Oh no! does a8n deluxe support x2?


Aug 21, 2004
Will the computer start if your i had a x2 proc in a asus a8n-sli deluxe? im not sure how exactly youy update the bios..please help =)
from what i've heard, it will work, but might not recognize the second core until you update the bios.
Cool, is there any difference in performance between the deluxe and premium boards. For example, is it made to run X2's better? or is the deluxe just the same with the BIOS update?
A8N SLI Deluxe will support the dual core no problem. You must, however, have a BIOS of 1010 or better installed. 1013 is the latest and seems to be a very good performer and i would recommend that you flash to that with a single core CPU installed (runs the single cores fine). If you don't have a single core and haven't bought the board yet then look for one marked X2 ready as it has BIOS 1011, maybe 1013, flashed already. If none of the aforementioned apply, then here is the procedure to flash BIOS from a floppy:

- Download the latest BIOS and BIOS flash tool here: http://support.asus.com/download/download.aspx?Type=All&model=A8N-SLI Deluxe
- Download the1013 BIOS and Phoenix-Award BIOS flash tool V1.09 under the all tab
- In Windows XP go to the floppy drive
- Format a floppy using the option to create a MSDOS startup disk
- Once the disk is created unpack/unzip the 1013 BIOS and 1.09 flash tool to the floppy
- Configure the motherboard with just the memory, processor and heatsink, video card and floppy drive
- Set the SLI selector card to ‘single card’
- Connect the power supply, including the 4-pin 12volt and 6-pin PCIe
- Hit ‘del’ once the system displays the boot screen to get into BIOS
- Go to ‘Exit’ menu and select ‘Load Setup Default’
- Then ‘Exit & Save Changes’
- After the reboot the system will boot off the floppy
- Type ‘awdflash a8nsd013.bin’ to start the BIOS update
- Select ‘No’ to save BIOS and ‘Yes’ to update BIOS
- Once completed press ‘F1’ to reset the system
- You should be back in BIOS once it reboots, if so
- Power the system off and unplug the power supply from the mains
- Now connect all your devices and plug in all your other cards. Reconnect the mains to the power supply and power the system up. Press ‘del’ on your keyboard during bootup to get into the BIOS, in the ‘Main’ section first set the proper time, date and language and then make sure everything shows up. Make all the settings and restart.

Good luck!
I haven't been able to boot into windows with any BIOS newer than 1008. It BSODs after POST. Heard of a few others recently with same problem.
Wow thanks alot, Merc. Ill do that when all my stuff arrives. Dude you rule, that was the best response i could hope for =)
Nate7out said:
I haven't been able to boot into windows with any BIOS newer than 1008. It BSODs after POST. Heard of a few others recently with same problem.

Shit, you serious? That ain't good news..
problems after bios 1008 ?

well i had a few problems with bioses that were updated with asus update or the windows update tool -- as soon as i started flashing the same bios--with the award flash tool (from a floppy)

the problems went away -- if you flash the bios from windows and the bios your flashing has in its notes--award flash only--your headed for trouble .

i've had good results with beta 1003.008 beta , 1010's , skipped 1011beta 1012beta, now running 1013-02 and it seems very good and overclock well .

check this link for more info on a8n-sli deluxe bios and read the bios notes --what hapens with the windows flasher it just overwrites the old bios--so you have the old and new bios info overlaping-- not good for stability at all--overclocking?--forget it-- i only use the award flash on any nf4 --i have heard that win-flsh works ok with the DFI--however since the weird issues i got from flashing the a8n-sli-deluxe from windows-- i won't even bother to try it--

stick to the award flash with the n4f --it will make things much better.

The Rebels Haven Computer Forum Main Page :eek:
Hardware specs:

A64 3000+ Winchester
A8N SLI Deluxe (probably an early revision, got it in Dec or January)
KHX 1024 MB

I have used both Asus update and awdflash, but no BIOS after 1008 works. BSOD after POST using fail safe defaults and many other combinations of settings. I have tried 10, 12, and 13. All three times I had to go back to 1008 using awdflash to boot into windows.
glad I could help.

I'm using the1013 right now and am having some problems. I am not sure if these problems are being caused by the BIOS or Ntune. Ntune is the crashmaster program LOL and I have had to reset my CMOS/BIOS about 5 times since I started playing with it. When I get home tonigt I have to reset again and then boot into safe mode just so I can un-install Ntune.

The problem right now is my HTT won't stay at 5x as set in BIOS. Whether that is the BIOS or Ntune I don't know. I'll let you know after I un-install and reset everything in BIOS...again LOL. I'll keep you informed on how I make out.

BTW you need the 6.66 driver running the chipset to run 1013 with stability. I may end up going back to 1008 as that seems to be the BIOS my mobo is happiest with.
ive been running 1013-02 beta ever since it came out with 6.57 nvidia drivers without a problem --on xp-sp1 and 2000pro overclocked to 2700 (3200venice) at that.

i would suspect something else-- did you load that horrid AMD utility cool-and crash ?--LOL :eek: anyway it could be thousands of little things -- are you running the nf firewall ?-- :eek:

when it comes to software --and little utilities--you find that less is more with the nf4 !! :cool:
no--no problemy with hyperthread-- i usually run mine @ 4 x --sometimes at 3x to scale proper when overclocking -- @1200HT the system becomes unstable --even if it is far below the cpu's mhz limit. :cool:

my best overclocks have been with hyperthread @900-1100mhz
I uninstalled Ntune, after resetting CMOS/BIOS of course, and everything was stable. overclocked and ran 3DMark05 and got a 9520 which is pretty good for my rig. That score is a result of 2x6800GT's O/Ced at 400/1.1 and the CPU O/Ced as follows:
I have the 3500+ (newcastle core) at 2.4GHZ on 1.52v. Set CPU freq at 218 with 11x multiplier and HT Freq. set at 5x. My max temps running 3DMark05 were 47c (idle is 36c ).

My only question is how do you read what the real FSB/HTT speed is? Asus AI booster reports it at 872? WTF is that? In BIOS I have HT freq. set at 5x and CPU at 218 which should give me a HTT of 1090 and CPU multiplier at 11x which should give 2.4GHZ (which I am seeing). CPUz states that HTT is 218.2. Does CPUz only show the before the multiplier number for HTT or is my 5x HT freq being zeroed out somehow?

I'll post this in O/C forum too.
The ram is kingston hyper-x PC3000 with BH-5 chips. I kept them for the tight timings and decent overclock. I am not using cool and quiet or any other utilities. I hardly use any extra software, I never load anything I dont specifically need. I have the latest chipset drivers.