4870x2 Overclocking


Nov 25, 2008
What are the average attainable, usable overclocks for this card and how are the temps? What should I expect from this card in terms of oc'ing and temps? I plan on overclocking with stock cooler, my 4870's - 512MB did well and served me well (still have one left that does 850/1100 stable and cool), probably gonna toss it in my backup rig :D

Thanks in advance!
My Diamond 4870x2 could not get even close to 800 without being totally unusable usually artifacting then crashing at anything over 780. Could be that this one was binned because diamond does sell an OC version of the card.
What about your memory oc? Also what are the clocks for Diamonds oc version of the card?
That's a decent oc on the diamond oc version, from the looks of it they don't oc very well :(
My Sapphire 4870X2 does 850MHz GPU and 950MHz memory. This is with the stock cooler and now the water cooler. So my temps are pretty good now. I can't remember the temps with the stock cooler, but I believe they were pretty decent when I manually set the fan to 35%.
777 MHZ for both GPU here. Left the Ram at 900mhz for both and set the fan to 45%.

Diamond OC version is 800 and 950.


Almost correct. The Diamond OC version is 800 for the core and 975 for the memory. I honestly haven't tried pushing beyond the factory overclock since it's a pretty decent overclock to begin with. Remember that overclocking with dual GPU cards is usually not as impressive as single GPU cards because you're bound by the slowest of the two GPUs.
My Sapphire 4870X2 does 850MHz GPU and 950MHz memory. This is with the stock cooler and now the water cooler. So my temps are pretty good now. I can't remember the temps with the stock cooler, but I believe they were pretty decent when I manually set the fan to 35%.

On air! :eek: That's the best I've heard of so far. How you tried going higher with water? I would be content with a 10% oc on both core and mem. 825/990-1000
I was able to do 750/950 on stock air. Moved to a full cover block and I'm now stable at 877/1000. Temps seem to be the limiting factor on the card(s).
On air! :eek: That's the best I've heard of so far. How you tried going higher with water? I would be content with a 10% oc on both core and mem. 825/990-1000

Yeah, from what I'd seen, I guess I got pretty fortunate this time to get 850 on air. Wish I was as fortunate with my Q9550. But I can't get much more than that even after I put the water block on.
gmkmay: That is bad ass! Just curious what does a water setup/full cover block cost just for the 4870x2? What kind of temps you getting with those clocks?
Almost correct. The Diamond OC version is 800 for the core and 975 for the memory.

Almost no. Spot on correct by Diamonds specs

MemoryMemory Clock :[B]950[/B] MHz x 2Memory Configuration :64Mx32Memory Type :GDDR5Memory Bandwidth :180.6 GB/sec

950 not 975 ;) Next time, it might behoove you to actually read the links, especially when they deal with specification of the card in question.
My Diamond 4870x2 came at GPU800 and Mem 950.

Im running it at GPU 850 and Mem 1050. She's water cooled and temps are great.
gmkmay: That is bad ass! Just curious what does a water setup/full cover block cost just for the 4870x2? What kind of temps you getting with those clocks?

The block cost me $100 and I've had the rest of the system in place forever replacing a part here and there and haven't really added up the cost in a while...probably around $250 for everything (pump, PA 120.3, fuzion, tubing, fillport).

The gpu idle's around 35c and load's around 44c (main gpu, second gpu is 3-5c cooler than that).
I have overclocked my 4870x2 to 800Mhz on the GPU and 970 on the Memory clock. I also enabled fan control and leave it at around 40% which is slightly audible. If needed I can kick it up to 45 and still be fine.

Current idle temp is 46 C
Anytime the temp gets around 80 C Catalyst Control Center takes control and rev's up the fan until temps get down to around 76 C (fan sounds like a jet engine during this time). I havent ever gotten close to this temp yet (without using FurMark or other benchmarking temps). I also dont know if this matters but I have this card hooked up to a 59 inch HDTV and it looks damn sexy at 720p. I can do 1080p but text gets to small for me.

I purchased the MSI card as it was OC'd to begin with (but I wasnt happy enough with that :D)

Sidenote: annoys me that now the card is 100 dollars cheaper than when I purchased it a few months ago :(. Guess thats the price I pay for being an early adopter.