M-Audio AV40 buzzing


Jun 28, 2004
I'm running the AV40s off a Xonar DG, and I get a constant low-level buzzing or humming, even when muting audio from the computer. Sound through my headphones is perfect, so is there anything I can do to eliminate the hum from the AV40s?
It's either a ground loop, or interference through dirty power. If it is a constant hum then it is most likely a ground loop though. You can try a ground loop isolator and see if that fixes things.

I have a similar problem with my BX5a's, but the sound remains even when my speakers are unplugged from the sound card so in my case it's dirty power. I have yet to buy a filtering power bar to try and fix it.
I plugged them into a separate outlet, and still have the issue. The buzzing is there when it's disconnected from the sound card, when the computer is muted, or plugged into a different outlet. The only time it goes away is when the right speaker is unplugged from the left speaker.
Bring the speakers to a friends house and see if it still makes that noise. Will tell you if its the speakers or voltage ripples in your house wiring.
I had a similar issue on my KRKs. They would buzz through both audio interface and headphone/speaker jacks on the desktop, but would have clean sound on my laptops headphone jacks. I had another interface with balanced outputs, and that fixed it for me. Probably not the solution you're looking for though. Amplified monitors are pretty sensitive to interference.
I had a similar issue on my KRKs. They would buzz through both audio interface and headphone/speaker jacks on the desktop, but would have clean sound on my laptops headphone jacks. I had another interface with balanced outputs, and that fixed it for me. Probably not the solution you're looking for though. Amplified monitors are pretty sensitive to interference.
That's an idea... I'll run them through my laptop to see if that helps narrow it down.
I have the same set of speakers and no noise at all. If they make the noise at a friends house then get them replaced...

Also I replaced the stock cable (the headphone to RCA cable) with a much higher quality one.