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  1. F

    Memorex 4gb USB Travel Drive Compatibility

    Hey I was just wondering if anyone could help me out with using a 4gb memorex travel drive on my Dell E1405 w/ windows vista 64bit. The travel drive works on my desktop and all our Dell school computers flawlessly but will not work with my laptop. It would be nice be able to use this drive to...
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    Ubantu htpc

    I was wondering if it was possible to use ubantu and a tv tuner card to record sports games. I dont really care about the computer doing anything else its a decent amd duron 1600, 512 ram, Gf4 4200ti, 160gb hdd, with no operating system. I have my main house machine and a laptop both with xp...
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    Best Budget Laptop => $750

    Just remember to check late at night. I always find the cheaper ones late at night and you can most of the time buy them without being beat to the punch. The Turion runs hotter from what I have heard adn the battery life isnt as good.
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    Best Budget Laptop => $750

    Check the Dell outlet. I picked up a 1405 for 849 with the Core 2 Duo 2000, 2gb of ram, etc. You might have to get the 1800 though. I was shocked when i saw it on there for that cheap.
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    Macbook for daily use

    206<425 seconded, and I think I might be convinced on that macbook. It has to be black though. All I am trying to figure out is if i need to get the core duo or the core 2 duo hum..
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    Macbook vs Dell ?s

    is it worth going with the core 2 duo vs the core duo. I dont know if its worth the extra 300 on the referb store. Is it that much fast for what i am going to be using this computer for (wc3,papers,web browsing, etc)
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    Macbook vs Dell ?s

    How is the battery life comparison. I am in the same boat lookin for something portable under 1300 dollars perferably. The m1210 looks to have better battery life from what I have seen around 5 hours. The macbook is supposidly only 2-3 hours. Also would a macbook run wc3 and wow ok ?
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    Xbox 360 VGA cable questions

    they have DVI cables or only VGA ?
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    Xbox 360 controller for PC

    I was just wondering if its possible to play 1v1 with 2 xbox controllers on a pc in a game like madden 07? I highly doubt it is because it would defeat the point of buying a console sorta.?
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    AN8-SLI refurb

    I was just wondering this was a good deal. This isnt a problematic board is it? Does it overclock very well ? I am trying to get ride of this asrock dual sata-939 because I cannot get past 260...
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    College Algebra - Calculator Question!

    I have both a 83+ and an 89 and I got to say when trying to follow teachers when they are using an 83+ is a pita with the 89 beucase of the interface change. I always had to look up the functions and stuff in the book. I just went out and found a cheap older style 83+ used and that has been...
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    Core 2 Duo- AMD Equavilant?

    I would be interested in seeing any 3dmark, systemmark or other benchmarks with ur proc against like the E6600 with more cache. Thx
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    Sound Delay

    I have a AVer Media Ultra TV and the sound is delayed slightly compared to the picture. I was wondering if there was anyway to fix this problem by possibly delaying the picture or some other method. Thx
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    Warcraft 3 & Frozen Throne

    Played this game up until recently because of the upgrade to the 7950gx2 I had to move onto something that made me feel better about spending 600 on a gpu. So when i did play i was ranked in solo play. The biggest thing in this game is to get ur heros quick level them fast, creep really fast...
  15. F

    Should i get the Nv 7950 GX2?

    I second getting the xfx 7950gx2, there is still alot of time before directx10 comes out. Not to mention before it is fully mainstream and utilized to the fullest. Then again your current card is still nice, but you could sell it off better also.
  16. F

    ForceWare 91.45 beta released

    oh god i hope this fixes my crashing space heater of a 7950 gx2
  17. F

    Your favorite energy drink for gaming?

    Rip It Limewrecker best energy drink you will ever have and it wont break the bank. Plus I make it at work everyonce and a while, I am the batcher but we only run it once every 2 months. Its a really really good margarita flavored energy drink. I dont know where you can buy it but it should be...
  18. F

    opt 165 stuck at 2.4

    ALright sorry for the slow reply but I just added some new hardware. I added a XFX 520m 7950GX2, then after that a 550w Antec truepower psu and a couple pci blower fans. Lets just say the card worked good for the first 4 days but all it has seemed to be doing latly is get really freakin hot...
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    AMD to Drop ATi Name

    if this happens its going to kill alot of their market share, I have to give this 2 thumbs down as this is probably the most retarded idea ever.
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    Video Card with DX10?

    Rumor around town is that 7950GX2 will support DX10 features with card bios flash.
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    opt 165 stuck at 2.4

    I have been ocing this opteron for a while now, I cannot get it past 2.4 ghz but I think its capable. The system specs are: Opteron 165 Toledo CCBWE 0607UPBW with stock heatsink (soon to be dangerden) Asrock Dual Sata-2 939 with bios rev 2.2 1Gb Giel PC4000 @ 2.5-4-4-6-10 @ 171 freq Antec 420...
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    Project Ophidian Custom Case: Lian Li P7

    DAmn sick man, but why are you using turtle wax with a paint job like that you better step it up to the Zaino Bros
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    Greatest Game Ever

    Easy one RTS: Starcraft --> WC3 TFT FPS: CS 1.6 --->CS: S Then there is always WOW and Diablo 2
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    gaming periods for groups of gamers. pre-WOW and post-WOW.

    I played wow for periods of time. The most I played was up to 4 months I think. I took a 6 month break and started up back in april. I went 20 levels from april to june 10 when i deactivated it. I am in a guild and like the game but the 15 dollars for non stable servers and drops all the time...
  25. F

    How much kick is there in dual core vs single?

    Dual core makes me cry when i start up wow(crashes) or cs:source(not-smooth) and it runs like crap even with everything optimized and tweaked. I am just praying that these games release some sort of patch with dual core help.
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    Office 2007 w/screen shots

    I see alot of Apple in all of the new MS stuff (Office 2007(layout) and Vista (widgets). I have always been an MS loyalist living in redmond but it seems that they are getting to artistic and bent out of shape on all these extra features. I would take 98 se over xp and vista's looks anyday.
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    ASrock Dual Sata-2 USB 2.0

    Thanks for all the help still
  28. F

    ASrock Dual Sata-2 USB 2.0

    Yeah i figured it out. Just uninstalled them then installed an ALI usb driver off of a google search as a last resort type option. Luckly I got the right one. I dont know why windows didnt automatically install the usb 2.0 root hub. It installed all the other stuff except the 2.0.
  29. F

    WOrth it to upgrade to a X2 4800+ now?

    Opteron 165 or 170 :cool:
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    ASROCK 939 Dual SATA problem..(keeps asking me to make diskette at boot)

    not exaclty sure what you are talking about. But you can set your boot options in the bios that will go around it basically doing the same thing as pressing F11. The only reason you would ever need the disk is for a raid config
  31. F

    ASrock Dual Sata-2 USB 2.0

    Anyone have any clue as to why this is not working I have SP2 installed, bios updated, usb 2.0 enabled in bios, what could be wrong I cannot find a driver any where for this board for usb 2.0 everything says included with windows. PLEASE HELP ME ARRGGGHH lol
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    ASrock Dual Sata-2 USB 2.0

    so i have been working on fixing this for a while and its still running usb 1.1. I setup the bios correctly and everything seems to be good. I cant figure out how to get to usb 2.0 if anyone has a clue please help me. Thanks
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    ASrock Dual Sata-2 USB 2.0

    I cannot get this board to run usb 2.0 I dont know exactly what teh deal is here but any help would be good. Thanks
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    ASRock 939Dual-SATA2

    also set the north bridge to 800mhz and ram to 333, it doesnt show the dividers which is lamo just the speeds
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    ASRock 939Dual-SATA2

    did u turn off the cool and quite in teh bios that helps alot
  36. F

    Itunes rating system

    I reinstalled my os, I dont want to have to reload all my stuff on my ipod so i selected the setting where it just leaves the stuff on their and doesnt transfer it automatically. I was wondering though if there was some way i could get all my ratings and playlist off my ipod and back onto itunes...
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    Dynamic Disk Unreadable

    I recently just upgraded to a asrock 939 and a opteron 165. While upgrading I put all my documents on an 80gb harddrive. Then cleared off my 2 36gb raptors that my raid used to be on in order to make a fresh install. Everything went well. The 80gb imported to the new installation without a...
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    Opteron 165 OEM w/warranty $291 or ZZF Retail for $325?

    The reviews of the stock heatsink has been really impressive. I dunno though I am ordern up the 165 and the asrock from zzf tonight prolly too. I got a full watercooling rig but I kinda want the heatsink for when I am movin around this summer alot.
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    Video card History

    Voodoo 2 Voodoo 4 Asus Geforce 2 GTS Leadtek Geforce 4 4200TI ATI X800pro ref Refurb (150 buckS)