ATI 9.2 is up

Installed over 9.1s and I couldn't set res higher than 1024x768
Completely wiped out all ATI drivers and still can't set higher than 1024x768

My TV will flash "Video: 1080P" at the top right like normal when the screen is black then change to 1024x768. Last time I had this problem was when ATI decided to prevent CCC from working with modified BIOSes. But I have original BIOSes now and CCC works fine. Also, if I try to actually use my computer I'll shortly after get a bunch of weird lines on the screen and lock up. GO ATI! BEST DRIVER DIVISION EVER!

Also, it never asked me to reboot after installing them. Is that supposed to happen?

I now have the same problem after reverting to previously working 9.1s

FIXED! Had to extend my display to a second monitor it thought I had THEN I could set 1080p
Also, it never asked me to reboot after installing them. Is that supposed to happen?

No. Installing over drivers isn't supposed to happen either. Uninstall the old drivers, reboot, reinstall the new drivers. Tried and true. it sounds like you discovered a workaround, not really a fix.

It is in, that was said in the release note. Although it appears that the infamous power play bug is back.

I scanned the release notes and didn't see anything.

waiting till further testing is documented with P45 2x4850 configurations before I jump on board...

Exactly what sort of documentation are you looking for?
So this is a little off topic, but when my 4870 comes in next week week which drivers should I use? 8.12 hotfix or 9.2? Just looking for suggestions.
So this is a little off topic, but when my 4870 comes in next week week which drivers should I use? 8.12 hotfix or 9.2? Just looking for suggestions.

at the rate the drivers are coming out the past couple weeks, id say 9.3's :eek:

honestly i cant say cause i havnt been home in 2 days to check them out :(
So this is a little off topic, but when my 4870 comes in next week week which drivers should I use? 8.12 hotfix or 9.2? Just looking for suggestions.

9.2, as it apparently incorporates the multi-core hotfix from 8.12.
Played Dawn of War 2 fine all of yesterday and a bit today on 9.1's, like one crash. Played it after i installed 9.2's, randomly starts crashing now and if i turn on RivaTuner with the 9.2's, it locks up right when i launch the game.

Awesome, seems to cause more problems then it fixes.
Periodic crash to desktop in FEAR 2 with AI enabled has been fixed for me. No problems so far with 9.2
I'm unhappy with them.

My brand new Sony XBR6 monitor/TV hates these things. When I load them the TV thinks that it's getting an analog signal from the computer - even though it's still on HDMI. The picture is screwed up and the menus in the TV lock me out of all kinds of functions. If I remove the driver it *immediately* goes back to thinking it's on a digital input and comes out of it. Before I even reboot! I played with all kinds of settings in the driver and I can't get it to come out of this.

9.1 worked fine. I reloaded it and everything started to work again. My Sony TV realized it was on digital and unlocked the menus/settings.

Same crap Error 43 incompatible display device and only one of the GPUs is enabled. Had to go back to 8.11.
Thanks ATI............
Never had problems like this with Nvidia SLI........
Same crap Error 43 incompatible display device and only one of the GPUs is enabled. Had to go back to 8.11.
Thanks ATI............
Never had problems like this with Nvidia SLI........

Your issues probably doesn't have anything to do with the GFX card. I would suggest you look into the MB instead to solve your issues. :)

You can read up on this error from even older cards and drivers:

After installing Windows Vista, an error in Device Manager for the display adapter may appear with the error code 43.

This error is caused by miscommunication between the motherboard chipset and the graphics card. This can be caused by using a motherboard that is incompatible or unsupported by Windows Vista. This issue can also be caused if the correct drivers are not installed for the motherboard after an upgrade from Windows XP.

Nvidia chipsets are not famous for their compatibility and stability (I've had a few Nvidia MB's myself too). Thats why people loved that SLI could be run on newer intel chipsets.

I'm running a 4870X2 on Vista 64, 4GB memory, asus P5Q, Q9550 CPU and GFX drivers have been a painless installation from 8.10 to 9.2. No Error 43 and both GPU's are enabled.

Thank Nvidia for your issues, not ATI.
Played Dawn of War 2 fine all of yesterday and a bit today on 9.1's, like one crash. Played it after i installed 9.2's, randomly starts crashing now and if i turn on RivaTuner with the 9.2's, it locks up right when i launch the game.

Awesome, seems to cause more problems then it fixes.

This is a DAW2 problem not ATI. Patch inc

It’s come to our attention that a small percentage of players are receiving a random crash that is stalling their campaign progression. Upon crashing and rebooting DOWII, their save game brings them back to the campaign with no further missions to complete.

We want you to know that we are working on a HotFix to this issue and it’s already undergoing testing. The fix should bring those corrupted save games back to life and shouldn’t interfere with unaffected save games in any way. We expect to release the HotFix within the next 24 hours.

Unfortunately, the HotFix cannot fix the crash from randomly occurring again. The crash is more likely to happen on 32-Bit Vista machines running on High and Ultra settings. Until we are able to permanently fix the out-of-memory crash, we suggest reducing your graphics settings to Medium to prevent it from re-occurring during Campaign play.

Relic apologizes for this inconvenience. We are working hard to solve the problem and deploy a fix responsibly.
I take it ATI doesnt test their own drivers before they get sent out?:rolleyes:

Im still gunna stick with the original 8.11 for my 4850x2;)
Your issues probably doesn't have anything to do with the GFX card. I would suggest you look into the MB instead to solve your issues. :)
I doubt that highly. His post states it worked fine with a previous driver. What changed? The driver. Therefore the new driver is likely the cause of his problem.
I've been playing a few PS1 games on ePSXe using OpenGL2 renderers. Having my monitor at 75hz causes games to shear or exhibit wierd distortions in motion (I force 60hz for the games though). 60hz puts a horizontal line through my screen and my LCD starts a high pitch noise. I can try DirectX but it seems that the steam overlay does not work on the DirectX 7 rendered applications. I may revert back to the 9.1s since they seem to play nicer.
I doubt that highly. His post states it worked fine with a previous driver. What changed? The driver. Therefore the new driver is likely the cause of his problem.

Its not that simple. Error 43 is a common compatibility issue between MB and GFX from years back (as shown in link above). That it works with one set of drivers, doesn't mean it will work on all sets.

In my case, drivers from 8.10 to 9.2 have worked without getting such errors. But then again, I have another MB.

A bios update might help, here's one:
Bios Version : P08
BIOS Date : 9/15/2008
Bios File : NF78_P08.bin (FTP / HTTP)
Notes : The following was updated in release P08:

Improved nTune compatibility
Fixed restoring disabled device states & fan speeds after suspend/resume
CPU Microcode updates for Penryn CPUs
Fixed PCIe compatibility issue
Improved Fan Controls
Improved Memory Compatibility
Installed in vista32 over the 9.1 and no issues to report. However did a few benchmarks and crysis i lost about 5fps over the 9.1's I am only getting an avg of 47.05 from 52.75 with the 9.1's again it is a benchmark not noticable during game play at all.
Running 4870 512 crossed with 4850.
The 9.2 seems to work on the game I tried (COH), but I can't run 3DMark Vantage without weirdness. I installed it over 8.12 because when I tried to uninstall 8.12 first, there was nothing in the Add/Remove Programs that allowed me to do it (or whatever it's called in Vista). I have a 4870 x2 by the way.
What exactly does the Steam overlay have to do with ePSXe?

I run ePSXe as well as all of my other games through steam so I can get overlay access. Overlay only works for DirectX8+ (which isn't available in ePSXe) or OpenGL. It's awesome when you want to play full screen and don't want to alt-tab to get to a browser for gamefaqs. So I use the steam web browser and the friends chat function.
Its not that simple. Error 43 is a common compatibility issue between MB and GFX from years back (as shown in link above). That it works with one set of drivers, doesn't mean it will work on all sets.

In my case, drivers from 8.10 to 9.2 have worked without getting such errors. But then again, I have another MB.

A bios update might help, here's one:
Bios Version : P08
BIOS Date : 9/15/2008
Bios File : NF78_P08.bin (FTP / HTTP)
Notes : The following was updated in release P08:

Improved nTune compatibility
Fixed restoring disabled device states & fan speeds after suspend/resume
CPU Microcode updates for Penryn CPUs
Fixed PCIe compatibility issue
Improved Fan Controls
Improved Memory Compatibility

The Nvidia based mobos could contribute to this problem but it still doesnt take the driver responsibility away from ATI if they want to make video cards that will work on all mobos. I have read the numerous complaints on this issue not only on this board but also the ATI forum. The only way to determine if it is the Nvidia boards would be to also document which type of board the person has who is having this problem and see if there is a pattern.

There was a theory going around that it was only happening if you had over 4GB RAM which has proven not to be true. There was another one that installing Vista hot fixes would fix it or reinstalling Vista which doesnt work all of the time either. I have had this problem on both my computers different Mobos.

I am still confident that at some point in time ATI will come out with drivers that fix this problem or release a list of compatible mobos. But then again if they want to start doing that then they would have to start listing compatible games too since there are driver issues with certain games too.

The 8.11 drivers work fine so it is not a real issue but I would like to have the newer drivers.
The Nvidia based mobos could contribute to this problem but it still doesnt take the driver responsibility away from ATI if they want to make video cards that will work on all mobos. I have read the numerous complaints on this issue not only on this board but also the ATI forum. The only way to determine if it is the Nvidia boards would be to also document which type of board the person has who is having this problem and see if there is a pattern.

Problem is that code 43/error 43 is not an ATI issue. You can find it with Nvidia as well. Here's a more recent one:

have a GTX295 which is working on Vista SP1 recently i Changed mobo and installed VIsta SP1 there i try to installed Nvidia 181.22 but it doesn't install. it shows error Windows has stopped this device because it has reported problems. (Code 43).please any one can tell me what is wrong ?? thank you

There was a theory going around that it was only happening if you had over 4GB RAM which has proven not to be true. There was another one that installing Vista hot fixes would fix it or reinstalling Vista which doesnt work all of the time either. I have had this problem on both my computers different Mobos.

Over 4gb of ram was an issue in a couple of the ATI drivers. Its been alegedly fixed now. Error/code 43 is not related to only the 780i (or nforce) alone. Some are more compatible then others though.

I am still confident that at some point in time ATI will come out with drivers that fix this problem or release a list of compatible mobos. But then again if they want to start doing that then they would have to start listing compatible games too since there are driver issues with certain games too.

The 8.11 drivers work fine so it is not a real issue but I would like to have the newer drivers.

Thats my point. I do sympethise with you and I am trying to help. Thing is, if 9.3 works without error 43, there is no guarrantie that 9.4 will. Changing to a mobo that would work or get it fixed with a driver that didn't work before, gives better guarranties this will not occur in the future.

Its not the cards or drivers, but the mobo's that lack compatibility. Some mobo's are more universal compatible then others regardless of cards, within the same manufacturer even.

If mobo's were universal compatible, there wouldn't be a need for GFX manufacturers to provide a fix. Blaming this on ATI would be wrong (or nvidia in the quote above). I would assume it would be easier to for mobo manufacturers to make their mobo's more compatible to current hardware (edit: and perhaps mobo manufacturers should list what hardware they are compatible with, not only memory compatibility and such). After all, there are less GFX manufacturers ;)

Did you update your bios?
Seems more of a case of certain drivers from both manufacturers not being compatible with certain motherboards.

It's easy to see how people would tend to blame the driver. Basics of troubleshooting. You upgrade your driver, it blows up, then the driver was the problem. Especially if you can roll back and it's fine.

I realize it's not always that simple. But you can see how people got from A -> B.
Seems more of a case of certain drivers from both manufacturers not being compatible with certain motherboards.

It's easy to see how people would tend to blame the driver. Basics of troubleshooting. You upgrade your driver, it blows up, then the driver was the problem. Especially if you can roll back and it's fine.

I realize it's not always that simple. But you can see how people got from A -> B.

I can fully understand how people starts blaming the drivers. :) As you say, basics of troubleshooting is to target the last thing that changed. Most of the time, thats true, but not all of the time.
Problem is that code 43/error 43 is not an ATI issue. You can find it with Nvidia as well. Here's a more recent one:


Over 4gb of ram was an issue in a couple of the ATI drivers. Its been alegedly fixed now. Error/code 43 is not related to only the 780i (or nforce) alone. Some are more compatible then others though.

Thats my point. I do sympethise with you and I am trying to help. Thing is, if 9.3 works without error 43, there is no guarrantie that 9.4 will. Changing to a mobo that would work or get it fixed with a driver that didn't work before, gives better guarranties this will not occur in the future.

Its not the cards or drivers, but the mobo's that lack compatibility. Some mobo's are more universal compatible then others regardless of cards, within the same manufacturer even.

If mobo's were universal compatible, there wouldn't be a need for GFX manufacturers to provide a fix. Blaming this on ATI would be wrong (or nvidia in the quote above). I would assume it would be easier to for mobo manufacturers to make their mobo's more compatible to current hardware (edit: and perhaps mobo manufacturers should list what hardware they are compatible with, not only memory compatibility and such). After all, there are less GFX manufacturers ;)

Did you update your bios?

That Bios update wasnt showing as a good link and also Im not sure if it would work with the FTW version of the 780i. Im sure willing to try if I find the right one. There is a beta bios update for the 780i FTW but only fixes CPU multiplier issues.
I still think what you are saying gives ATI an easy way out. Does this mean that ATI/Nvidia should blame the game manufacturers also when the games dont play properly?
That Bios update wasnt showing as a good link and also Im not sure if it would work with the FTW version of the 780i. Im sure willing to try if I find the right one. There is a beta bios update for the 780i FTW but only fixes CPU multiplier issues.
I still think what you are saying gives ATI an easy way out. Does this mean that ATI/Nvidia should blame the game manufacturers also when the games dont play properly?

If the game devs are doing things in DX9/10 that they shouldn't be (which is the most likely case), then yes. Far too often ATI and Nvidia are blamed for game bugs and problems in other components (unstable RAM, CPU, overclocks, etc...). It seems like if there is the slightest problem people always immediately start tearing ATI or nvidia a new one - even if it is a completely unrelated problem. I've also noticed that ATI seems to get ragged on harder than nvidia, even when nvidia's chipsets are the problem and not ATI's drivers or cards.
These drivers giving anyone (else) horizontal electrical like lines throughout the moniter? They come and go it seems.
That Bios update wasnt showing as a good link and also Im not sure if it would work with the FTW version of the 780i. Im sure willing to try if I find the right one.

You should get the bios version that is for the FTW (or FTW digital). Make sure you know which one you have. I wouldn't gamble on the bios. Go here:
Select mainboard -> bios update and your MB. They have newer bios'es there and they should contain that fix and newer fixes. :)

I still think what you are saying gives ATI an easy way out. Does this mean that ATI/Nvidia should blame the game manufacturers also when the games dont play properly?

I'm not giving ATI an easy way out. Its just that ATI (and Nvidia too, since they have the same problem with code/error 43) isn't the one to blame in this case.

As kllrnohj says, ATI and Nvidia gets blamed too often for bugs they haven't created themselves.
Who to blame in each case, depends on the case itself, but I would put some responsibility on the game developers if they make a game that doesn't support major hardware. There are hundreds of game developers and much more games. Can't blame ATI and Nvidia for everything that goes wrong there. Even if they manage to fix the game developers mess with driver profiles, it doesn't mean it was something wrong with the drivers either. :)
its easy to point a finger and blame somebody, its harder to fix it.
goes through the install but doesnt actually install the drivers for me .. might just be my fucked up vista install though( 4850x2 )

back to 9.1 for me, no problems with them...
You should get the bios version that is for the FTW (or FTW digital). Make sure you know which one you have. I wouldn't gamble on the bios. Go here:
Select mainboard -> bios update and your MB. They have newer bios'es there and they should contain that fix and newer fixes. :)

I'm not giving ATI an easy way out. Its just that ATI (and Nvidia too, since they have the same problem with code/error 43) isn't the one to blame in this case.

As kllrnohj says, ATI and Nvidia gets blamed too often for bugs they haven't created themselves.
Who to blame in each case, depends on the case itself, but I would put some responsibility on the game developers if they make a game that doesn't support major hardware. There are hundreds of game developers and much more games. Can't blame ATI and Nvidia for everything that goes wrong there. Even if they manage to fix the game developers mess with driver profiles, it doesn't mean it was something wrong with the drivers either. :)

That is what Im saying there is no Bios update for my mobo right now. There is only the Beta which fixes a CPU multiplier issue. There are software updates for the mobo but mine are all up to date.
As kllrnohj says, ATI and Nvidia gets blamed too often for bugs they haven't created themselves.
Who to blame in each case, depends on the case itself, but I would put some responsibility on the game developers if they make a game that doesn't support major hardware. There are hundreds of game developers and much more games. Can't blame ATI and Nvidia for everything that goes wrong there. Even if they manage to fix the game developers mess with driver profiles, it doesn't mean it was something wrong with the drivers either. :)

In the case of game bugs I would speculate that 95% of bugs (at least) are the game developers fault. I remember interning at a small game studio, and the game would occasionally crash, but only on ATI system and the crash would occur inside the ATI driver DLL. So the devs blamed it as an ATI driver bug. I spent some time going over it with the debugger, and it turns out that they would occasionally do something that the OpenGL spec explicitly forbids (an empty glBegin()/glEnd() block iirc). I'm assuming that ATI didn't do checks for invalid inputs in the interest of performance, which was something that the spec allows for them to do. I imagine that this sort of bug is not uncommon.

After all, all ATI and Nvidia can reasonably be expected to do is follow the API specs to the letter - which is the entire point of the spec. I find it amazing that the two companies are going far beyond that and doing bug fixing for other companies games.

Now, in this particular case it seems to be some sort of incompatibility, but I do believe that it is likely a similar type of problem as one side not following the spec to the letter.
does this version get rid of the problem in windows 7 where it wont do screen scaling with LCD's? neither aspect ratio scaling or full screen scaling work, i get black bars all around.
I run ePSXe as well as all of my other games through steam so I can get overlay access. Overlay only works for DirectX8+ (which isn't available in ePSXe) or OpenGL. It's awesome when you want to play full screen and don't want to alt-tab to get to a browser for gamefaqs. So I use the steam web browser and the friends chat function.

Makes sense. Have you tried other emulators like pSX?