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    Galaxy Note 2, whose getting one?

    Gave in... Proud owner of a new Note 2 on AT&T's network. First and second day my thoughts were all: "Holy shit this thing is huge". Now my eyes are getting used to it and the only size remnant in my mind is when one handing the device. It's big, there's no denying that but it's manageable...
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    Galaxy Note 2, whose getting one?

    Cool, thanks for that vid. Yeah, it basically disappears in that dudes pants.
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    Core gamers no longer matter - go casual or GTFO

    If difficulty is what these "core gamers" want, why don't they just up the difficulty option at the start screen to "Hard" or higher? I've never understood this issue. Is it a problem because casual gamers can still see the entire game in "Normal" mode? Meaning, the enjoyment is in...
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    Galaxy Note 2, whose getting one?

    So i'm curious, where are you fella's storing this thing on your person? Front pocket? Clip on belt? Back pocket? Size of this thing is the only thing holding me back at this point. I wear a lot of pants with that cell phone pocket just above the knee on the leg and they've been perfect for...
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    Samsung Galaxy Note 2: Best full body case and/or skin?

    Medion, have you ordered from that martinfields site before? Site just seems a little fishy to me...
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    WP users are mad at Google!

    I'm confused why many vocal people seem to believe that a uniform OS across PC's, Tablet's, and phones is a bad idea... As was previously said, I really get the impression this is a different Microsoft this go around. They know they need to head in a different direction and it will be painful...
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    say bye bye to gaming tv what little was left

    I don't get this either, who in their right mind thinks that kind of programming is more in line with the "modern male"?! Seriously, what the fu--?!
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    I'm not seeing this as "poor graphics"... Video above looked pretty damn good to me. Normally I hate FPS but for this, much like I did for Mirror's Edge, I think I'll make an exception.
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    Borderlands 2

    I'm completely foreign to this series but I have to admit the hype and art style are appealing to me... Is it just another FPS or is there really something more here?
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    Tekken Tag 2

    Did you install to your HD? I had the same complaint and after installing to HD it was noticeably faster and therefore much more palatable. I could actually stand to play the game again.
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    Bioware Founders Leave Bioware

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    The New PS3

    Would this "flip-top" make the Bluray drive more user replaceable I wonder?
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    Sony Vita handheld, buy or pass on it?

    Interesting... Second wind incoming?
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    Oculus Rift (VR Headset) - Kickstarter is now available.

    I would think a strap that went over the top of the head would alleviate a lot of the possible fatigue of wearing it for long periods of time. Wouldn't surprise me if we saw changes like this in the "fit" of the Occulus before it hits retail.
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    Mechanical Keyboard Guide

    I'd go with the Corsair K90. If you've tried the Razer BW then I can tell you that the Corsair is a noticably easier key press. The keys on the K90 don't "click" like they do on the BW. I actually have the K90 and have been considering the BW lately because I kind of like the click and...
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    how much is an original ps3 worth?

    You don't think shrinking the die from 90nm to 45nm could be classified as an architecture change?
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    how much is an original ps3 worth?

    Holy crap that's a great idea. BBL-AFK
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    how much is an original ps3 worth?

    Those of you that have them, watch out for very graphic intensive games like BF3, Skyrim, or COD. Black Ops actually killed mine because it couldn't disperse the heat like a newer model PS3 can. Newer PS3's are a totally different processor architecture from the 1st gens, they generate a lot...
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    Any Good Gaming Chairs Out There?

    Second the Look into an ergonomic office chair. Steelcase, Herman Miller, Raynor, etc... are all good bets. The objective is not to be super "comfy", if that's what you're feeling you're doing it wrong. A good ergonomic chair is supposed to keep you alert, in good posture, without being...
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    Playstation Vita Thread

    Wait, so the Uncharted game isn't just a port of the first one? It's a stand alone?! I'm in.
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    Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

    oh and... lolololololol
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    Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

    I respect your opinion, and thoroughly enjoyed the reply, but still disagree. If latencies were not an issue and we could literally play in real time where you could feasibly react fast enough to catch that burger and fries, then yes, I would be much more inclined to agree. We don't have that...
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    TERA Closed Beta

    Good, you can stay there. Your equally guilty of zealotism in your aggressive generalization of a culture you evidently take no share in. These kinds of comments detract from the discussion of the game, which is why we're all here reading the thread in the first place. My personal...
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    Skyrim Modding Megathread

    Cool. I guess i've come to the conclusion at this point that even if it blew total ass compared to something like KoA I still want to try it. It doesn't appear to be a major stumbling block for the rest of the 10 million players so I suspect I can learn to live with it too :)
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    Skyrim Modding Megathread

    So as a long time WoW player, SWTOR, etc... Will the combat in this game aggravate me, generically speaking? I've never actually played an Elder Scrolls game but it's impossible to escape the hype and attraction of Skyrim. I've already come to the conclusion I need to get it on PC, but what...
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    Kingdoms of Amalur

    Derp, totally forgot about that. That seals the deal for me. 360 it is. btw: Thanks for the reply Domingo
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    Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

    I'm thinking a lot of the complaining is coming from people foreign to this type of PvP. The problem with multiple CC's is that it's a double edged sword, YOUR team can utilize them (assuming similar group makes ups obvi) just as well as your targets can. Yeah it sucks to be stunned from 100%...
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    Kingdoms of Amalur

    If you were going to pick this up on a Console would you lean towards 360 or PS3, or is that a non-issue?
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    Violent videogame tax

    Doesn't he state aggressive behavior being linked to violent videogames as the primary reason for wanting to add the tax? How did Jack Thompson eventually get silenced? Time to whip out those guns again.
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    Gaming moments you want of the best..

    Thought of another one. The first time I played Grand Theft Auto 3 on the PS2. There was so much freedom I just didn't know what to do. I ran around carjacking and shooting things in such awe of what Rockstar had presented before me. It was one of those moments in my personal video gaming...
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    Gaming moments you want of the best..

    All I can say to this is: Ditto.
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    Kingdoms of Amalur

    So to summarize, most of the people complaining about this game are WoW burnouts. That sound about right?
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    Single GTX580 vs 6970 crossfire

    You wanting to run eyefinity? Ditto to what Forceman said. Wait for next gen to really hit mainstream at this point. That 580 should carry you well into the life span of the next gen GPU's. Ask yourself this, what the hell are you planning to do with THAT much power? There is absolutely...
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    Nook tablet anyone?

    I feel like if I bought a Nook i'm basically asking Barnes & Noble to brand me with their scarlett letter. Granted the Kindle is no better but an item such as the Nook is dependent upon the success of a brick & mortar store, is it not? Why take that risk? I'd go Kindle over Nook anyday.
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    Best headset?

    If you're on a budget you really can't go wrong with the Corsair H1's. Very comfy, very good sound, mic clarity is awesome, and sound isolation is better than I want it to be. I actually get annoyed by how I have to remove the headset to hear my wife when she's trying to talk to me. I...
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    Your "Greatest" games of all time?

    Gotta give it to World of Warcraft. Only because it kept me focused on one game for over 5 years and i've had a blast.
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    Reliable Office Chairs?

    Yeah, out of curiousity... Are we talking substantial discounts or like 10-15% off msrp? Wondering if I should go get a part time job at Herman Miller... >_>
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    Ergohuman V2 Chair

    With the best Herman Miller chairs running upwards of $1400 I'd say the $600 price tag on the Ergohumans is pretty damn appetizing. V2 looks interesting... I've been staking out the V1 for a while now, just trying to get the courage up to pull the trigger. -.- yeah I realize that sounds...