All 8800GTX cards recalled!

Hay mike, if this is true we may be in a very select group, do you think they will continue to develop drivers for us. :D :D :D
decapitator said:
Hay mike, if this is true we may be in a very select group, do you think they will continue to develop drivers for us. :D :D :D
Let me just say what a wonderful vicarious thrill it has been to share with you and Mike on this process of exploration and discovery. Thanks for sharing it with us all. This (and tech help/advice) is why I come to these forums.
dR.Jester said:
I honestly see no point in buying these cards right now as it is. Sure it'll make your games run faster with eyecandy but can't the 7900's already do that? Best thing to do IMO is wait until Q1 2007.

We'll excuse your ignorance just this once. Maybe you don't have a 7900. Maybe you don't have a x1900 and can't see what real eye candy is supposed to look like. With the 8800 nVidia is finally giving gamers what we've wanted. About damn time.
decapitator said:
Well both my 8800GTX card are just fine :D

Nice.... Only 2 more days for the rest of us its gonna be a long week!!! :(

Cant wait for this weekend! :cool: (or better yet thanksgiving weekend)!!
Hurin said:
Now that is sorta silly (no offense). They wouldn't cause "panic" among their user base and all those waiting for these cards with bated breath just to get the cards out of the hands of a few lucky guys. :p

Now, a crappy move on the part of someone in the tech news media who has an axe to grind with NVIDIA, that's possible. But it's more likely that this is either true, or an honest mistake on the part of a mistaken "journalist."

Too bad this isn't coming from Fuad at the Inq. Then we could dismiss it out of hand.


Its odd that this recall comes hours after I register my cards with EVGA :eek: :D :D :D
I just called EVGA and talked to tech support, I asked about the 8800GTX recall and he said recall on what card!!! and I repeated myself and he said we have no comment on this.
So I said hay I bought the cards at retail, "dead silence" he then says hold on. He comes back on the line and tells me they should not have sold them to me , and I said oh well :D
so lets talk about the recall now and he said yes its true and I need to wait for the official release and then request an RMA and they will issue me two new cards.

I love that EVGA is not that far from where I live.
decapitator said:
I just called EVGA and talked to tech support, I asked about the 8800GTX recall and he said recall on what card!!! and I repeated myself and he said we have no comment on this.
So I said hay I bought the cards at retail, "dead silence" he then says hold on. He comes back on the line and tells me they should not have sold them to me , and I said oh well :D
so lets talk about the recall now and he said yes its true and I need to wait for the official release and then request an RMA and they will issue me two new cards.

I love that EVGA is not that far from where I live.

Hm. perhaps i was too hasty. Maybe i will just do a step up and by then they will have had the correct cards. I was going to buy one and step up for the second one. I am just a little concerned about buying one on opening day now.
You'd think that people who bought the card at retail (brick and mortar) could just go back to the store in a week or two and exchange.

Having said that. . .

The fact that there are retailers reporting that their stock has already been swapped would seem to indicate that NVIDIA has been aware of this issue and working hard to fix it long before this weekend. We may just be hearing about it now.
My 7800GT is still running perfectly fine but I will be upgrading to an 8800 early next year when DX10 games start coming out (Crysis, etc). There really isn't much of a point in me doing that before then...
Ryland said:
My 7800GT is still running perfectly fine but I will be upgrading to an 8800 early next year when DX10 games start coming out (Crysis, etc). There really isn't much of a point in me doing that before then...
Ryland said:
My 7800GT is still running perfectly fine but I will be upgrading to an 8800 early next year when DX10 games start coming out (Crysis, etc). There really isn't much of a point in me doing that before then...

And how does this have anything to do with the 8800GTX recall???
Ryland said:
My 7800GT is still running perfectly fine but I will be upgrading to an 8800 early next year when DX10 games start coming out (Crysis, etc). There really isn't much of a point in me doing that before then...

Thats nice....
No biggie, Crysis got pushed back to april 07. I dunno why people are still clamoring over buying cards at launch. I learned back in the geforce gts days to wait a ~month before buying new gen gpus.
I just got off the phone with my supplier and they told me its just the EVGA cards that are being recalled. They are waiting to hear from ASUS about my cards, but so far they have not heard anything.
Hurin said:
You'd think that people who bought the card at retail (brick and mortar) could just go back to the store in a week or two and exchange.

Having said that. . .

The fact that there are retailers reporting that their stock has already been swapped would seem to indicate that NVIDIA has been aware of this issue and working hard to fix it long before this weekend. We may just be hearing about it now.

I think your right about nvidia knowing about this issue but the fact that the tech wants me to RMA the cards makes me believe that a lot of retailers are still waiting for their replacements.

Note: At this point I do not want to go back to frys as im sure they are taking some heat over the cards they sold mike and myself :eek:
mike686 said:
Who knows though, it might just be a bullshit move from Nvidia/EVGA to the people who have the card before launch, to get them to return them.
that'd be ridiculously cold! i don't think it's evil in there veins, just not wanting to get a 7900 defect run again, but interesting thought!
No, it is a very real problem that is going to impact ALL of the first run cards sold world-wide. The cards are now being brought back in if they were already shipped out and being repaired by NVIDIA engineers. If all goes as plan, AICs should be able to get their inventories fixed and turned back around for launch on Wednesday.
This is all very exciting! It is "convenient" that the recall was posted hours after Decapitator registered his card...oh how the wonderful world of [H] makes my days more fun! Anyone else getting a real kick out of the past few days? Im loving it! I wasnt going to get a card right away at launch but do to all the fun sensationalist capades going on i think i just might!
jacuzz1 said:
Welcome to the [H}ard life :p

Don't you mean [H]ard life? :p

Anyways, I would find this really impressive if nVidia is able to recall all these cards, fix them, and ship them back out all before the launch date. Really says something about them. Even if they are a day or two late, its better then them taking their sweet time. As far as the GTX goes, how about the little brother, the GTS! Most of us are poor(er)!
DangerIsGo said:
Don't you mean [H]ard life? :p

Anyways, I would find this really impressive if nVidia is able to recall all these cards, fix them, and ship them back out all before the launch date. Really says something about them. Even if they are a day or two late, its better then them taking their sweet time. As far as the GTX goes, how about the little brother, the GTS! Most of us are poor(er)!

Yes , lol
SNIP3R said:
Understandable, but is it realistic?

Is it honestly realistic to recall lets say....10,000 units, "fix" them, then repackage and reship to retailers?
Does that sound far fetched to anyone else?
It's not far-fetched if NVIDIA has been carrying this out for longer than we think and we're just now getting wind of it. Note that all reports from NVIDIA themselves have been in the past tense.

Well, just got off the phone with my vendor. My cards are going back as soon as I get them tomorrow. Looks like Im going fishing this weekend........booooooo!!!
Bad or can we resist short bursts of wonderful Oblivion?! Heck, if the card doesn't explode, who cares? Return it after a couple of weeks.

I too have a hard time wrapping my head around, "swap xxxx cards in 3 days", but maybe it's Santa Nvidia. :D

And to all the fun guys w/ the "you dont' need more power" comments...please...please...check out pc mazazine. I'm sure they have lovely forums where you can chat all about your stock, untouched, unmodified Dell. ;)
Jodiuh said:
Bad or can we resist short bursts of wonderful Oblivion?! Heck, if the card doesn't explode, who cares? Return it after a couple of weeks.

I too have a hard time wrapping my head around, "swap xxxx cards in 3 days", but maybe it's Santa Nvidia. :D

And to all the fun guys w/ the "you dont' need more power" comments...please...please...check out pc mazazine. I'm sure they have lovely forums where you can chat all about your stock, untouched, unmodified Dell. ;)

Actually I have to ship it back ASAP. Asus is waiting for a certain amout of cards back from my source. If they dont get that # back my supplier might get in trouble since they were instructed not to sell any. :D

I cant even break the plastic........
Well, I'll take the [H] word on things. But everyone should be aware that there are conflicting reports about how widespread this is.

Daily Tech Overview here.

Other manufacturers are also affected, but EVGA was specifically mentioned as having this problem. Any manufacturer shipping cards based on the NVIDIA reference design is not affected.
Several other manufacturers, including XFX and ASUS, have confirmed to DailyTech that their GeForce 8800GTX cards are unaffected and will ship at launch without problem.
Of course, one of our own says:

Actually I have to ship it back ASAP. Asus is waiting for a certain amout of cards back from my source.
So, Asus is apparently affected. *confused*
Arcygenical said:
How so?

I dont think too many people are going to say "Screw it, I wont wait 2 weeks, I'm going with a GTS"... Even if they do, I'm not buying till Christmas.

No, but there are people who absolutely have to have the highest 3DMark score on the block RIGHT NOW and will drop $500 on a GTS to tide them over for 2 weeks.
Is anyone nervous about getting a card that was torn out of its box, hastily resoldered (new resistor), and then rushed back out?

Stability is important to me. I think I'm going to buy a cheap-o PCI-E card for under $50 and just tinker with my overclock on my new rig until all this calms down.

Well... I am glad I bought a XFX 7950GT Extreme instead of waiting and buying a 8800GTX... I will just be content until the 8900GTX comes out in the spring <3 And im sure it will be faster and hopefully everything will be ironed out.
TheBluePill said:
Wonder if they will Mark-Down or Reduce the Referbished/Recalled Cards?
They aren't "refurbished" unless they have been returned by end-users.
Hurin said:
Wouldn't that tend to indicate that this has been underway for a few days now rather than just getting started?

I mean, planes and soldering irons only work so fast! :D

If so, it's impressive that NVIDIA managed to keep it quiet this long!

Was discovered Friday.....
SNIP3R said:
Understandable, but is it realistic?

Is it honestly realistic to recall lets say....10,000 units, "fix" them, then repackage and reship to retailers?
Does that sound far fetched to anyone else?

The feedback that I am getting from AICs is that it looks like most everything will be handled in a timely manner, with little or no time to spare.
Hurin said:
Well, I'll take the [H] word on things. But everyone should be aware that there are conflicting reports about how widespread this is.

Daily Tech Overview here.

Of course, one of our own says:

So, Asus is apparently affected. *confused*

All of the first run 8800GTX (NOT GTS) cards are impacted by this regardless of brand.
TheBluePill said:
Wonder if they will Mark-Down or Reduce the Referbished/Recalled Cards?

No, it is a simple procedure for the re-work.
Hurin said:
Is anyone nervous about getting a card that was torn out of its box, hastily resoldered (new resistor), and then rushed back out?

Stability is important to me. I think I'm going to buy a cheap-o PCI-E card for under $50 and just tinker with my overclock on my new rig until all this calms down.


I am sure if you asked, they could take weeks to do the same procedure....

If this is an issue with you, simply wait a couple weeks for next-run cards to hit the channel.

But this all comes back to, as it often does, buying from a AIC that will SERVICE YOUR NEEDS if you have any.
Man, I went through 3 7900GT's and killed them all within a few hours. Finally upgraded to a 7900GT Signature series and its been good so far. I know how you guys feel. And when I was getting screwed around, no-body could tell me the truth. It took a [H]ard article on the 7900 to bring things into the limelight. Good luck early adopters!