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I don't know if it should be killed or not. I got a new name for my DNT list (and it's not Taodragon00). I'm sort of getting sick of forum traders that don't understand what they're buying. I left eBay for that reason...
Usually I don't post that often, however...

The sheer oddness of this situation just astounds me - if Marvelous "has" the PM, let's see it! There are so many different ways to get the information in that PM here to the forum, what exactly is the difficulty? I understand that "another PM is covering it" but...

Maybe I'm just missing something crucial. :confused:
mine as well lock this thread, and Tao, if he leaves you a neutral or negative heat, just get heatware to remove it as it would be a childish feedback
Mark099 said:
All PMs can be forwarded to another forum member!

Right on.

I like how Marv edited out his most recent post where he is aimlessly complaining and name calling (and, specifically saying he needs to search his hard drive, for the pm's.. But .. somehow has not the thought to check his inbox / outbox here for them)
Outcompute_123 said:
Right on.

I like how Marv edited out his most recent post where he is aimlessly complaining and name calling (and, specifically saying he needs to search his hard drive, for the pm's.. But .. somehow has not the thought to check his inbox / outbox here for them)

I always keep ALL my PMs until both parties are satisfied that the deal is done when heat is exchanged.
I do too, but he blew my mailbox up and I had to delete them. I still want to be able to buy and sell other stuff so I need to clear room for responses and shit and its getting difficult because of this crap. I just want it all to be over with. Nobody else that i've dealt with gave me this much trouble. I always try to keep everyone happy and make things right. I just wish I never did this trade... been nothing but headache's and name calling.
Yea sure Tao then everyone will know your a liar. Wait until I get my new system in. I probably have it catched in the hard drive. I tried looking for it manually and I failed. I will probably have the system running by tomorrow or next day at the latest. Yes I'm getting a whole different system. I did not format the drive in case your wondering.

Currently I'm running a celeron 300a until my new system gets here. I tried to hook up the hard drive to the bx mobo and it doesn't boot off of it. We'll see who's telling the truth.

Does anybody know how to get internet cache without booting off of the drive?
ok marv whatever. I never guaranteed nothing and I am sick and tired of repeating myself. Saying should is not a guarantee. I know what I said and this is growing old fast. You should just be able to go straight to your PM's and get it there... don't know why your looking on your HD. I don't care if you formatted it or not... thats your HD. You make it sound like i'm scared or something. I know what I said word for word. I remember the PM very distinctively. Convince everyone of your dillusional fantasies, I could care less. I know what I said and I know what the agreement was. I am sick of arguing with you because its like arguing with a wall. Your trying to convince me of something that never occured and was never said. This is very tidious and consuming so much space its ridiculous. Bash me all you want, I don't care anymore. You can go to troll hunters, I encourage you to. Please so I can talk to them. I already emailed heatware about this situation just in case. I am done playing the kid games with you. If you want I will contact troll hunters myself. If I was a troll, you would've recieved nothing or a broke ass p2 and I would've jetted. But hey, I'm the one buying cpu's left and right off the forum, selling water cooling systems, buying vaporcoolers and what not and I'm gonna risk it over 1 guy? Doesn't make logical sense to me, but hey I'm just a "stupid college kid" and an "overbreaker" who has "expensive pieces of paper" that say I know nothing according to you. I'm sorry I dealt with you. If I woulda know that I was dealing with the all mighty overclocker himself who has to yield a higher overclock than all others and nobody can say anything to him cause he is all-knowing, then I would've sold it to the other guy who was interrested or I woulda sold it to Out_comp.
Not trying to convince everyone. Just telling the truth. Is it wrong for me to tell the truth? I don't think I ever told a lie unless I had to.

I thought I had it in my PM but I guess I deleted the ones you agreeing to at 260fsb. I did make more trades during that time and hardforum only allows you to have only 40 PM. I will have my system running in 2 days or so. I can probably get it off the hard drive that I had it catched.

For real deal is done and I'm not trading with you any more. Just send the retail box. When can I expect it? I need to sell the processor pretty soon.
Tao dude ur stressing bad man! i think from what ive read that the general consensus is that marv is fulla shiiite. i dont think ur rep is in trouble here in fact i would buy from you and wouldnt piss on marv if he were on fire. my .02
Thanks but its ok. Nobody needs to pass judgement on anyone here. I didn't want any of this to happen but it did and all I can do is roll with it. I do not want anyone to pass judgement on Marv or myself. It is unfortunate that there was a misunderstanding but these things happen and in the time of temper's flarring things get said that are unnecessary. I will be glad to buy and sell from and to anyone.
Now October 4 th. Never received the box.. He supposedly sent it 2 weeks ago. LOL What a joke. :(

He has the nerve to lie to me again and again. I swear to GOD he's not a good seller. Shady at best. Tells me it's his cousin's cpu, doesn't overclock like he told me. Tells me he sent the box 2 weeks ago. LOL IF you don't have the box no biggie but when you say you sent it I expect it to be here.

I wasn't even going to bother but you lie a lot. Not a good combination when you sell stuff online.
I have to vouch for Tao. I sold him some ES processors. On the second purchase, which was supposed to be for his cousin, I shipped the CPU first, and didn't receive payment in a week.

I contacted Tao, and the payment was in the mail the same day, and I received it 2 days later. He lived up to the transaction. I knew I could trust him. In the end, I would do business again with Tao. I feel safe doing so, and I know lots of guys here at the [H] do too.
Thanks ajm786. And those CPUs... awesome. Thats the only word I can describe as. I would so buy another from you. They weren't DOA, were exactly as described and the multi's were as described.

As for Marvelous, the box was mailed out. I sent it USPS regular mail because I didn't want to have to pay another $10+ to ship 3 day or something like that. I have plenty of people that I have dealt with and I keep constant communication throughout it all and I make sure things are done. As ajm said, my cousin bought a cpu but through me. My cousin was slacking and I made sure it was done. I don't like the bad rep and I know how everyone feel's when they buy something, they are impatient so I try to get it out ASAP whether it be a payment or an item.

Thanks to everyone who vouched for me.

LOL Tao your a joke.

Mailed out? It should be here within 3 days. It's been over 2+ weeks since you supposedly sent it out. You also don't even add a tracking # nor do you have a receipt that you sent this out. I never received the item.

CPU came with cpu grease all over the pins. The heatsink makes rattling noise. LOL No box supposedly sent. CPU does not do remotely what he advertised as. Not really a good seller. Maybe good buyer.
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