Warcraft 3 & Frozen Throne


Aug 21, 2006
Is there anyone on these forums that plays warcraft but on (Azeroth East)?? If there is please reply to this message thx :)
I just recently retired my Warcraft III gaming. Took too much of my time. Don't remember where it was placing me but I played the custom games all the time. :cool:
Got tired of this game after the computer was able to amass a huge army even on the lowest difficulty setting.
Most people just start mass clicking/zerging with no foresight or strategy a la Starcraft and expect to beat the AI. Stop playing WC3 like Starcraft and you'll find the AI on every setting pretty simple. What people tend to do is try to beat the computer at it's own game of macromanagement and out-producing your opponent, except you're trying to outdo a computer at it's greatest strength instead of playing to your own advantage of strategy and micromanagement.

Here's a BIG tip on how to cheese out the AI: trap it's hero and kill it. The rest of the units will run. Don't simply be an attack-move noob; you have to go into a battle with a purpose. Once you've learned how to manage your units better you can simply out-kill the computer with fewer units even without cheesing out.
Played this game up until recently because of the upgrade to the 7950gx2 I had to move onto something that made me feel better about spending 600 on a gpu. So when i did play i was ranked in solo play. The biggest thing in this game is to get ur heros quick level them fast, creep really fast, learn the tricks with creapping with militia, towers with ork, use lumber harvesters for human on maps their avalible. Anything that makes u more units, money, and levels. I only played human so I only know a lil ork. And also micro u guys well, keep ranged back, tank forward, potion up ur heros, always get onsite vendors in tft. Always have a tp on all ur hero's and ur good.