annoying stripes


Limp Gawd
Aug 21, 2004
hi everyone, I got myself a 6800gt with the 65.73 drivers. No matter what i'm playing (cs:source, far cry, doom 3, call of duty) I always get these black diagonal stripes if I see the object from far away. These stripes occurs on objects like a fence or striped floors. The lines get all wavy and it looks a bit weird. Help is greatly appreciated
dude sounds like you've experienced tearing. i used to get it when i pushed my oc too far on dragothic on 2001 . i think memory can leadto it as well but not 100%. my .02.
i'm not oc'ing though, and my bfg 6800gt run at 57c idle. So I don't think its any artifacting or heat issue
mikelutt said:
dude sounds like you've experienced tearing. i used to get it when i pushed my oc too far on dragothic on 2001 . i think memory can leadto it as well but not 100%. my .02.

... black wavy lines isnt tearing. tearing is when the FPS is higher than the refresh rate and you get instances where the screen is refreshing too slow and part of the picture is advanced while the rest is not. this results in a horizontal line, but its just a line between two pictures, it has no properties of its own. it is NOT black and wavy.

it sounds like your card is messed up. post some screenies for us, here is some free image hosting.

you can also try a different set of drivers. i have had no problems so far with teh 66.70's
i agree that artifacting is different than what your describing and damn that sounds pretty toasty temp on that card at idle i think that is what is causing the tearing on your screen. 57c @idle is terrible hell it would be over 75 c in some hard core fraggin :eek:
suqmaster said:
omfg its taking so slow to load it........
after a min it got 1/4 of a picture done

You saved it as a JPG right?

If not, open it with MS Paint and save as and sleect JPG as the file type.
got it:


forfot to post erros:
Pic 1: look at the fence in the distance, its kinda distorted and stripy, it become the way it is when I get closer
pic 2: notice the line of shadow on the wall, it keeps moving really fast whenever I move
pic 3: look at the barbed fence, it looks really retarded and seems to be warping
well.......... if this is normal......... then at least say so, so I can have a piece of mind and think that everyone else has this too
There's really not much of a problem there. What you're experiencing is called Aliasing. This is when a straight line is rendered around the square pixels, causing "jaggies", as they are commonly known. By turning Anti-Aliasing up to 6x-8x (you have a great card, it will run that), it will take many samples of the same line and parse them together to create a smooth image. Also, try turning Anisotropic Filtering to 8x or 12x. This will render textures like floors more smoothly.

What resolution are you running? 1280x1024 at a minimum, I hope. Run at least that, that will help with detail.

Also, it could be that your mouse is SLIGHTLY out of calibration. Mine is, and it tracks to the left very slowly. It's so slow that it's almost not noticeable unless you zoom in with binoculars or a scope. This subtle movement sometimes makes things "wave" like heat rising from the surface because the slow movements make your card render the objects 1 pixel over at a time, causing a slow wave pattern.

EDIT: Sometimes, games will not render some things completely at medium-long distances. I know MOH: Spearhead has this problem with bushes and foliage. It could be that it's not rendering the fences completely, causing a "blurry" illusion.