AMD ATI Radeon HD 4870 X2 @ [H]

Look I agree that there is discrepancy with the H review vs everyone else but the overclock just isn't an issue.

Agreed, the overclock isn't the issue, it's the fps numbers. 4870x2 is a lot faster than than [h] shows, we all know this. I've seen the gtx280 and a 4870x2 running side by side, and the image quality of the 4870x2 and the performance is miles ahead of the gtx280. [h] has lost a lot of crediblity with this review.

I'm planning to buy it and i'm just interested how loud is the fan? Can it be on default without being loud as a plane in load or do i have to make fix rpm (for example on 40%)? This is for me the only turn off....
Well shit. I loaded the game (Stalker) and the update patch and the first go around the computer crashed rebooted, and the second go around I crased again and rebooted! This sucks. I tried to ply Crysis Warhead and the computer crashed as well. Maybe I should have bought a 280GTX????
Ok, I was (am) a moron for trying to make that 4870x2 work with a 780i. So, I bought a ASUS Rampage Extreme Intel board for my QX9650. Hopefully when I get in done the performance will be what Im looking for.
Ok, I was (am) a moron for trying to make that 4870x2 work with a 780i. So, I bought a ASUS Rampage Extreme Intel board for my QX9650. Hopefully when I get in done the performance will be what Im looking for.

I'm scratching my head by this post...

I'm currently running my new 4870x2... ok hold your breath... on my 680i and it runs fine without issues. Only problems I've had were due to driver related problems. For the most part, the card runs like a dream. A bit hot but I've removed the worthless stock TIM and applied some MX-2 to both cores.

Will run it on my 780i FTW later this week and move my 8800gts g92 SLI back on my 680i. I doubt that it will have any issues on that board either.
Typed up a long post and then it didn't post :mad:

Anyway, I am looking to get me a 4870x2 and wanted to get owners opinions on which brand is the 'best'??

BTW..looking to buy if anyone is selling :D

I know Visiontek has the lifetime warranty and that is appealing. The 800mhz version, no a big deal since I know this card can get over that, well at least what I have read.

Any recommendations??

Typed up a long post and then it didn't post :mad:

Anyway, I am looking to get me a 4870x2 and wanted to get owners opinions on which brand is the 'best'??

BTW..looking to buy if anyone is selling :D

I know Visiontek has the lifetime warranty and that is appealing. The 800mhz version, no a big deal since I know this card can get over that, well at least what I have read.

Any recommendations??


The cards are almost all made by the same actual manufacturer. So on a technical level it really doesn't matter which one you purchase as they are all the same card. Let warranty, included accessories, support, and price determine which brand to buy.
That is what I figured, but some people that own them, have war stories and such, so always looking for the inside scoop.
Well I ended up buying the Diamond version since there was a nice $50 rebate and I had an Amazon $50 GC.

So it is on its' way.

I will search the forum, but how well are these in OCing? Send link if you have one.
What is the best tool for OCing the dual gpu's?

CCC or Rivatuner?

Not having looked at these tools with my new 4870x2. Does it show each gpu to OC separately or does it change both at the same time?
I'm thinking of getting one of these and I was wondering, how well do they overclock?

Is the card OC-limited by heat or voltage?
All i have to say is i hope this card performs way better than its smaller brother the HD4870 because they sucked.
I bought a 4870X2 a month ago; I also have a QX9650 processor, 4 sticks of 2gB memory and almost all the rest of my new pC (HD, psu, mobo, a 24 lcd etc). My question is, which will be the best OS option? Vista 64, 32 or XP? I'll use it only for gaming.
Not too much activity from the 4870x2 crowd. Is it because a lot more ppl own the 3870x2?
I been looking at the 4870x2 for a bit, but it's a tough call since all I ever owned are NV cards.
Not too much activity from the 4870x2 crowd. Is it because a lot more ppl own the 3870x2?
I been looking at the 4870x2 for a bit, but it's a tough call since all I ever owned are NV cards.
I personally dont care for multi gpu setups so I would probably try to get a gtx285 if you can get a good deal on one. also you certainly need to oc that cpu with a faster card especially a 4870x2. in fact I probably would not get an ultra high end card without a decent quad and 4 gigs of ram.