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  1. D

    Umm this doesnt seem rights with my 4870x2

    Yes it is normal. My oc'd Diamond 4870x2 was in the high 90C temps until I water cooled it. Now its operating in the high 30C's.
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    Anyone buy a openbox 4870x2 from newegg?

    While I didnt buy an open box, my OC'd 4870x2 is a fantastic card. Ive got it water cooled and it's averaging temps in the 30's C.
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    Rampage extreme and Blu-Ray problem

    Thank you. I plugged it into one of the black ports and it works fine now. :D
  4. D

    Rampage extreme and Blu-Ray problem

    Ive got all the drives hooked up to the Intel controllers. I just plugged the blu-ray into the Marvell controller and the computer booted. Im not sure how to enable the marvell controller in bios though.
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    Rampage extreme and Blu-Ray problem

    Any help here would be appreciated. I plugged in a Lite-On blu-ray player into my system and the computer wont boot. It gets partially thru the boot and hangs up at the "Checking NVRam" spot. I dont understand it. What about this unit causes the boot to lock up? Ive got a standard DVD, a DVD...
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    Radeon HD 4890 (RV790) & HD 4770 (RV740) Launch On Apr 6th

    So I suppose there wont be much difference compared to my OC'd 4870x2?
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    F.E.A.R. 2 Gameplay Performance and IQ @ [H]]

    Prioir to the operation? Hmm, will it be obvious when bullet time comes into play?
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    F.E.A.R. 2 Gameplay Performance and IQ @ [H]]

    Doh! I couldnt find it in the key menu options. Thanks.
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    F.E.A.R. 2 Gameplay Performance and IQ @ [H]]

    Um ah, yes. Why doesnt FEAR 2 have that capability?
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    F.E.A.R. 2 Gameplay Performance and IQ @ [H]]

    Im running it at 1920x1200 and it's great. Help me out here guys, didnt FEAR 1 have a "bullet time" capability where everything around you slowed down (ahla Max Pain)? FEAR 2 doesnt seem to have that capability.... Am I missing something?
  11. D

    ATI 9.2 is up

    These drivers giving anyone (else) horizontal electrical like lines throughout the moniter? They come and go it seems.
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    Proud New Mac Owner

    If your MBP doesnt already have four gigs of ram get it! That is the biggest performance booster you can get as easily as possible.
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    Interesting. I wonder (some of you might know) why my 4879x2 when playing left for dead was pegged at 60fps. I noticed in a 4850x2 and 4870x2 comparisson each card was above 100fps while playing left for dead. What do I need to unlock to get performace above 60fps? Thanks
  14. D


    So what exactly is the difference between the 50 and 70x2's?
  15. D

    4870x2 Overclocking

    My Diamond 4870x2 came at GPU800 and Mem 950. Im running it at GPU 850 and Mem 1050. She's water cooled and temps are great.
  16. D

    Powercolor HD4870 1gb issues.

    Id think it was the overclocking. Could be the beta OS... I oc'd my 4870x2 and had to drop it down because of artifacts and some crashing.
  17. D

    ATI Catalyst 9.1

    Any iders when 9.1 is going to hit the streets?
  18. D

    Looking for cpu/chipset etc cooling software

    Who Hoo! Yes thank you.
  19. D

    Block for my 4870?

    Ive got a Koolance on my 70x2 and its working very nicely. My temps (the card of Oc'd) are in the mid to high 30's.
  20. D

    Looking for cpu/chipset etc cooling software

    Ive got a Swiftech water system going here and Im trying to find some software that will tell me the temps of my CPU and MB chipset. And anything else I cant think of. When I was running dual 8800gtx's my nVidia software did that for me. Now with my 4870x2 I dont have that luxury. The...
  21. D

    HD 4870X2 worthwhile?

    I sure like mine. Ive got it watercooled so the temps are in the high 30's so it no longer heats up the room! ;) You might lay off until nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnvidia gets there 295's out. Just for a full test comparisson. Just an idea.
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    ATI Catalyst 9.1

    Can we get the beta 9.1's anywhere?
  23. D

    4850 cooler

    I have a Koolance on my 4870x2. It's working great. Average temps on that oc'd card are 34C. GPU 825 mhz Memory 1000 mhz
  24. D

    2 4870x2s in crossfire...

    You mean to tell me that you only got 1K more performance when you added another 4879x2? How is that possible? I wouldnt expect double the performance but at least a third better. That is turbo lame.
  25. D

    2 4870x2s in crossfire...

    Everything I used was default.
  26. D

    HD 4870 crossfire, or no?

    Ive got a QX9650 running at 4.5 ghz, an over clocked 4870x2 and Im not even close to maxing out Crysis. I wonder when a machine will be able to?
  27. D

    2 4870x2s in crossfire...

    Well Im not really sure. My CPU is running at 4.5 ghz and my Diamond 4870x2 is at 800 GPU and memory 1000. Oh, also my system is water cooled. The GPU temps rarely get above 40C.
  28. D

    2 4870x2s in crossfire...

    Here are my scores with a single 4870x2. 3D Mark Score: 22967 SM 2.0 Score: 8672 SM 3.0 Score: 11718 CPU Score: 5887 Id like to see others scores.
  29. D

    2 4870x2s in crossfire...

    I hope you were able to get your set up running the way you want. Question, is it worth getting another 4870x2 to add into my system? By that I mean is there that big a performance boost? Ive got my single 4870x2 water jacketed and it's running in the high 30's C. Ive got the system...
  30. D

    Artifacting problems with games and the 4870x2

    Ok, thanks for all your help guys. I used Rivatuner to tone down the card to the proper specs and things are now fine!!! Thanks again. Tom
  31. D

    Artifacting problems with games and the 4870x2

    Thank you for the information. The water jacket is infact installed correctly. It took a lot of time to get the water system installed correctly. Every temp program I am using is telling me that card is running at 34C. The card was running at 90C before the system was put in place. No I didnt...
  32. D

    Artifacting problems with games and the 4870x2

    Well using the Catalyst software (the card is a factory OC'd card from Diamond) the card doesnt appear to be able to be stepped down. Right now its running at GPU 840 and memory 1090. Darn it.
  33. D

    Artifacting problems with games and the 4870x2

    Well crap. Ive got a Koolance water jacket on it and a good water system kooling it and everything else. It's never gotten hotter than 40C. So, that isnt the problem.
  34. D

    Artifacting problems with games and the 4870x2

    Can anyone help me with this problem? I have a 4870x2 and when I try and play high end FPS's I get these weird horizontal artifacts going right to left across the screen. Here are my specs. Case: Silverstone TJ09 Motherboard: ASUS Rampage Extreme Processor: Intel QX9650 @4.5GHz PSU...
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    I just loaded Far Cry2 and when I went to play it I started getting these weird horizontal artifacts streaming across the screen. Im pretty disapionted.
  36. D

    4870 x2 on 780i board?

    It didnt work worth a crap on my 780i. All things considered, I swapped out a lot of stuff before I simply changed out my motherboard to an intel jobber. Now she works great!!!!
  37. D

    [H]appy with the 4870x2? ***Sign Up Here***

    No, it didnt work well with that nforce 780i. But then neither did that QX9650. Man its loving that Rampage Extreme! Ive got the Quad Oc'd to 4.45ghz. Im going to water cool that 4870x2 soon as well.
  38. D

    AMD ATI Radeon HD 4870 X2 @ [H]

    Ok, I was (am) a moron for trying to make that 4870x2 work with a 780i. So, I bought a ASUS Rampage Extreme Intel board for my QX9650. Hopefully when I get in done the performance will be what Im looking for.
  39. D

    ASUS Rampage Extreme @ [H]

    I just got this board yesterday. Im deciding that water cooling system to employ for the Northbridge. SInce Im running an over clocked 4870x2 Id like to include that into the water cooling system.
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    Best gamer Intel MB for my QX9650

    I just opened my door and there she was. Drool. Now to start working......