discovered. These two factors contribute to that sense of discovery disappearing from MMOs.

When the world is already mapped out for you, there is no element of exploration. In the days of Everquest and Ultima, it was not uncommon for players to have hand drawn maps and excel files of co-ordinates they personally created and maintained (and held such info VERY precious and we hesitant to share it with anyone but the most trusted of friends) with all the areas and landmarks they had personally explored and discovered. This was "true exploration."

I'm not saying that I think MMOs need to revert back to this style. It's obviously a very archaic way to design a game and would almost certainly result in unprecedented backlash by the community because of the difficulty and time-sink it would add. These days (most) gamers don't want to spend countless hours wandering a world hoping to find something cool. They want to be told where they need to go, the fastest way to get there, and move onto the next place ASAP.

Agreed wholeheartedly. Maybe you can find something like Minecraft where you can design and share maps. Or geek out on a MUD. :)
I tried RIFT when it first came out because I've been bored of WoW after having played it for a long time. It suffered from the same thing as ALL the other "WoW-killers" have suffered from; a lack of personality. They always lack soul. I don't know what's so hard about achieving this one key element. It's always a copy-cat of a lot of WoW's features blended with other popular "WoW-killers" that have come out in the past. Sure the game is all there, and the environment, levels, gear, and art are all there too, but there's no personality. It's just another faceless MMO with no other intention but to kill WoW. And that's just a stupid goal to aim for. Don't try to be a WoW-killer, try to be fucking fun to play.
Like most in this thread I am bored of the grind that MMOs have become. At first they were new, innovative, and interesting. Now it is all rehash cookie cutter cash cow attempts.

I played WoW a good bit, even the recent expansion. I have since 5+ months ago froze my account and won't be returning since it was just more of the same ole grind with a new face somewhat to me.

I also tried Rift during the beta, only managed to play for 2-3 hours before feeling the same grindy boringness. Course this could be I didn't get to the cool fun content yet, regardless if it dosn't grab a player within the first few hours then I don't think more hours will really change their mind.
I did not enjoy EVE any of the several times I've tried it. It's insanely difficult to get in to, in my experience a large percentage of the population there are huge jerks and hostile to new players with honest questions. Also apart from different colored planets / stars everything looks the same to me. There's nothing (so far as I know) to 'find' like I want, either.

CCP will be making the game more newbie friendly in the near future. At least... that's what they said in fanfest.

minecraft or geocaching.
