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    2013 High-End GPU War

    I think I'd trade both for some improved NAND performance.
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    Glass not the best for phones = cracked my N4

    It's not really marketing hype, glass is chosen for it's scratch resistance. Acrylic "glass" (like plexiglass) is a plastic, and while much more shatter resistant, it doesn't have near the scratch resistance as glass. It works for eyeglasses because compared to a smartphone it gets handled much...
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    Paging HTC fans: HTC orders take down of ROM websites

    In the same vein, measured statistics don't automatically lose credibility because the data doesn't fit the preconceived popular opinion. What the charts are missing for a more comprehensive picture is the number of users polled per device, most recent previous device, and how much they paid...
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    1080p (4.7-5 Inch) Phone Roundup and Discussion

    I'm betting you would be making the same criticisms about <insert phone here> had you managed to get a Nexus 4 in the first place.
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    Have smartphones plateaued ?

    It's not really fair to say the desktop monitor technology stagnated. The pattern of increasing pixel density stopped, but when it "settled" at 1080p, prices began dropping.
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    Quick sound source question

    Music is usually recorded in 2-channel stereo, surround enhancement always makes it sound pretty bad in my opinion, unless it was recorded in surround(pretty rare). Surround is just a DSP effect, enabling it on the motherboard chipset, and just plugging straight in will have the same result as...
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    Audio from two devices.

    I can get it to send different signals to the different devices, for example, media player through one device, and windows sounds to other, but not the same signal to both devices. Test signal is an example, since it's 2 different sources. EDIT: OK so after some digging around, Windows can't...
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    Audio from two devices.

    Not sure what your hardware setup is, but Windows won't allow me to send the same signal through 2 different devices. My external audio interface however allows me to duplicate the analog audio through SPDIF. The SPDIF connector isn't optical either, so would require another device to convert.
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    Which of these two laptop is great for what I need?

    My 5.5lbs T520 can get cumbersome to carry around one-handed due to the distribution of the weight. The T420 was about a half pound lighter, but took up less planar space and was quite a bit more convenient. I'd say up to about 6lbs in a 15.6in is the limit for one-handed rapid relocation and...
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    Need laptop recommendation

    I'd say if you can deal with the lack of a dedicated GPU, the Thinkpad X230 might be up your alley. Otherwise you could wait for the upcoming Trinity laptops, that should give you dedicated-like GPU at this form factor.
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    Looking for a 3.7 Android

    I think you might be confusing the Adreno 220 and the 225. The 220 was made to compete with the single core SGX540. The 225 is a beast in comparison. Benchmark: The only fast...
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    What can we expect for the next Google Nexus phone ?

    Exynos 5 is confirmed?! erhmagerd! ...wait, which version of PenTile?
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    Looking for a 3.7 Android

    No one mentioned the HTC One S, or is that not allowed?
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    Motorola Droid Razr Maxx HD

    I think the S3 2GB RAM pretty much nulls whatever anyone else can bring at this point, but then I like to browse on my phone like its a desktop. At least until the next round of devices.
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    Your preferred display for Smartphones

    It's because it is. SAMOLED is pretty notorious for oversaturation and tinted white levels. Some people swear by it, and they either don't know and don't care, or know and don't care enough. Images on screen just don't look like what I'm looking at.
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    Best Verizon phone right now?

    Galaxy S3 is the only current device with 2GB of RAM. Depending on usage pattern, this can be a deciding feature.
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    laptop recommendation

    Lenovo T530. Quad core option. 1080p display. Switchable graphics.
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    Any new Nexus phone rumors?

    It doesn't look like A15 will make mainstream by the end of the year, and since availability is a concern, I'd venture a guess and say it's going to be awfully similar to the GS3. GS3 in GNex form factor; I'd buy it.
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    CPU Upgrade for Notebook

    Short answer, no. 1066MHz FSB don't work in PM965. Long answer, can't be be confirmed. I've found one case of a T9400 not working, but that may not be true for all cases. Might be better off sticking to the 800FSB chips.
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    Control device to put between soundcard and KRK Rokit monitors

    I use an M-Audio Firewire Solo, and with ASIO drivers, 512 sample buffer, latency is around 5ms. I used USB before and with ASIO it wasn't much different. I don't do a lot of live audio stuff though, so I couldn't tell you if the number was good or bad. I will add though, I had to switch to...
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    M-Audio AV40 buzzing

    I had a similar issue on my KRKs. They would buzz through both audio interface and headphone/speaker jacks on the desktop, but would have clean sound on my laptops headphone jacks. I had another interface with balanced outputs, and that fixed it for me. Probably not the solution you're...
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    Can't hear the difference through my headphones. Although at times the transients on the bell-like percussive sounds seemed better on the wav file.
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    Is there a perfect monitor? Whenever they decide to start making TVs out of them.
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    $1000 dollar non-gaming laptop?

    The 15" screen and good resolution/quality seem to be at odds with the price point. How is her tolerance of small font and/or poor viewing angles? Based on the usage model, anything with an SNB i5 should suffice, with discrete graphics being optional. What are the specs are the current machine?
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    Best noise cancelling headphones

    Any reason why active noise canceling is a required feature?
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    Res vs Size vs Aspect vs Type

    DP, DVI and HDMI sends the same image data. DP has the benefit of being able to drive multiple displays. 30in IPS @ 2560x1600, 100.63 PPI, .2524 Dot Pitch. Running the same display at 1280x800, 50.31 PPI, .5048 Dot Pitch. 42in @ 1920x1080, 52.45 PPI, .4843 Dot Pitch. 46in @ 1920x1080, 47.89...
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    Need help getting audio from PC to 5.1 receiver

    DVI is video only. If the motherboard has HDMI, there are adapters to split the audio to optical out. No idea what they cost though. Might just be easier/cheaper to take a dremel to the case.