Should i get the Nv 7950 GX2?


Limp Gawd
Jan 27, 2006
Ok im gonna have about around $600 after i get my paychecks in 2 weeks. and my question is should i get the 7950GX2? newegg has it retail for $499 and its really tempting! the only thing. is that its built to be so much more than the X1900XTX's and 7900GTX's but in all of the reviews of it. they both beat it. :mad: is this because of drivers? or is it just because the card really doesnt show well performance. because of CPU limitations. im really looking to have some bomb ass GPU power. and im really unsure of why this video card is getting stomped by siblings.. its only much faster when running quad SLI..
The 7950gx2 shines at higher resolutions. The reviews I have read show that the 7950gx2 has a substantial lead at resolutions of 1600x plus w/ FSAA and ASF.
Well the latest review from driver heaven. ran the card at 1920/1200 and it was basicly ass raped by the 7900GTX and X1900XT.. in every single game.
uh what are you talking about??????
i upgraded froma 7900GTX to my 7950GX2 Perhaps it gets "raped" as you put it by 7900GTX IN SLI. but to be honest a little overclocking and there is almost no difference between the 7950GX2 and a PAIR of 7900GTX's. .... so what the hell are you even talking about.
I read that on too, but it doesn't make sense. They must be referring to the 7900gt SLI and dual x1900xt's
save the money and get a cheaper card, unless you gotta big lcd and you want to push extreme resolutions. dx10 is right around the corner.
Do what I'm doing... buy a 7950GX2, and then a year to eight months from now buy like the 2nd or 3rd revision of a DX10 card... that way you dont feel like you wasted lots of money buying the first new generation of a card and then watch as the 2nd and 3rd revisions are 2-3x faster.
200mg said:
save the money and get a cheaper card, unless you gotta big lcd and you want to push extreme resolutions. dx10 is right around the corner.

Which will be upgraded again before most games even use DX10 imo.

Yeah Fodder, I think that's what I might do.
dingobiatch said:
I read that on too, but it doesn't make sense. They must be referring to the 7900gt SLI and dual x1900xt's

Driverheaven is a major fanATIc website. I never trust their Red vs Green statements...
No, wait, I read it over. They are talking about the GX2 vs x1900xt vs 7900gt. That doesn't make sense. The minimum FPS on most of the benchmarks, the GX2 dual-mode is at a complete disadvantage to the x1900xt and 7900gt.... what?!? Can someone help me with this? I was just about to pay $250 to go from a x1900xt to the GX2..
Im really on the last few thoughts of to buy this card or not. the driver heaven review didnt really make sense it all. i know the 7950GX2 kills the 7900GTX and x1900XTX. but i would just like to see by how much. i run resolutions of 1680/1050 so my CPU limitations will be bad but not to bad. :) quake wars, and UT 2007 comes out in 1 month. so i would really like some graphics power, to max these games out with. i know some of you are thinking im crazy for wanting to spend this much money on a video card. but money is made to be spent. and itleast im not blowing this on drugs :D
burned-ati said:
but money is made to be spent. and itleast im not blowing this on drugs :D

LOL. So true. Its a hobby, everyone blows away money on something. I'm about to blow another $200 to get quad. I say go for the card, it's a good investment. ;)
dingobiatch said:
No, wait, I read it over. They are talking about the GX2 vs x1900xt vs 7900gt. That doesn't make sense. The minimum FPS on most of the benchmarks, the GX2 dual-mode is at a complete disadvantage to the x1900xt and 7900gt.... what?!? Can someone help me with this? I was just about to pay $250 to go from a x1900xt to the GX2..

Here is a quote from that driverheaven article that you may find interesting.

Another point of note is that the X1900XT is very close in performance to the single GPU mode of the GX2. Comparing the X1900XT to the Dual GPU mode of the GX2 shows the Radeon being pretty much demolished in Average and Maximum frames per second.
I think the driverheaven article is a little confusing.

When he says 'dual card', he means ONE 7950gx2 running in 'multiple GPU mode'.

When he says 'single card', he means ONE 7950gx2 running in 'single GPU mode'.

Here is quote from the conclusion which is consistant to most reviews I have read about this card.

The performance of the GX2 when compared to single card solutions such as the 7900 GTX or X1900XT is very good, in fact in almost all situations the GX2 is a reasonably large margin ahead of the two other products. The impressiveness of the results change slightly when comparing the GX2 to 7900 GTX's or X1900XT's in Crossfire. Both of those solutions provide far superior framerates across the board, however the GX2 is a much cheaper solution.

In summary, the Nvidia Geforce 7950 GX2 is the fastest graphics product available which works on a single PCIe slot and is a very attractive purchase at its current sub £400 price point.
burned-ati said:
Well the latest review from driver heaven. ran the card at 1920/1200 and it was basicly ass raped by the 7900GTX and X1900XT.. in every single game.

They probably only had one core enabled.....
Is this card a major upgrade from my single XFX 7800GTX 256mb card? I would wait for a DX10 card but my 7800GTX is being used by my gf now. After all the research ive been doing I cant tell if its worth it over a single x1900XTX. The resolution im going to be playing in is 1280x1024 because I have a 19" LCD that im pretty happy with.

Is it worth the 560.00+ pricetag or should I just spend ~400 on the xtx and wait for the DX10 cards once vista ships?
v0idm33h said:
Is this card a major upgrade from my single XFX 7800GTX 256mb card? I would wait for a DX10 card but my 7800GTX is being used by my gf now. After all the research ive been doing I cant tell if its worth it over a single x1900XTX. The resolution im going to be playing in is 1280x1024 because I have a 19" LCD that im pretty happy with.

Is it worth the 560.00+ pricetag or should I just spend ~400 on the xtx and wait for the DX10 cards once vista ships?

If you are limited to 1280x1024, I dont think you would see much of performance increase in going with a 7950. The x1900xtx can handle 1280x1024 with ease.
yea, dont waste your money on the 7950gx2 if your gonna be running 1280x1024... id only get that if your running like 1600x1200 and up.
Only get the 7950gx2 if you're running at high resolutions. I got it because of my Dell 2405 at 1920X1200. But that price is kick ass. I paid $80 bucks more almost 2 months ago at the egg.
Well, ill be running 1680/1050. a 7950GX2 can beat dual X1900XTX's in oblivion. thats sweet!!
burned-ati said:
Well, ill be running 1680/1050. a 7950GX2 can beat dual X1900XTX's in oblivion. thats sweet!!

That would be pretty hard to do. I think that it beats 2 x1900xt s though. :D
Well hopefully i can Get 550Mhz 1400Mhz out of it with stock cooling. what was your highest stable OC?
I have just the factory OC on it atm which is 520/1300. I played around with speeds when I first got it but I dont remember what I had it at. None of my games are lacking fps atm so I see no need.
I second getting the xfx 7950gx2, there is still alot of time before directx10 comes out. Not to mention before it is fully mainstream and utilized to the fullest. Then again your current card is still nice, but you could sell it off better also.
The card costs the same as a X1900XTX and out performs it with ease, and can overclock loads even on stock cooling, you can't really go too far wrong to be honest.

My plan is to use this until the 2nd revision of the high end cards come out for DX10, we'll see DX10 card running the features probably fairly slowly and then see a revision of them cards much like the 7800 range was revised to 7900 range, support for features and speeds will be more acceptable then, and we might even start seeing a decent amount of games use them.

I think waiting for DX10 and getting the first cards to support it is a bit of a bad move.
there has been mucho confusion about the 7950GX2 and quad sli in several reviews. the card keeps wanting to revert to a single core and hundreds of motherboards hate it.

the official drivers supporting it were just released, and NV has only started contacting mobo manufacturers asking about updaiting bios to accept the new card.

i throw this review in your general direction

two 7900GTs stock should be slightly outperformed by one 7950GX2, but its not, and thats a driver problem. you can expect yet more perforamance to be squeezed out of this card.
My AN8-E Was listed as a motherboard with an updated BIOS to support the card, and i was worried because I had to flash the mobo from revision 8 which it came with, to revision 4or5 (cant remember now) to get CPU overclocking working correctly.

Luckily the card worked fine with no BIOS upgrade required, hasn't resorted to single GPU mode for me, and with the latest drivers all the games I play are fully supported.
Frosteh said:
My AN8-E Was listed as a motherboard with an updated BIOS to support the card, and i was worried because I had to flash the mobo from revision 8 which it came with, to revision 4or5 (cant remember now) to get CPU overclocking working correctly.

Luckily the card worked fine with no BIOS upgrade required, hasn't resorted to single GPU mode for me, and with the latest drivers all the games I play are fully supported.

Hey man nice overclocks. i had no idea the core or memory could get that high. i bet that thing is murderous! :p and if any of you guys want to sell me a used one for around 460$ or 470$ let me know. because im getting one its official! ;)
Max stable OC on my EVGA 7950 is 615/800. I was able to completely max out the memory.
I think you would be better served to wait until DX10 comes to blow all your money on a top end video card.
why do people keep saying wait for DX 10? ITS SO ANNOYING.
Its like saying...

Dont buy a 2007 Mustang, the 2008's are due out in a year.
I have a 7950 GX2 (BFG) that I got running about 2 weeks ago. As of right now I have it clocked at 610/1575. I do have a PCI fan run on it though. Runs cool (52 C at load) and gives me no problems.
7950 = overkill IMO. just riding the same wave as most of you all :)
get one ...and get one now you can enjoy it and be gaming at high rez and everything else while everyone else is waiting for dx10 to come out .

just my 3 and a half pesos


its funny, most people saying its overkill have ATI cards.
if its not one thing its another with these god damn fan boys.

Get the most you can afford for a card, getting more frames per second is never overkill if you can afford it.
Yea im getting one in about 2 weeks.. the card pretty much does it all. in half of the games a 7950GX2 can beat crossfire X1900's and SLI 7900GTX's.. which is awesome because the 7950GX2 is $499. to run sli 7900's it would run you about $800+ and when it does beat a 7950GX2 its by maybe only 10Fps... 10Fps can be alot if your getting 30fps or 40-50fps but not aleady getting 80fps. 7900GTX sli is a rip off. ill say give nvidia 3 more months at optimizing there quad SLI drivers and regular Sli. then they will be murdering. in all of the games. Quad sli is very imature. but just running sli 7950GX2 is deffinetly the way to go. and waiting on DX10 is retarded. because what is it your waiting for? your playing your games now.. UT2007/ Quake wars will be here in a month. run them great with a 7950GX2. and when DX10 comes run them great to. and its not like im blowing my money now. this 7950GX2 will put me out about $340. ill sell my X1800XL on ebay for $160 "Buy it Now" and bam! ive got 2 7900GT's 512's for 340$ ;).. but thanks for all your replys, and keep the comments coming. :D

Plus ill be running some extras fans on the card, to pull its peak overclock. maybe Mhz550+ core and 1400DDR + memory. so deffinetly gonna be some good performance. my CPU is at FX57 speeds. so there will be some bottlenecking.
who you calling a fan boy?, better watch ur mouth! :eek: