2 4870x2s in crossfire...

ok loaded a restore point and ATI is installed but no catalyst or error appeared, resolution is still messed up.
uninstall catalyst. reboot into safe mode and run driver sweeper. remember to tell driver sweeper to remove the c:\ati folder too. shutdown and install one card only. download and install 8.12.
ok I did that but I'm back to where I was right after the motherboard flash. I don't get a video signal from any card on any of the ports
ok so I tinkered around and flipped the bridge and now I get a signal again (posting from the troubled computer). problem is I get the error again.

No ATI graphics driver installed, or the ATI driver is not functioning properly. Please install the ATI driver appropriate for your ATI hardware.
you get no video at all, or you get the mobo splash screen but no video after the os tries to load? if its the latter, and you hear the hard drive accessing, leave it be for a few minutes hopefully the system will reboot itself or hit the enter key a few times and hopefully you'll get a sound like the os is restarting.

uninstall catalyst and all versions of microsoft visual c++.
I HAD no video at all with no signal no splash nothing. I have video now but that error persists
ok I tried uninstalling the microsoft visual C++s and ATI, rebooting into safe mode, clean out the ATI, reboot into normal, reinstall drivers, reboot and still I'm getting failed drivers message
go into device manager and do a manual install of the drivers.

hit update driver , then manual browse for c:/ati/drivers something something...... it will be in there.

the error will go away.
what is the something something part? this is what I see

ok I just enabled all the video card from device manager and just clicked on all those things. restarted and it was EXTREMELY dark. then after like 30 seconds it started catalyst WITH CROSSFIRE and everything is running smoothly...

wow thanks a lot everyone for your help. this was driving me crazy! thanks especially to rennyf77 and Big[H] for finding that mobo bios error. wow I thought I'd have to RMA SOMETHING. thanks
No problem, glad you got it going there. Wouldn't even have thought the BIOS could be at fault, until I had to update my Maximus Formula and saw that nearly all the Asus boards had an update for 4870X2s in Crossfire.
3D Mark Score: 17093 3DMarks
SM 2.0 Score: 6194
SM 3.0 Score: 9146
CPU Score: 4234

are those typical for a system in crossfire... I guess that is an improvement
I went from about 14,500 with 1 4870x2 to about 16500 with 2. This is in 2560x1600 resolution.

I'm using 8.10 with a rampage formula. I had install the new bios or I would have no video at all.
so it should be higher is what you're saying? I did the basic 3dmark which I think is 1280x1024
No I'm not saying it should be higher. I'm just saying that the difference between 14,500 and 16,500 is enough to show that both 4870x2's are working in crossfire. Of course I wish I had more than 16,500 but at least I know it works.
one last thing. under CrossfireX in catalyst it won't let me do anything under the diagnostics tab... am I missing a drop down menu? the help for the page says

From the Choose from the following Rendered GPU combinations drop-down list, select the GPU combination you want to troubleshoot.
This list may be a superset of the equivalent list on the ATI CrossFireX™ > Configure page.

I hope you were able to get your set up running the way you want.

Question, is it worth getting another 4870x2 to add into my system? By that I mean is there that big a performance boost?

Ive got my single 4870x2 water jacketed and it's running in the high 30's C. Ive got the system set up so that I can easily add another 4870x2 into the system. But, if it isnt worth it why bother.


3D Mark Score: 17093 3DMarks
SM 2.0 Score: 6194
SM 3.0 Score: 9146
CPU Score: 4234

are those typical for a system in crossfire... I guess that is an improvement

Here are my scores with a single 4870x2.

3D Mark Score: 22967
SM 2.0 Score: 8672
SM 3.0 Score: 11718
CPU Score: 5887

Id like to see others scores.
wtf....? how did you go about getting that kind of score with 1 card..? what were your settings?
Well Im not really sure. My CPU is running at 4.5 ghz and my Diamond 4870x2 is at 800 GPU and memory 1000. Oh, also my system is water cooled. The GPU temps rarely get above 40C.
What CPU do you have and what's it running at? Matters alot for the 3DMark scores.
If the default res is lower than 1920, and he is forcing 1920 then that alone would do it.

Also like mentioned above, if your CPU isn't overclocked that will also cut out a huge chunk.

Without my CPU Oc'ed I only score somewhere around 13-15k.
defaults are like 1280x1024 or something. You need at least a good 3.6ghz OC on your cpu to get a descent score