Vidcard lull?


Aug 21, 2004
Its been a while since anything exciting happened in the vidcard world recently. Last big thing was the 7950 and that was exciting to a few hardcore peeps only ( many people bought them?)
I am just waiting for something awesome to end this dry streak.
No real point to this thread honestly.
No, you cant have your time back!

Graphics cards are all the fab now a days.. not the games that run them... I mean, we all know that everybody buys quad sli for windows xp fps right?..

well.. after trying to vent a little and making an ass of myself, I remembered that there aren't many good games out as of late (don't even say pray)..

/rant... and I kinda guess I agree with the op.
I didn't even get through all of the prey demo, it just wasnt the thing for me.

I agree with the OP too, and i find myself in the same situation he explained. I keep trying to find a better and better video card, and all i find myself playing is CS:S.

Is there some kind of pill that could help me with this?

I'd say it's a software lull right now...a few months ago Oblivion and FEAR caused a hardware upgrade frenzy but now we don't have anything new that makes our rigs sweat. Now that I've gone dual core, 2 gigs of ram and 2x7900GT SLI there isn't much challenge left at the res I play. :(
haha, so youre telling me that instead of upgrading my compy, i should be compuslsively masturbating to internet porn?

Will CS:S run faster then? :p

MikeHunt988 said:
haha, so youre telling me that instead of upgrading my compy, i should be compuslsively masturbating to internet porn?

Will CS:S run faster then? :p


Css always runs faster after a good spank.
This thread has turned amazing!
But honestly, i still have troubles playing my games at 1600x1200 with all the good stuff on.
I play BF2,Oblivion,Fear. Should i be able to play those games with AF and AA on?(rig in sig)

I just want a piece of awesome hardware that will make all my games magical and make me not suck so bad at BF2!

Perhaps i shall result to a pre-game spank to improve my framerates.
Mmmm, maybe with some OC'in you could get better AA and AF frames. Otherwise, i would say that thats about accurate for your computer. Those are pretty demanding games, and if someone with a 7800gt could run max settings, then noone would be buying x1900xtx's etc.

you can play those games (not oblivion) at 1280 and aa and af on. oblivion is a whore on my system.

But yea, i totally agree that it is a software null. I gurantee that come crysis and ut2k7 there will be a lot of empty bank accounts just to be able to play the damn games.
I have a feeling that crysis will have "tech-demo syndrome" like Doom3 and will be insanely demanding on our GPU's.
But i am thinking that UT2k7 will be a flashy game but very playable on most cards, due to the inherit nature of team FPS games needing high framerates to be successful.
CS = hit
CSS = hit
UT2k4= hit
FEAR deathmatch = miss

i know they are very different games but..yea..
i am so tired
i am insulted at your comment,
7950 and that was exciting to a few hardcore peeps only ( many people bought them?)
Faction said:
i am insulted at your comment,



Im glad yall liked the "internet is good for porn vid".....good for all occasions IMO, as this thread proves. Nothing like turning a perfectly organized thread into a spanky convention via a single link ;)

And yes MikeHunt988......CS:S runs lots faster after a little spanky action :cool:
I bought two 7950GX2's!

Actually, a LOT has happend just eight months into the year, with a fair amount to come with DX10. This is actually a fairly active year across the board. New CPU architechture in Conroe, new GPU API in DX10, and a new Windows OS, Vista all in the span of six months.

That's enough change for me!
Grats on your cards guys! You are probably the hardcore peeps i was referring to.
Be proud =)