FS: 6800Ultra, 9800Pro, 1GIGCorsair, Pentium 4, Abit IC7

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any trades? i have a modded xbox with 160gig HD, 2 wireless logitech controllers, ect. i cant give you fro the ultra.
I can not make trades. In need of money.

I changed my email to my old school one whitch for some reason still exists. Thanks for the tip, its cool if I keep my MSNMessanger email the same right?

No one wants to buy any of this stuff?
Suntar said:
I can not make trades. In need of money.

I changed my email to my old school one whitch for some reason still exists. Thanks for the tip, its cool if I keep my MSNMessanger email the same right?

No one wants to buy any of this stuff?
It's still work hours, you'll see a lot more traffic later in the evening.

And the prices are decent.
Alright, cool, thanks man.

I am also going to sale my Antec True Power 550W, I wanted to take pics of it first though.
Raines8416 said:
any trades? i have a modded xbox with 160gig HD, 2 wireless logitech controllers, ect. i cant give you fro the ultra.

guessing thats a no? it was worth a try offering.
my heat is = jeffhicks

but I havent solled any thing since I made the account so I dont have any evaluations
Ill have to take pics of the 550W tomarrow, no time today.

I got a few PM's about it.
Bump for this guy. I know him personally from the Northwest LAN scene and he's a great, honest guy.
hah one more trade offer... I have Corsair XMS 3200LL 2x256 I will trade plus $100 for your Corsair Ram...


I will take pictures of the motherboar tomarrow if thats ok, its currently in my dads computer and i need to give him time before I give him a new system, and the motherboard is two years old.
What is the bus on the MoBo?? Does it take 333mhz DDR?

How much for the P4 and the mobo??
190$ (200 if you wanna be a niec guy :p ) for the motherboard and cpu togther, buyer pays shipping. Its an AGP 8x motherboard, and it will accept AGP. The bus on the motherboard is 800fsb max, the cpu is 800fsb.

Pc2700 ram would work, but you need to set a ram:fsb ratio, or you could buy my corsair PC3200 RAM :)
rgr, im trying to motivate my dad to save all his files so i can start taking apart.. If he doesnt finish, ill just take pics of it in the case :-P
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