Audio from two devices.


Mar 14, 2010
Is it possible to get a PC in windows to output audio from two devices? I'm trying to get the optical as well as basic analog stereo analog to play at the same time.

Is this even possible? I can switch between two but I cant get both to stay active at the same time.

Please and thanks!
The two devices is an Optical spdif and analog. Splitting the analog wont accomplish what I'm looking for. :(
Not sure what your hardware setup is, but Windows won't allow me to send the same signal through 2 different devices.

My external audio interface however allows me to duplicate the analog audio through SPDIF. The SPDIF connector isn't optical either, so would require another device to convert.
Thats exactly what I'm trying to do. The ability to do it exists as I can "test" one of the audio devices while the other is set to default and audio played.
I can get it to send different signals to the different devices, for example, media player through one device, and windows sounds to other, but not the same signal to both devices. Test signal is an example, since it's 2 different sources.

EDIT: OK so after some digging around, Windows can't send the same source to multiple devices.
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depends on sound card. windows will only output to one device for a particular stream at a time. some sound cards can do it.