Search results

  1. M

    new egg rant

  2. M

    BBA x800xt pe new in shrink wrap

    ok ill sell it to ya:D as a matter of fact whole rig is for sale for 600 obo will part out or whole water cooled and all need to pay off this lappy so ole lady doesnt freak out
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    WTB: sub $100 17" LCD

    i have one i would sell but was afraid shipping would cost out the a$$ and i need more than that for it has no dead pixels lmk mike
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    WTB: Hand-Me-Down Gaming Rig

    rig in my sig its watercooled tho can be had i built it to play half life 2 when it was about to come out still runs flwlessly
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    WTB: ATI All-In-Wonder Radeon X800 XT 256MB AGP

    175 i pay shipping and insurance
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    WTB: 400mhz FSB Socket A Mobo

    dont see pm dude e-mail me
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    WTB: 400mhz FSB Socket A Mobo

    will consider selling mobo in my sig if interested
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    WTB: ATI All-In-Wonder Radeon X800 XT 256MB AGP

    whats it worth to ya dude its just sitting in my desktop unused since im outta town on a lappy nowadays negotiate;)
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    WTB: ATI All-In-Wonder Radeon X800 XT 256MB AGP

    cant get my stupid e-mail to send i can only recieve i seen ur message but cant reply to it i will take 200 nfor it shipped insured and guaranteed if interested lmk on here pm me
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    WTB: ATI All-In-Wonder Radeon X800 XT 256MB AGP

    i have a x800xtpe i might be interested in getting rid of its a killer card and i have the box, reciept, and all the stuff that came with it. im not sure what kinda deal you are looking for but im not giving it away. if you want to see pics e-mail me and i will get some of the extras and of it...
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    BBA x800xt pe new in shrink wrap

    thx for the bump bro and.....bump
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    BBA x800xt pe new in shrink wrap

    yep go look at the top 100 futuremark scores and good luck on that paper launch x850 and no on the 6800 lowball ass :rolleyes:
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    BBA x800xt pe new in shrink wrap

    still for sale i dont wanna return it to bb
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    BBA x800xt pe new in shrink wrap

    $600.00 shipped? jeez
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    BBA x800xt pe new in shrink wrap

    bump for last chance
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    BBA x800xt pe new in shrink wrap

    overhead is figured into the final price
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    BBA x800xt pe new in shrink wrap

    thats just wonderful for you and after all those transactions you still dont know how to stay on topic :rolleyes: lets get back to me selling my xt pe k thx
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    BBA x800xt pe new in shrink wrap

    lol thx dudes but my father in law has alot of feedback so he's gonna put it up tomorrow again i just thought someone here might want it im not the only guy here that can buy one of these hell i couldn't afford the both of them lol
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    BBA x800xt pe new in shrink wrap

    i appreciate almost all of the input but im well aware of the dealings on this and other forums like i said in my post above i just thought someone who was having trouble finding an xt pe from here might want one so it was just a friendly offer to the [H]. i also know the value of thiscard so...
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    BBA x800xt pe new in shrink wrap

    yeah im looking for the mem stick in the first post and some cash has to be ver 1.1 though pm'ed you too
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    BBA x800xt pe new in shrink wrap

    i'll let you lick it for $400 :mad:
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    BBA x800xt pe new in shrink wrap

    yeah thas what i'll prolly do too but ive read so many threads bout how hard they are to come by i figured someone would want it
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    BBA x800xt pe new in shrink wrap

    Title says it all.$630.00 plus what ever kind of shipping you would prefer. i would prefer to ship fed ex cause i trust them the most but there is other cheaper out there its your call. the only thing im willing to trade for is im lookinf for 1x512 xms 3200 ver 1.1 only also have a 9700 pro...
  24. M

    FS: 2x256 Corsair XMS $65

    lmao thas exactly wat i was thinking :rolleyes:
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    wtb 1x512mb xms3200 c2 ver 1.1

    Someone has to have one of these laying around wouldnt ya think? lmk mike [email protected]
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    1986 Chevy K5 Blazer 350ci 5.7L 4x4

    how much to fed ex that to 47909? :eek:
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    Canadian Water Cooling Idea

    dude as soon as the water temperature in ur system which will prolly get pretty cold is below the ambient temperature of room you will get lots of condensation
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    annoying stripes

    i agree that artifacting is different than what your describing and damn that sounds pretty toasty temp on that card at idle i think that is what is causing the tearing on your screen. 57c @idle is terrible hell it would be over 75 c in some hard core fraggin :eek:
  29. M

    X800XT/PE far

    not [H]ard
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    annoying stripes

    dude sounds like you've experienced tearing. i used to get it when i pushed my oc too far on dragothic on 2001 . i think memory can leadto it as well but not 100%. my .02.
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    WTB/WTT Your old laptop

    i have a dell inspiron7500 pII 466, 128 mhz 15.1 in lcd 8 ghz hdd, onboard modem, with all disks and crap from dell including win 98 office and others i dont even know of whole box of junk has cosmetic things i will take pics of if ur interested also has pmcia card for ethernet have xp pro on it...
  32. M

    Blackhex Likely Trolled Me---Stay away from him

    the trauma continues............... :(
  33. M


    Tao dude ur stressing bad man! i think from what ive read that the general consensus is that marv is fulla shiiite. i dont think ur rep is in trouble here in fact i would buy from you and wouldnt piss on marv if he were on fire. my .02