$18,000 Video card

PigCorpse said:
How does that connect to a computer?


honestly, I dont know.. everything I could think of would bottleneck it.. usb,firewire,pci.. even pci-express.
LoL i saw the HIPERWALL last year on a fieldtrip with my computer science class. Thing was a beast! the guy working it said it was running off of a bunch of geforce 4600s...like 20 of them.

* i assume you are talking about the Hiperwall at NASA/AMES research center. if not then
I don't know about you guys but I just want the freaking case :D Then I want to mod it.
I really want to know how it connects to the computer..... fiber optics would be awsome.
It's a PC convertible to a rack mount case. It's got something like four workstation card in quad SLI in it. I can't belive that the author of the site didn't bother fully reading Nvidia's site. :rolleyes:
known to shooter fans simple as 'God'.

Guess that "God" will die out after couple years.