WTB: Hand-Me-Down Gaming Rig


Jun 14, 2005
I'm looking to buy a box that's no longer in use. I know plenty of you have old machines that have been replaced. I'm looking to spend a few hundred on something that would be capable of playing a game like half life 2 on close to max settings. The rig is primarily going to be used by my g/f to play WoW but i don't want to be replacing parts within a few months.

Desired (minimum) specs:
- 1gb DDR memory
- P4 or Higher (2.xghz)
- 256mb Video Card
- 80gb Hard Drive

Obviously if you have something higher end i'd be interested but whats listed above is bottom of the line. If you have something remotely close, or maybe you have the parts but no case, send me a PM anyway. I'm just looking to get a full package at a decent price without having to buy crap all over the place. This is going to be sort of a temporary rig until we get another MacBook Pro.

- Thanks
rig in my sig its watercooled tho can be had i built it to play half life 2 when it was about to come out still runs flwlessly
what resolutin would u be gamign at?
cuz 1 rig coudl do 1280x1024 on max, but will blow oon 1920x1200