FS: 2x256 Corsair XMS $65


Limp Gawd
Feb 7, 2004
Two sticks of Corsair XMS 2400 RAM sold together for $65 or singles for $35 each. Never OCed.

prices are shipped.

admin at lunacite.com
Speed on the ram is 300mhz, but all the reviews I've read say you can run it at 333 no sweat.





sorry for the shitty pics, low quality camera
If memory serves me correctly, when the XMS line came out they were only (still are) offered with heat spreaders on them from the factory. That looks like Corsair's ValueRAM to me.
my eyes are only so good, but if you look in the last picture, it looks like it says XMS2400 - my guess is he removed the heatspreaders for pictures
sleepeeg3 said:
Maybe he took them off... let the man defend hisself first...

Nice find btw. Although, if it orginaly had heatspreaders on it, then there would be no white sticker underneath dictating what it is. It would have been labeled on the side of the aluminum heat spreader, likewise the sticker would not have been white ... but a hologram sticker.
If i am wrong please prove it to me, but i have never seen or even heard of any sticker on the underside of the heatspreader of XMS ram.

Now don't get me wrong, i'm not trying to jump down the guys throat for posting a misleading product, i was mearly trying to let him know that it probably wasn't the ram he thought he had.