Macbook vs Dell ?s


Limp Gawd
Oct 19, 2003
I am in the market for a new laptop for college. I need the laptop for school work, chatting, etc. I won't really need to game on it since I thats what I will be using my xbox 360 for. I don't have a desktop any more so this will be more of a desktop replacement. Which would I enjoy more for my needs, a macbook or a dell m1210. I don't know anyone with either so I really can't compare. What are the pros and cons of each. I would like to run vista and mac os x if i get the mac. Is it possible to run vista with aero glass with the GMA 500? Also is it a good idea to buy either of these used off of the for sale forum or ebay. I only want to spend about 1200 dollars.

I'm in your situation too. The refurb Macbooks are $800 - $1000 so I plan to get one of those and get new RAM and a bigger HDD from the Egg.
Go with the MacBook, it's a college student's best friend. I've been a "switcher" for 2 years now and laptops are where Apple shines (keeps me organized lol). If you get a MacBook, know that OSX is RAM hungry. I recommend maxing it out (especially is you're running Vista) as much as you can afford. If you do get say 2GB, you should be able to run Vista just fine.
The Intel GMA 950 (not 500) is Aero-Glass compliant, yes.

The MacBook is my college savior. Can't worry about Dell bloat or driver/malware issues when my next big paper/project is due, and with the MacBook, I don't have to.
So ill be able to run vista on bootcamp with all the bells and whistles? I really like the 13.3 inch size but I don't want to have a crippled computer cause of the gma 950. I wont be gaming on my machine but I do some video encoding and things like that. Is the macbook just crippled in gaming? If thats so it doesnt matter to me as I am enjoying my xbox360
much more than pc gaming now anyway.
i had a notebook with a GMA950 and can tell you it will run vista. Iv not owned a mac so i cant comment on them, but i have owned a dell, and i found the build quality good, but the features were lacking, tho this may depend on specific models.
The GMA 950 offloads work to the CPU. In games it's not exactly... usable... but it is certainly capable of running Aero.

I've an m1210 w/ the 7400go, 2gigs of RAM and a 7200rpm HD. I spent more than $1200. The build quality of the m1210 is up there. It's solid and feels quality. Decent piece of kit. Strong work by Dell. I haven't compared it side by side w/ a Macbook yet.

Right now I'm playing with Sabayon Linux so any supposed OS issues are minimized. (Ok, any 'Windows' issues.) God, but the "switcher" smugness is retarded. Windows isn't that bad. OS X isn't that great. Hell, Linux is just another toy... Is there another option? I'm sick of all three.

The Macbooks only come w/ 512mb of Ram. The m1210s start at 1gig. The Macbook comes with a 2ghz CPU. The m1210 starts w/ a 1.83ghz CPU. The Macbook also gives you a DVD/RW and a camera standard, they're extra on the Dell. The Apple Store is a little more user friendly, since deals at the Dell Outlet are hit and miss. Sometimes great, sometimes not so great. Quick check right now... not so great.

I went with the m1210 because of the size... and the two button touchpad. :p

My advice, don't get sucked in by any ones exuberance, do as much research as you can. They're both solid choices. Buy one, and post pics.

Edit: The "switcher" comment wasn't aimed at anyone here. Just a general sense of ennui w/ the IT world in general. And a bit of apple user loathing. :D
The GMA 950 offloads work to the CPU. In games it's not exactly... usable... but it is certainly capable of running Aero.

I've an m1210 w/ the 7400go, 2gigs of RAM and a 7200rpm HD. I spent more than $1200. The build quality of the m1210 is up there. It's solid and feels quality. Decent piece of kit. Strong work by Dell. I haven't compared it side by side w/ a Macbook yet.

Right now I'm playing with Sabayon Linux so any supposed OS issues are minimized. (Ok, any 'Windows' issues.) God, but the "switcher" smugness is retarded. Windows isn't that bad. OS X isn't that great. Hell, Linux is just another toy... Is there another option? I'm sick of all three.

The Macbooks only come w/ 512mb of Ram. The m1210s start at 1gig. The Macbook comes with a 2ghz CPU. The m1210 starts w/ a 1.83ghz CPU. The Macbook also gives you a DVD/RW and a camera standard, they're extra on the Dell. The Apple Store is a little more user friendly, since deals at the Dell Outlet are hit and miss. Sometimes great, sometimes not so great. Quick check right now... not so great.

I went with the m1210 because of the size... and the two button touchpad. :p

My advice, don't get sucked in by any ones exuberance, do as much research as you can. They're both solid choices. Buy one, and post pics.

Edit: The "switcher" comment wasn't aimed at anyone here. Just a general sense of ennui w/ the IT world in general. And a bit of apple user loathing. :D

It all comes down to doing your own research that's for sure, but a few things up there are incorrect.

MB's with 1.83ghz cpu's come with 512MB of ram, the 2ghz ones come with 1GB of ram, so the comparison you made is incorrect.

Also, Mac's have two ways of right clicking, either use ctrl+click (which is admitedly VERY inconvenient), or put two fingers on the trackpad and then click the usual button. Which is great and works like a charm.

It all comes down to which one you prefer. The 12" Dell has a stronger graphics processor, but it's lighter weight and is part of the XPS line so it comes with stronger customer support.

The MacBook uses the Intel GMA950, of course you wouldn't be able to tell so long as you never tried to use high detail on an sort of game or tried to do any kind of 3d modeling.

I like the slot load optical drive of the MacBook and it's much larger and usable trackpad, and it's larger screen, but if the graphics is where it's at for you, then the Dell is where it's at.

Let me also put out there that BootCamp does not have official support for Windows Vista right now so drivers might be an issue, but that's what you get for using unsupported software. BootCamp is also beta software that will be included in it's final form with the release of OS X 10.5 Leopard come mid-late spring.

So those are my current thoughts, regarding both and giving you some other information that was not in this thread previously, try them out for yourself if you can, but I don't know where you're going to get your hands on an M1210 to try out unless some retail store nearby carries it.
I have one final important question, which looks better white or black? I have no apple store near me so I can't just go see in person. I live in the middle of no where. Which would gather finger prints easier, I have OCD about finger prints lol.

Also, is it worth getting 2gb of ram? And can boot camp tri-boot? I would like to mess around with ubuntu a little too.
I have one final important question, which looks better white or black? I have no apple store near me so I can't just go see in person. I live in the middle of no where. Which would gather finger prints easier, I have OCD about finger prints lol.

Also, is it worth getting 2gb of ram? And can boot camp tri-boot? I would like to mess around with ubuntu a little too.

It would be more worth it to get 2GB of ram and run Ubuntu and XP in Paralles virtualized so you don't have to worry about finding drivers, unless you want to game then BootCamp XP is the way to go, although the MacBook is entirely capable of running Vista as mentioned above.

The black one shows fingerprints on the case a lot more and I think is harder to keep clean than the white one, whose glossy finish seems to cancel out any and all smudges.

That doesn't mean I don't absolutely love the black machine though :D I had to get the color I liked best if I was going to be using it every day and all the time.
I used the specs from the Apple link I provided. It lists 2ghz/512mbs of RAM... $899.

I've run into a few Dell kiosks in malls where they have m1210s on display. Consumer electronics stores typically have an Apple display. Fry's, Bestbuy, Circuit City...
I used the specs from the Apple link I provided. It lists 2ghz/512mbs of RAM... $899.

I've run into a few Dell kiosks in malls where they have m1210s on display. Consumer electronics stores typically have an Apple display. Fry's, Bestbuy, Circuit City...

Those are the Core Duo MacBook's, the Core 2 Duo MacBook's got greatly upgraded.

Dual layer DVD burners, 802.11n networking, double the ram (in the 2ghz models), larger hard drives, 64-bit support.

Also, OP, don't forget that Apple gives you 100$ off MacBook's as part of the student pricing model, and they also have a 100$ any printer you purchase at the same time as your MacBook, so but a 99.99$ printer and get the rebate in the mail later. That's what I did, of course when school was just starting they also had a free iPod Nano deal and every now and then they offer 50$ off of MS Office 2004.
how do I go about getting the student discount. I am accepted to Penn State at University Park for the Fall of 07. I would more than likely have to order this online. Do I need to wait for PSU ID card or something?
how do I go about getting the student discount. I am accepted to Penn State at University Park for the Fall of 07. I would more than likely have to order this online. Do I need to wait for PSU ID card or something?

You can go to the apple online store and click on the "Higher Education" link on the right side of the page, then pick out Penn State and such

You may or may not need your ID card, I know at the Apple retail stores they require to see your ID and a Driver's License to give you the discount.

In the Higher Education side online you'll just navigate to the page with your college's name on it by inputting it's zip code.
Also, do I need to buy any software with my mac or does it come with the essentials? What does it come with and what accessories do I need?
Also, do I need to buy any software with my mac or does it come with the essentials? What does it come with and what accessories do I need?

Comes with iLife software which is iWeb iPhoto iDVD iMovie iTunes, etc.

Comes with the Apple remote for using front row or just changing tunes/volume from a distance.

In the MacBook box is the MacBook, the power adapter, the remove, and a box of the OS X + iLife DVD's and a little instruction manual.

If you want a mouse go ahead and pick one out, and you'll want a case of some sort for it.

Check around some of the posts in the Apple Products forum for some more information on other applications and using your Mac.

Lots of great free software available for OS X.
Those are the Core Duo MacBook's, the Core 2 Duo MacBook's got greatly upgraded.

Dual layer DVD burners, 802.11n networking, double the ram (in the 2ghz models), larger hard drives, 64-bit support.

Also, OP, don't forget that Apple gives you 100$ off MacBook's as part of the student pricing model, and they also have a 100$ any printer you purchase at the same time as your MacBook, so but a 99.99$ printer and get the rebate in the mail later. That's what I did, of course when school was just starting they also had a free iPod Nano deal and every now and then they offer 50$ off of MS Office 2004.

Too bad the 2ghz C2D systems are over the $1200 limit so I wasn't even thinking about them... I really dig the black ones, $1500 though.
If you're a student you can get the 2Ghz white model for 1199 with free shipping. but you get charged tax if there is an apple retail presence in your area.
how do I go about getting the student discount. I am accepted to Penn State at University Park for the Fall of 07. I would more than likely have to order this online. Do I need to wait for PSU ID card or something?

doubt it

PSU should have an Office of Information Technology page that allows you to access customized stores that will give you the discount. You'll have to login with your network ID and password

btw, PSU sucks! UMD FOREVER;)
Anyone know where they have M1210's to look at? I don't know what retailers sell dell's.

West LA, Escondido, Canoga Park, Temecula, Santa Ana, Cerritos, Ontario, Vallencia... and I'm not even Half way down the list.
Sorry I meant close to me in san diego. Except carlsbad and escondido but thats pretty far.
How is the battery life comparison. I am in the same boat lookin for something portable under 1300 dollars perferably. The m1210 looks to have better battery life from what I have seen around 5 hours. The macbook is supposidly only 2-3 hours. Also would a macbook run wc3 and wow ok ?
How is the battery life comparison. I am in the same boat lookin for something portable under 1300 dollars perferably. The m1210 looks to have better battery life from what I have seen around 5 hours. The macbook is supposidly only 2-3 hours. Also would a macbook run wc3 and wow ok ?

My MacBook last me 3.5 to 4 hours every time, going around school, in and out of sleep, with wi-fi on the whole time and with brightness down. Right now at 96% it says 4 hours and 22 minutes remaining, but it fluctuates a little near the top end.

Oh and the most recent WC3 patch made it a Universal Binary application for Mac's, which boosted performance a LOT, it ran fine before, but it runs very well now. I have it installed and fire it up often enough to know.
is it worth going with the core 2 duo vs the core duo. I dont know if its worth the extra 300 on the referb store. Is it that much fast for what i am going to be using this computer for (wc3,papers,web browsing, etc)
is it worth going with the core 2 duo vs the core duo. I dont know if its worth the extra 300 on the referb store. Is it that much fast for what i am going to be using this computer for (wc3,papers,web browsing, etc)

It's fast, you just need to say to yourself if the upgraded differences between the two are worth it to you.

802.11n, DL DVD-burner, 64-bit support, 20-30 minutes more battery (on average), cooler running, larger hard drives in their stock configurations, and double the memory installed in their stock configuration (2ghz models onlly).

There have been plenty of cases where people who order from the Apple refurb store get machines with more memory or larger hard drives than what Apple said they were going to get when they purchased the machine. One guy just got 2GB of memory in his MacBook when he thought he was getting 512MB, etc..

Sometimes you get lucky with the Apple refurbs.
Anyone buy anything from the dell outlet before, I'm thinking about getting a scratch and dent.
Anyone buy anything from the dell outlet before, I'm thinking about getting a scratch and dent.

All I hear is praises about how the scratch and dent one's are great deals and have no visual blemishes, seems to be a good choice to go with the outlet, it's often done here.
If you're a student you can get the 2Ghz white model for 1199 with free shipping. but you get charged tax if there is an apple retail presence in your area.

I just orderd 2.0ghz core 2 duo, 1gb, 80gb, DL superdrive, glossy screen refurb for $1099. Its white, but I prefer that for the fingerprint hiding ability
i am not a troll! im an orc.. thing.. maybe and elf.. or.. human!

you're gonna delete this too aren't you? =(
i am not a troll! im an orc.. thing.. maybe and elf.. or.. human!

you're gonna delete this too aren't you? =(

What you did is called trolling, which makes you a troll, either provide useful information or provide to the discussion in some manner, or don't post at all.
how do I go about getting the student discount. I am accepted to Penn State at University Park for the Fall of 07. I would more than likely have to order this online. Do I need to wait for PSU ID card or something?

I am a student at the Penn State Dickinson School of Law and I ordered my T60p without my id+ card. I just used the links provided through the PSU site. Also, several of my classmates have MacBooks and the black one do look much better. The only thing is that when you have the power hooked up to them, the power cord is still white. It would just annoy me...Also, I don't know if it is different for undergrads, they did not tell me that I got a free Napster subscription. Anyways, be sure to pick that up too.
I just orderd 2.0ghz core 2 duo, 1gb, 80gb, DL superdrive, glossy screen refurb for $1099. Its white, but I prefer that for the fingerprint hiding ability

Good stuff. One thing the others may not have mentioned: upgrading the hard drive is pretty easy on a MacBook. You just remove the battery, unscrew an L plate, and pull the old drive out. There's no cabling to fight with or warranty-voiding hijinks.
From looking at the Penn State Computer Store it looks like im not eligible for the discount until i have scheduled my classes. When do incoming freshmen usually do that.
From looking at the Penn State Computer Store it looks like im not eligible for the discount until i have scheduled my classes. When do incoming freshmen usually do that.

My school does it during the summer, around late august as part of a program they run for freshmen getting acclimated to campus and stuff.

It's different everywhere though.

Also, Apple had a free iPod Nano with the purchase of a MacBook when I bought mine, so I got to snag a 4gig iPod Nano for free with mine.

Normally I'd have only been able to get the 2gig for free, but I bought my MB the week after they announced the new Nano's and all the old ones got a 50$ price drop. Pretty kick ass timing.
When varies alot by school, if Penn State does it in multiple sessions spread out over the summer it's vital that you attend the earliest session possible. Otherwise hte most interesting/popular/most required to take early to graduate on time courses will already be filled and you'll have to select among the dregs.