Motorola Droid Razr Maxx HD


Limp Gawd
Dec 22, 2011
No one talk about it on the forum, I'm looking into buying a smartphone and this one seems like a good android phone.

Was looking into Iphone 5, SIII, One X, Lumina 920 and the Motorola Droid Razr Maxx HD, Kinda hard to decide witch worth it.

basically let's the this straight: Is the Droid Razr Maxx HD the next big android phone?
All anyone is talking about is the S3, HD's specs still aren't up to par. I love mine. I can't tell you what the next one big thing is, seems like there is a lot coming out at the end of the year.
All anyone is talking about is the S3, HD's specs still aren't up to par. I love mine. I can't tell you what the next one big thing is, seems like there is a lot coming out at the end of the year.

8mp camera, 1 gb ram, fast dual core processor,insane battery life so... what's comming at the end of the year?
I think the S3 2GB RAM pretty much nulls whatever anyone else can bring at this point, but then I like to browse on my phone like its a desktop. At least until the next round of devices.
I think the S3 2GB RAM pretty much nulls whatever anyone else can bring at this point, but then I like to browse on my phone like its a desktop. At least until the next round of devices.

and when is that?
The razr maxx hd is probably going to drop about the same time as the Note 2 and then there's the possibility of the Incredible X or whatever they call it and of course we're due for the new fall Nexus.
and when is that?

In the next few months seeing as the Optimus G already rapes almost all of the phones(except iPhone 5 in benchmarks which seems to be equal) and that came out in Korea I believe. I would expect the new Nexus phone to have an S4 Pro or equivalent and an Adreno 320 or better.
Engadget mentions that Maxx HD screen has some less than ideal attributes like a bit of yellowing and slight pixel issues. Seems like Motorola is using a less than ideal pentile display. But it does have an S4 processor so hopefully this handset wont suffer from fragmentation like my Photon 4G.

Hopefully these new razers are post Google Acquired developed hardware.
Engadget mentions that Maxx HD screen has some less than ideal attributes like a bit of yellowing and slight pixel issues. Seems like Motorola is using a less than ideal pentile display. But it does have an S4 processor so hopefully this handset wont suffer from fragmentation like my Photon 4G.

Hopefully these new razers are post Google Acquired developed hardware.

They seem kind of "meh" since they are only coming out now. In the next month there should be some S4 Pro/Adreno 320 phones which will destroy these. Probably gonna wait until at least November before I decide whether to give the S3 to my brother and get a new phone or keep it.
They seem kind of "meh" since they are only coming out now. In the next month there should be some S4 Pro/Adreno 320 phones which will destroy these. Probably gonna wait until at least November before I decide whether to give the S3 to my brother and get a new phone or keep it.

November is a biggg month for phones, I believe the new Nexus phone will either be leaked or announced and the W8P will be released by then. After november you will pretty much know exactly what phone that is going to be the flagship for all 3 OS' till probably march or april next year.
I just got my brother a Razr M and it definitely blows away my Razr. I'm holding out for the Razr HD myself. I've had HTC and Samsung phones (including the Nexus) and the reception has always made me go back to Motorola. I am out in northern Minnesota a lot and got sick of the HTC/Samsung phones losing signal for 40-50% of the time when the Motorola would only lose it for 5% or less.
Been using a SGS3 since launch and just got a few Maxx HD's in at work. I've been trying it out for almost a week now and it's a great phone but it's flaws still have me on the fence if I want to dump the SGS3 completely for it.

Things that make it stand out...
-It has ridiculous battery life (not my image but I got similar results over the weekend)

-Moto UI is very close to stock unlike TouchWiz, I rooted the phone and have been very satisfied with with the stock Moto experience.
-Build quality is awesome. Definitely doesn't feel like a cheap phone. Feels very high-end unlike the SGS3 which feels really cheap. Kevlar back is done much nicer than the previous Razr's and the aluminum band around the phone is icing on the cake.

Things I don't like compared to the SGS3...
-Camera is "meh." It's not horrible, it's just not as good as the SGS3's.
-Screen size, on screen buttons use up a lot of screen space so even though it's technically .1" smaller it's actually much more than that. If you're watching a video it'll cover those up but with most other apps they'll be there using screen space.
-Non-removable battery. Even though it gets great battery life, if I run out and not near a charger I would be screwed. When traveling with the SGS3 I always had a spare and could buy another battery in an emergency. This isn't a very big issue with me since I don't travel too often but is a con.
-Edit2: Forgot this, In-call volume. Would be nice if it was a little louder. Speaker phone also isn't as loud as SGS3. SGS3's speaker phone worked well in my car, but on the Maxx HD I can barely hear them and the other person said I sounded muffled.

That's what I've noticed so far.

Edit: I've read a lot about better signal strength with Moto phones, but in my area I've never had a problem with either one. I get pretty much the same signal with both and never had issues with it dropping. But I did forget to mention Wifi. On the SGS3 it sucked, sometimes it worked sometimes it didn't even though it was connected. I would have to reconnect or just turn it off a lot with that phone. No issues like that on the Maxx HD. And for the record, on the SGS3, I've just been sticking with TouchWiz based roms.
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I just got the HD Maxx on Tuesday and ran it through a full day yesterday. I had 2.5 hours of screen time, GPS use to and from work (30-45 minutes each way) and about an hour of phone calls. After 17.5 hours, I still had 60% left on the battery (forgot screenshot, will upload one tonight). If Wirefly didn't have such a good deal on it, I would have just went for the non-Maxx HD as the battery life on these things are crazy good.

WIFI and cell reception is as good or better than the original Razr or X/X2 that I've had before.

My headset volume is louder than any of my phones before and the speakers are MUCH louder than the rest. I have never used the S3 though, so I can't compare there. Even on the original Razr, I usually played music on high when not using headphones and now I'm at half volume or less on the HD.

No complaints so far.
Can't wait for this to hit the UK, I think Motorola have got it right with the battery life. Shame their software support in Non US areas is a complete and utter shambles.
I'm loving mine. Got it the day after they dropped, and I have to say I was worried that I jumped the gun. After a week and a weekend with it, though, I have no major complaints. My only gripe with it is the learning curve, but that's my fault for waiting so long to upgrade from a 2.3 device.

The battery is ridiculous. Took it off the charger Saturday morning, and I'm currently at 27% (screen time says 5h 11m 59s).
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I thought I read somewhere these phones would get an improved version of the standard S4 that came in the GS3. Is this not the case?
I know it's clocked up, slightly (1.4 vs. 1.5) but I can't tell you if there's anything beyond that.

Like I said before, I was on a 2.3 device (T-Mobile MyTouch 3G SE Fender) that was starting to get uberwonky, so I had to pull the trigger. If you can wait 2-3 months, which is almost always the case, hold off and see what's around the corner.

If you can't wait, this phone bows down to none, for the moment, including the iPhone 5. I bought this one the morning I went down to Road Atlanta for the 2012 Petit Le Mans. My buddy had a spanking-new iPhone 5 that held its own, photo- and video-wise, but fell short for burst shots and battery life. Build quality is, at least, equal to the Apple offerings, and better than what I've seen from Samsung and HTC this year. Let me qualify that by saying that my last three phones were HTC, and I haven't owned a Samsung phone (just Siemens and HTC, for smart phones), thus far.

By the way, the gripe about the on-screen buttons taking up real estate is a little silly. If you're doing/watching anything that justifies the whole screen, it utilizes the whole screen. HD trailers and videos are sweet, and I'm looking forward to getting this thing linked to my TV.
By the way, the gripe about the on-screen buttons taking up real estate is a little silly. If you're doing/watching anything that justifies the whole screen, it utilizes the whole screen. HD trailers and videos are sweet, and I'm looking forward to getting this thing linked to my TV.

Using the web browser? The buttons don't use that much space but for me when I'm having trouble trying to decide which phone to get everything little thing counts. But you're right, most of the time they won't matter and if the phone gets some dev support those buttons could possibly be changed to do other things like some Gnex roms had.