Opteron 165 OEM w/warranty $291 or ZZF Retail for $325?


Limp Gawd
Jul 12, 2003
I'm going to order my CPU tonight, I'm not sure if I should go with the OEM w/3 year warranty or just get the Retail.
The heatsink that comes with the retail has proven to be a pretty good heatsink, do you already have a good heatsink or will you have to pick one up if you go OEM? Then it comes down to how much your going to pay for the aftermarket heatsink.
The reviews of the stock heatsink has been really impressive. I dunno though I am ordern up the 165 and the asrock from zzf tonight prolly too. I got a full watercooling rig but I kinda want the heatsink for when I am movin around this summer alot.
If everyone was still getting the good steppings from Monarch then i would say to definitely go with the OEM but it looks like some of the steppings people have been getting the last few days havn't been that great. The stock heatsink/fan for the Opteron is a pretty good combo and will be more then good enough for the most part unless your using higher voltage. You'll get a little lower temps with a good aftermarket cooler but it will suffice if you dont have the funds.