Diablo 3 Discussion Thread

If you are not happy, GET A REFUND! You can always buy it again later and get your characters back automatically if they make huge improvements. The game is unacceptable at this point.
While I may be undercutting, I'm not "way undercutting" (I do about 10-20% undercut). Basically all I do in the game right now is do things in the Auction House, and you must have been pretty lucky to sell that thing for 850k (unless it was a yellow). In fact, I have been playing with items in the 150-200k range for the past two days, and 860dps items fall right in there. It makes a steep jump in price when you go up slightly in dps from there (880 340k, 890 400k, 900 500k+).

Actually, you're right. I forgot this axe had +110 intelligence. People tend to just look at the raw DPS stat when listing auctions when some of the stats that don't affect it tend to be the main reason people are buying. Crit Damage and Dex/Intel in particular drive the prices quite high.

Exactly. That tells you something about the game, doesn't it? :p All my friends (and co-workers) have all left now.

To be fair, a lot of the people that stopped playing would have stopped playing any other game after 2-3 weeks.
I been reading a bunch of posts of people seeking the 30 day refund. Would anyone that has gone down this route care to explain the details? Is this for boxed versions? Digital download versions? How do you intiate this process?

Unless you have breaking issues with the game such as getting hacked or lagging out every 15 minutes I don't think you should opt for a refund. Blizzard did a lot of shit wrong that makes the game unplayable, and I'm all for asking for a refund then.

If you played through multiple times and want a refund because you're bored of the game, or you feel your class is broken or inferno is too hard, in my opinion, getting a refund then is unethical. This isn't about blizzard, I'm sure the refunds will hardly dent their profits, it's about consumer ethics. For me it's similar to someone watching a movie and complaining after watching the entire movie just to get free entertainment, or purchasing a product to use over the weekend with intent on returning it when you're done with it.

I'm all for free shit and as much discounts when that's the intent. Looking at some people's complaints, many just got bored quicker than they expected, and those people shouldn't ask for refunds. If you got hacked or the game is completely unplayable (not just a little laggy), then go for it.
Unless you have breaking issues with the game such as getting hacked or lagging out every 15 minutes I don't think you should opt for a refund. Blizzard did a lot of shit wrong that makes the game unplayable, and I'm all for asking for a refund then.

If you played through multiple times and want a refund because you're bored of the game, or you feel your class is broken or inferno is too hard, in my opinion, getting a refund then is unethical. This isn't about blizzard, I'm sure the refunds will hardly dent their profits, it's about consumer ethics. For me it's similar to someone watching a movie and complaining after watching the entire movie just to get free entertainment, or purchasing a product to use over the weekend with intent on returning it when you're done with it.

I'm all for free shit and as much discounts when that's the intent. Looking at some people's complaints, many just got bored quicker than they expected, and those people shouldn't ask for refunds. If you got hacked or the game is completely unplayable (not just a little laggy), then go for it.

Agreed. I enjoy the game too much to ask for a refund, despite the many many corners Blizzard cut.

I will say though, that i'll be really fuckin disappointed if the rubber banding lag bullshit isn't ever fixed.
Has the game provided the gameplay hours that blizzard wanted to achieve during the RMAH?
Has the game provided you, as the user, the amount of hours you expected?
Has the game provided the gameplay hours that blizzard wanted to achieve during the RMAH?
Has the game provided you, as the user, the amount of hours you expected?

To be fair, if I got a refund for every game that has not provided as many hours as expected, my steam list would be very short. Same goes for my blu-ray library for every movie I haven't watched as many times as I expected, or books as many times I thought I would read.
To be fair, if I got a refund for every game that has not provided as many hours as expected, my steam list would be very short. Same goes for my blu-ray library for every movie I haven't watched as many times as I expected, or books as many times I thought I would read.

Exactly. People play a game like Half Life and beat it in 8 hours say to themselves "what a great game" and then put it aside.

For Diablo 3, I've seen and read people putting at least 60 hours in, get to Inferno (beating the game 3 times in the process), say the game sucks and ask for their money back.

Exactly. People play a game like Half Life and beat it in 8 hours say to themselves "what a great game" and then put it aside.

For Diablo 3, I've seen and read people putting at least 60 hours in, get to Inferno (beating the game 3 times in the process), say the game sucks and ask for their money back.


my favorite, is when they say their character is too nerfed or the game is broken when they cannot beat HELL or INFERNO the first go around. Kids these days expect to play the game through easy mode and win all up front without a little work/skill.
You're not breaking down those blue 800+ DPS for mats, are you? Those things sell pretty well on the AH (the one-handers anyway). For example (just because it's in my head), 880 DPS 1-handers sell within ~5 mins if you put them up for 340k.

It is mostly 2H that I find for 800-900-1000 dps. I dont think I have found 1 800+ DPS 1H weapon =/
But not before getting in your 60+ hours in right? :)

Correct. :) At over $1/hr in entertainment, it was definitely worth my money.

Even though my friends have stopped (and I, mostly), none of us are asking for a refund because that would just be wrong. As big a company as Blizzard is, I'd still feel guilty. I would definitely understand if you're having technical issues or anything like that though.
I'm tempted to stop playing; there just isn't much left to do. I am on act 4 in inferno and sure it's difficult, but it's the same shit over and over. I will probably come back when pvp is added, but I don't really feel like grinding for random gear. Especially when legendaries are often much worse than magical items... at least when weapons are concerned
So where's the info on PvP? Has blizzard said anything? Seems to me that they communicate like shit.
Yes, about a week ago they said it was coming with the 1.1 patch.
Yes, about a week ago they said it was coming with the 1.1 patch.
But did they give us any info?

I'm eagerly wanting to know if the pvp will be pay to win (buy best gear on AH, go stomp noobs), or if it will actually be fun (q up, fight people with similar gear).

Also wondering if there will be ranking, how many arenas they plan to release, etc.
But did they give us any info?

I'm eagerly wanting to know if the pvp will be pay to win (buy best gear on AH, go stomp noobs), or if it will actually be fun (q up, fight people with similar gear).

Also wondering if there will be ranking, how many arenas they plan to release, etc.

I'm fairly certain they've already released all that information about PvP (gear matching, rating system etc.), although it could be dated at this point. I personally never followed it because as a serious gamer, I can't take Diablo pvp seriously.

And they released their plans for 1.1 (the pvp patch) with their big post about the state of the game.
I'm fairly certain they've already released all that information about PvP (gear matching, rating system etc.), although it could be dated at this point. I personally never followed it because as a serious gamer, I can't take Diablo pvp seriously.

And they released their plans for 1.1 (the pvp patch) with their big post about the state of the game.

have time to hook me up?

I have searched, but just find garbage posts on their forums and other unrelated nonsense.
I purchased Diablo 3 because I thought it was going to be exactly as they hyped for the past 4 years. I thought it was going to be more like Diablo and less like other franchises. Diablo 3 wasn't what I expected and I held out until 60 hours played to get a refund because I had hopes it would be different, it wasn't. I enjoyed it, but it was slated as something different than it is.
I purchased Diablo 3 because I thought it was going to be exactly as they hyped for the past 4 years. I thought it was going to be more like Diablo and less like other franchises. Diablo 3 wasn't what I expected and I held out until 60 hours played to get a refund because I had hopes it would be different, it wasn't. I enjoyed it, but it was slated as something different than it is.

So you ripped off blizzard on principle? lol.
I scored a nice 3 level reduced 1h xbow with 667dps giving me an extra 4.5k in damage and 16% attack speed and some other features for 10k gold.
Shits boss.
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False advertisement = I ask for a refund. I enjoyed the game, not enough to purchase it again with what I know now.
How did they false advertise :confused: There was an open beta for everyone up to level 15. Really nothing changes past 15 except new skills and more mobs. The core gameplay is the same.

Edit: Also, playing for 60+ hours and asking for a refund is just you being greedy.

"I would like a refund on my 12" subway sandwhich because It was not what I was expecting"

"where is the sandwhich sir"

"O I ate it already"

How does that make sense.
False advertisement = I ask for a refund. I enjoyed the game, not enough to purchase it again with what I know now.

Game not enjoyable enough to purchase it again != valid reason for requesting a refund after playing it for 60 hours.

Kinda like watching The Avengers, then asking for a refund because the Shawarma scene wasn't as funny as you expected it to be.

edit: I see a lot of parallels to Mass Effect 3....Great game with a crappy ending. Ending up with entitled folks asking for refund because the last 3 minutes totally ruined the other 20 hours that was played.
How did they false advertise :confused: There was an open beta for everyone up to level 15. Really nothing changes past 15 except new skills and more mobs. The core gameplay is the same.

What's really funny is the people that were like "DON'T JUDGE THE GAME ON THE BETA BLARHARGARGAGR" and then I see posts like this...

False advertisement = I ask for a refund. I enjoyed the game, not enough to purchase it again with what I know now.

Lemme get this straight.
You bought it, and asked for a refund because you didn't enjoy it enough to buy two!?
Seroisuly, man, it's people like you that are the reason we can't have nice things. :rolleyes:

Nice job ripping off a bunch of legit devs.

Also, in regards to "false advertisement,"
Well I think he meant if he were to do it over again. If he were to consider buying Diablo 3, given his 60 hour knowledge of the game, he would not have bought it the first time around.
I hate to be the devil's advocate. But I enjoy the game enough to want to buy a collectors edition (2nd copy for my other PC I'm building). Even if I just play it once in a while, the gameplay is addicting and the graphics are good enough for me.
What's really funny is the people that were like "DON'T JUDGE THE GAME ON THE BETA BLARHARGARGAGR" and then I see posts like this...


Yea that's what my buddy kept telling me when I explained to him for the umpteenth time that the game was too damn easy and made it boring. Now he's a barbarian on Inferno and all of his family that he convinced to buy the game quit weeks ago. They had 2 groups racing against each other and now there's just him. Well he may login for an hour every 3 days. He's one of those gamers that you need to make logout after 30 hours straight before he gets headaches or throws up.

I could get a refund but I'm level 59. To be honest the game isn't bad in a group as I like watching others get blown up. Just I know that there's nothing after Inferno. I like Path of Exile as it seems to have a lot more meat to it than Diablo III. Just waiting for it to drop the Beta tag and character resets. Torchlight II is just pure unadulterated fun. No brainer purchase.

Diablo III would be better if they added in fun scenarios like Jar of Souls on Hell+ difficulty. Stuff that is fun to do and doesn't involve trying to one shot you at every corner, but you can still die if you mess up. But it's up to Blizzard to do that as I'm just another cog that chooses whether or not to purchase their products. Would be nice to be able to explain this to them before I quit but as a cog it doesn't really matter.
I think he means he thought it was going to be a prettier with more immersion version of Diablo II. What he got was Chinese gold farmer simulator. Well what the game seems like as the path to glory seems to be the AH instead of killing elites and bosses. Just my opinion.
^Valid, but don't you guys feel a little disingenuous getting a refund for a product you've already 'consumed?'
You have to kill elites and bosses to sell shit to make money to use the ah :confused:

I just don't understand the concept of buying something, using it for 60+ hours, then requesting a refund...

Did you people (yeah I said it, you people) not research before buying? It's Diablo. The core concept hasn't changed:

1) level through the same content multiple times till you hit "end game" which is more of the same content
2) Farm said content for gear to buy new gear to further improve your character so you can do said faster or easier, and/or use your powerfull character for pvp or show off (See: Epeen)

The only thing in my eyes added was a universal trading system connecting the whole of the United States/Europe/Asia. No longer do I have to sit in a trade chat spamming or watching text go by reading as quickly as possible. No longer to I have to use the Diablo forums or d2jsp to get a hold of the uber rare godly items. Now everyone can trade with everyone.

Am I missing something that other people picked up on that makes the game so "terrible".
I purchased Diablo 3 because I thought it was going to be exactly as they hyped for the past 4 years. I thought it was going to be more like Diablo and less like other franchises. Diablo 3 wasn't what I expected and I held out until 60 hours played to get a refund because I had hopes it would be different, it wasn't. I enjoyed it, but it was slated as something different than it is.

What specifically did blizzard say or advertise did they not live up to?

Until you can reasonably justify false advertisement, asking for a refund like you did is actually worse than piracy. With piracy, they can theoretically be out only the cost of the game. With what you did, not only did you play the game for free, they had to spend money moving the money back to your account, and pay some customer support person the time to complete the process when they could have been helping someone that actually should've gotten the refund.
You have to kill elites and bosses to sell shit to make money to use the ah :confused:

I just don't understand the concept of buying something, using it for 60+ hours, then requesting a refund...

Did you people (yeah I said it, you people) not research before buying? It's Diablo. The core concept hasn't changed:

1) level through the same content multiple times till you hit "end game" which is more of the same content
2) Farm said content for gear to buy new gear to further improve your character so you can do said faster or easier, and/or use your powerfull character for pvp or show off (See: Epeen)

The only thing in my eyes added was a universal trading system connecting the whole of the United States/Europe/Asia. No longer do I have to sit in a trade chat spamming or watching text go by reading as quickly as possible. No longer to I have to use the Diablo forums or d2jsp to get a hold of the uber rare godly items. Now everyone can trade with everyone.

Am I missing something that other people picked up on that makes the game so "terrible".

The part where Inferno is fun to run because your skill in playing determines if you're going to die; not if 5 elites immune to snares or damage come rushing you and you get one shotted. I've seen my buddy play Inferno enough to know that it's not fun; more like infuriating. It's a test of wills only because it tests your desire to hit respawn or not.
The part where Inferno is fun to run because your skill in playing determines if you're going to die; not if 5 elites immune to snares or damage come rushing you and you get one shotted. I've seen my buddy play Inferno enough to know that it's not fun; more like infuriating. It's a test of wills only because it tests your desire to hit respawn or not.

To be fair, the guys that beat inferno in like 3 days have some mad skills, so there is some involved :p