Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

All this talk about it being "rushed out the door" and "it wasn't ready" is just rubbish. I want to call these people stupid but they simply don't understand the big picture. I guess it's kind of a result of Blizzard lately. The whole "when its done" thing - yeah, it's a load of shit.

Look at this, they had 6 whole years to make this game into a WoW-rapist. Six years. That is the time it takes to develop an entirely new CPU architecture, or double the time it takes to create a whole new operating system. Their budget was astronomical. There should be no reason the game sucks this much.

But there is, and it's called INCOMPTENCE. BioWare has become a flat out INCOMPETENT developer. Starships on rails as a little sidegame in their STAR WARS MMO? What kind of intellectual champion decided that would be a good idea? Stop accepting this BS that it takes 6+ years to make a decent game. Look at Diablo 3 - announced in 2008, still isn't out 4 years later, still looks like its going to be garbage. People are completely underwhelmed by the beta yet the game was announced with gameplay footage 4 years ago, who knows how long it was under development.

Diablo was made in 98. Diablo 2 in 2000, and the expansion pack in 2001. This is complete with their CGI cutscenes that were considered extremely good at the time. Naturally, games are more complex now but the development studios are bigger and they've usually budgets to match. Not that it doesn't stop indie devs making high-fidelity 3D games that match AAA titles with a fraction of the budget (i.e. almost none).

It doesn't take 6 years to make an MMO or other game. Other development studios are still showing us that, and when a game goes over half a decade to get out the door that is nothing but a very bad sign.
Anyone know if they have discounts on their subscription plans. I know they don't offer a lifetime :-( but do they have a discount on purchasing 6 month and 12 month game time?

A friend and I are looking forward to trying this game out for a year and seeing how it is.

EDIT: NVMD, Found it on the site. Subs are nicely hidden.

Play that free month before you give them a nickle would be my suggestion, esp if you plan to drop enough for a yearlong sub.

I certainly don't think the game was "rushed", but I think a lot of the budget for the game was wasted needlessly. Where? God only knows. There must be thousands of places to hide expenses in a project that big that was drawn out that long. The final game surely doesn't show a wise use of $200 million imho. I'd blame EA more than BW since the suits there are calling the shots, but even then, I've lost a lot of faith in BW of late. The game certainly "wasn't ready" to ship though, not even close.

There's just too much that was missing at launch that should have been there to even be on par with every other MMO out there, like say, Guild Banks? Sure they can add it, but the point is that it should have been in at launch, no excuses. There should be easy ways for entire guilds to mobilize and get to events and such, but there isn't. The game is about as user friendly as a rabid porcupine. :D

Some people do like it, and they're the lucky ones. At least they don't feel like they wasted their money. Me? I'm glad all I wasted was some store credit I had on account at from a gift.

And again, it's too damn bad, because they could have knocked it out of the park with the resources they had available.
I'll take your suggestion to heart and may just do that then.

It's always easier to buy more time, getting money back once you pay them for a year is impossible.

Caveat emptor. ;)

You may love it, then again, you might not, and its an easier pill to swallow if yer only out the base cost of the game and not a year of unrefundable game time as well.
All this talk about it being "rushed out the door" and "it wasn't ready" is just rubbish. I want to call these people stupid but they simply don't understand the big picture. I guess it's kind of a result of Blizzard lately. The whole "when its done" thing - yeah, it's a load of shit.
But there is, and it's called INCOMPTENCE. BioWare has become a flat out INCOMPETENT developer. Starships on rails as a little sidegame in their STAR WARS MMO? What kind of intellectual champion decided that would be a good idea? Stop accepting this BS that it takes 6+ years to make a decent game. Look at Diablo 3 - announced in 2008, still isn't out 4 years later, still looks like its going to be garbage. People are completely underwhelmed by the beta yet the game was announced with gameplay footage 4 years ago, who knows how long it was under development.

Completely agree... it's just outright incompetence.
All this talk about it being "rushed out the door" and "it wasn't ready" is just rubbish. I want to call these people stupid but they simply don't understand the big picture. I guess it's kind of a result of Blizzard lately. The whole "when its done" thing - yeah, it's a load of shit.

Look at this, they had 6 whole years to make this game into a WoW-rapist. Six years. That is the time it takes to develop an entirely new CPU architecture, or double the time it takes to create a whole new operating system. Their budget was astronomical. There should be no reason the game sucks this much.

But there is, and it's called INCOMPTENCE. BioWare has become a flat out INCOMPETENT developer. Starships on rails as a little sidegame in their STAR WARS MMO? What kind of intellectual champion decided that would be a good idea? Stop accepting this BS that it takes 6+ years to make a decent game. Look at Diablo 3 - announced in 2008, still isn't out 4 years later, still looks like its going to be garbage. People are completely underwhelmed by the beta yet the game was announced with gameplay footage 4 years ago, who knows how long it was under development.

Diablo was made in 98. Diablo 2 in 2000, and the expansion pack in 2001. This is complete with their CGI cutscenes that were considered extremely good at the time. Naturally, games are more complex now but the development studios are bigger and they've usually budgets to match. Not that it doesn't stop indie devs making high-fidelity 3D games that match AAA titles with a fraction of the budget (i.e. almost none).

It doesn't take 6 years to make an MMO or other game. Other development studios are still showing us that, and when a game goes over half a decade to get out the door that is nothing but a very bad sign.

Hopefully GuildWars 2 lives up to the hype this Summer.
TOR is what happens when big corporations play it safe: mediocrity. And what happens when people get bored with that? They leave. I predicted this game was going to be the way it is 2 years ago when I first saw the videos/screenshots of it. First thought was: WoW/Clone Wars. No one wants that, no one wants a WoW-clone and DEF not a Clone Wars-looking MMO. Not a single person I know would want Clone Wars-type graphics for a SW MMO. And why did they do this? Because they wanted it "accessible", which is corp speak for "need it able to run on everyone's computer that it can". But as usual, it doesn't run well on everyone's computer: This is what happens when they take the shitty Hero engine and run with it. It's a horrid engine that just does nothing but ruin the immersion factor for everyone. STO looks like it uses the same engine, even the central trading hub looks and feels like the one in STO. Prove me wrong on that one. Different skins and a slight redesign does not constitute different. It's a cookie cutter approach to make it easier on the devs....I don't care. I want to see something for the 150-200 million they spent on this.

So you end up with a game that wants to be accessible to everyone but isn't, you use the same game mechanics that every else uses, but everyone is bored shitless with it. You get space combat that is rail based, when SWG was doing RIGHT back in 2005, not to mention Tie Fighter/X-Wing which did it right back in 1995! You get the same "kill 30 Bantha and come back to get your reward" theme park style that most people are bored with. You get PVP that could be way better, but isn't because they didn't give anyone a reason to play test it during Beta (sorry, they reset the characters every month or so, hardly time to test out end game content). You got shitty end game content that is nothing more than RAIDing (albeit it is far more fun doing these than other MMO's, btu not enough to keep me subbed for more than 2 months). Engame consists of gear grinding. That's it. Why PVP? To get better gear.

The only good things they did with TOR was the class storylines and the voice acting. But, once you did those, there is no reason to listen to them again, everyone just uses spacebar to skip through them now because it's boring after the first few runs.

I got 17 days left on my account and just idling around atm. But once that's up, I am canceling it and going somewhere else until they address the shitty performance issues and actually add end game content that doesn't make me want to puke from boredom.

ps, GUI customization is def needed along with a REASON to craft that actually adds to the community. They could learn something from SWG from this, not to mention the space combat. And don't get me started on the "Galaxy Trade Network" that isn't....galaxy wide and connected to other trade hubs on other planets.....why call it GALAXY if it doesn't even extend beyond the local trade hub? That's dumb as a sack of bricks.
There's just so much that was missing from the launch or felt like it had been thrown together at the last minute (GTN interface is an abortion). Certain parts are awesome, but they are too few and far between.

I really wanted to like this game, and I put faith in BW to deliver on what the marketing showed.

Now I have worries about trusting them for ME3.

At least ME3 you can resell and get about half back if its bad,
So what is the whole point of the Starcluster Casino in Nar Shadaa? It's a big empty place with nobody in it.
It's a minor annoyance that you can't drop quests you didn't complete. Why not go back and do them if they are really causing you that much pain? Instead of standing around the fleet doing nothing while your companions are gathering/crafting you could spend some time in the world.

Crafting is getting changes, and there are already crafted items that are best in slot. I don't think I would call crafting worthless, just in need of adjustment.

A lot of the complaints in this thread are being addressed and looked at, I don't understand why some of you take this so personally.

We are near two months into release and they have done a lot of bug fixes, and working to put out as many fires as they can with the time available. I don't think they were prepared for as many bugs as they have and weren't able to dedicate time to end game like they had planned. It will get to where it needs to be eventually. Patience is something people either don't have or have very little of these days, and it is a really sad state.
They are having a guild summit in a few weeks to get feedback on what the community wants and where priority should be. How much faith and effort would YOU put into some nerd rage on a forum? Hiding behind a screen name and getting actual face to face feedback with peers around is going to be a night and day difference in complaints. Civil conversation even?

It just seems like most everyone is expecting over night sweeping changes and when they don't get their fix *right now!* they rage quit and start whining. It really doesn't matter if the game was ready to launch or not, it launched and now people have to either grow a pair and deal with teething problems or throw a temper tantrum and quit. I've certainly had my fair share of frustrations, but I'm still playing and having a good time. Is it perfect? No where near it, some folks have unreal expectations and are quite loud in letting everyone else hear it.
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I'm thinking a lot of the complaining is coming from people foreign to this type of PvP. The problem with multiple CC's is that it's a double edged sword, YOUR team can utilize them (assuming similar group makes ups obvi) just as well as your targets can. Yeah it sucks to be stunned from 100% to dead but it sure feels awesome when you do it to someone else. Classic case of you can't have your cake and eat it too.

I like Diogo's point of skilled PvPer's keeping you near 1000 resolve in order to control you. That's skill, not luck or imbalance. Just seems like the vast majority of people today would rather complain about the rules in place and demand they be changed, than learn how to maximize their efficiency within those sets of rules. That's not to say that imbalances don't exist and the whole system could use some polish, but if you're constantly getting rolled... I know it's hard to swallow it, but it JUST MIGHT be you.

You're completely missing the point. Let's figure this out together by going real high level for a sec. People tend to like getting to exercise this little thing in life called their own free will. Making your own choices in life can be a lot of fun. That's why, if you end up making some really bad ones, society tends to punish you by taking away that right, throws you in a little cage, and makes every single decision for you.

Let's work our way down a level. Interactive games like SWTOR tend to appeal to a certain portion of the human race that enjoys making decisions even more than most because that's how they choose to spend their free time. Instead of say, just watching television or reading a book, they'd rather be the one influencing the outcome via their own decisions.

Now, if we drill down even further to the SWTOR players that primarily enjoy PvP, we're dealing with a creature that revels in micro-decision making as an art form. Hey look, three portly Jedi are charging my way, what am I going to do?! Oh yeah, I got this happy meal just sitting here, I might as well put it to good use and throw fries at the first one, my junior cheesburger at the second, and pour the Coke on the floor in front of the third so he'll slip, fall, and knock his fat ass out for a while.

See what I got to do there? I made not one, but three fun decisions and my opponents all had to react to those actions with decisions of their own too. Well... at least the first two did because they got to choose to catch the food I threw their way and start chowing down for a while, or ignore the distraction and continue on with the process of destroying my poor undergeared ass. The third... well, he didn't have any fun because he was knocked unconscious and unable to make any decisions to try and save himself from the inevitable lightsaber tickle death that ensued. And you know what, ending him wasn't all that fun or satisfying for me either because I knew the whole time that there was nothing he could do about it.

Long story short, losing all control and decision making abilities for prolonged periods of time is not fun, it is prison. Prison isn't any more fun just because I can sometimes put you there too. Less prison. More fun.
So what is the whole point of the Starcluster Casino in Nar Shadaa? It's a big empty place with nobody in it.

Several quest lines go there later in the game. It doesn't get as much use as it could, thats for sure.
I love the comparisons to SWG. SWG was shit from last 6 months in beta to the day it closed its doors. Space combat done right? Lol it took them a year to even get it released and another year to fix it. Damn you guys have some major blinders or memory problems.


Climber said:
I love the comparisons to SWG. SWG was shit from last 6 months in beta to the day it closed its doors. Space combat done right? Lol it took them a year to even get it released and another year to fix it. Damn you guys have some major blinders or memory problems.

I just take what they say with a grain of salt. Most of the time it is exaggeration.

I just take what they say with a grain of salt. Most of the time it is exaggeration.

Yep, Only thing SWG did right was the crafting. The rest of the game could blow me. The grind for leveling, the buggy world in beta and release. I loved going bantha hunting and falling through the world over and over again :)
well for whatever reason ive started getting ctd's. No reason or pattern to it, i could be playing for an hour straight then bam, or 5 minutes. Happens on speeders, when standing still reading a quest for info or in middle of a WZ just a sudden lock-up of the game then it crashes 10 seconds later, very frustraiting as i never had this before. Must be from last patch as last night is the first night ive played in about 2 weeks.
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I love the comparisons to SWG. SWG was shit from last 6 months in beta to the day it closed its doors. Space combat done right? Lol it took them a year to even get it released and another year to fix it. Damn you guys have some major blinders or memory problems.

You probably need something to guide you when you play a game, so themeparks are more your style. For people who could make their own fun, SWG was the best. For all the bugs SWG had, it was by far the better game.
It's a minor annoyance that you can't drop quests you didn't complete. Why not go back and do them if they are really causing you that much pain? Instead of standing around the fleet doing nothing while your companions are gathering/crafting you could spend some time in the world.

Crafting is getting changes, and there are already crafted items that are best in slot. I don't think I would call crafting worthless, just in need of adjustment.

A lot of the complaints in this thread are being addressed and looked at, I don't understand why some of you take this so personally.

We are near two months into release and they have done a lot of bug fixes, and working to put out as many fires as they can with the time available. I don't think they were prepared for as many bugs as they have and weren't able to dedicate time to end game like they had planned. It will get to where it needs to be eventually. Patience is something people either don't have or have very little of these days, and it is a really sad state.
They are having a guild summit in a few weeks to get feedback on what the community wants and where priority should be. How much faith and effort would YOU put into some nerd rage on a forum? Hiding behind a screen name and getting actual face to face feedback with peers around is going to be a night and day difference in complaints. Civil conversation even?

It just seems like most everyone is expecting over night sweeping changes and when they don't get their fix *right now!* they rage quit and start whining. It really doesn't matter if the game was ready to launch or not, it launched and now people have to either grow a pair and deal with teething problems or throw a temper tantrum and quit. I've certainly had my fair share of frustrations, but I'm still playing and having a good time. Is it perfect? No where near it, some folks have unreal expectations and are quite loud in letting everyone else hear it.

It's not a "minor inconvenience" when by the time you hit lvl50, you have so many quests that can't be dropped that you reach the mission cap and can't even accept end-game quests of any kind. And why in the hell would I want to go back and do them then anyway? "To see the world!" You've got to be kidding. I didn't do the quest the first time around for some reason... oh yeah, because it DIDN'T SOUND LIKE FUN... so I didn't do it. So if I deemed it not worth doing back then, why in the hell would I want to do it now? To clear it from my log? Yes, that is the one and unfortunately only reason, because I really, truly, do not want to.

And people are "taking it personally?" Really?! Who here, or anywhere for that matter, is complaining that the devs are inentionally creating these bugs and frustrating design choices just to piss us off on a personal level, because they hate us... personally? You see, that's what "taking it personally" actually means, and yet no one is acting like that here at all... Unless of course I missed that one post by that one guy that one day about that one thing. Please.
You probably need something to guide you when you play a game, so themeparks are more your style. For people who could make their own fun, SWG was the best. For all the bugs SWG had, it was by far the better game.

People who make their own fun go outside ;)
You're completely missing the point. Let's figure this out together by going real high level for a sec. People tend to like getting to exercise this little thing in life called their own free will. Making your own choices in life can be a lot of fun. That's why, if you end up making some really bad ones, society tends to punish you by taking away that right, throws you in a little cage, and makes every single decision for you.

Let's work our way down a level. Interactive games like SWTOR tend to appeal to a certain portion of the human race that enjoys making decisions even more than most because that's how they choose to spend their free time. Instead of say, just watching television or reading a book, they'd rather be the one influencing the outcome via their own decisions.

Now, if we drill down even further to the SWTOR players that primarily enjoy PvP, we're dealing with a creature that revels in micro-decision making as an art form. Hey look, three portly Jedi are charging my way, what am I going to do?! Oh yeah, I got this happy meal just sitting here, I might as well put it to good use and throw fries at the first one, my junior cheesburger at the second, and pour the Coke on the floor in front of the third so he'll slip, fall, and knock his fat ass out for a while.

See what I got to do there? I made not one, but three fun decisions and my opponents all had to react to those actions with decisions of their own too. Well... at least the first two did because they got to choose to catch the food I threw their way and start chowing down for a while, or ignore the distraction and continue on with the process of destroying my poor undergeared ass. The third... well, he didn't have any fun because he was knocked unconscious and unable to make any decisions to try and save himself from the inevitable lightsaber tickle death that ensued. And you know what, ending him wasn't all that fun or satisfying for me either because I knew the whole time that there was nothing he could do about it.

Long story short, losing all control and decision making abilities for prolonged periods of time is not fun, it is prison. Prison isn't any more fun just because I can sometimes put you there too. Less prison. More fun.

I respect your opinion, and thoroughly enjoyed the reply, but still disagree. If latencies were not an issue and we could literally play in real time where you could feasibly react fast enough to catch that burger and fries, then yes, I would be much more inclined to agree. We don't have that luxury. Should you ever be able to be completely stun locked to death by 1 other player? No. Should you be able to fight off 2 or more players at once? No. If the latter scenario is the one that is driving you crazy well... I don't know what to tell you.
I respect your opinion, and thoroughly enjoyed the reply, but still disagree. If latencies were not an issue and we could literally play in real time where you could feasibly react fast enough to catch that burger and fries, then yes, I would be much more inclined to agree. We don't have that luxury. Should you ever be able to be completely stun locked to death by 1 other player? No. Should you be able to fight off 2 or more players at once? No. If the latter scenario is the one that is driving you crazy well... I don't know what to tell you.

Well I appreciate the appreciation man, I just don't know exactly where we're still disagreeing. I mean, I don't think equal geared players of similar skill level should be able to easily win/survive a 1v2 situation, but that's not really what I'm arguing for either. I just see the current state of PvP affairs being extremely skewed towards the "prison" side of the street. There are just some stuns/mezs/lockdowns/what have you, that last 6+ seconds, which in PvP is a fuckin ETERNITY, and then you chain that together with more CCs from another 1 or 2 enemies and you're talking about a situation where you've completely lost control of your character for so long that you didn't even have a chance to do a single lick of damage or apply a single debuff even to ANY of them before you're dead. That's not only NOT fun, it's downright frustrating and can lead to discouraging people from participating in PvP at all. Don't know if you played WoW at all, but at some point, they went through all the PvP CCs in the game and made sure that none of them could last for more than a set amount of time... I think it was 3 or 4 seconds MAX... and the diminishing returns started kicking in really fast. It certainly didn't mean that you could survive a 1vsMany situation most of the time, but at least you were able to do SOMETHING in retaliation before you inevitably died. And that's all I'm really asking for... a CHANCE to just simply DO something. Currently it just feels like you have absolutely NO say as to what happens in a given PvP scenario SO often, that you might as well be in prison.
It's not a "minor inconvenience" when by the time you hit lvl50, you have so many quests that can't be dropped that you reach the mission cap and can't even accept end-game quests of any kind. And why in the hell would I want to go back and do them then anyway? "To see the world!" You've got to be kidding. I didn't do the quest the first time around for some reason... oh yeah, because it DIDN'T SOUND LIKE FUN... so I didn't do it. So if I deemed it not worth doing back then, why in the hell would I want to do it now? To clear it from my log? Yes, that is the one and unfortunately only reason, because I really, truly, do not want to.

And people are "taking it personally?" Really?! Who here, or anywhere for that matter, is complaining that the devs are inentionally creating these bugs and frustrating design choices just to piss us off on a personal level, because they hate us... personally? You see, that's what "taking it personally" actually means, and yet no one is acting like that here at all... Unless of course I missed that one post by that one guy that one day about that one thing. Please.

I said minor annoyance. If you're going to quote something, yell, and construct your reply in a condescending tone you should at least get that part correct. You seem awfully passionate about something that doesn't affect you on a personal level.

Your definition of "taking it personally" is a way of putting it.
"take something personally - be insulted by, be offended by, take offence at, take umbrage at,, feel insulted by, feel hurt by, stake something as an insult."

On Sunday while trying to do a couple of Mastercraft implants and ear piece for best in slot items I traveled to Tatooine and Taris to clear out some quests I didn't complete. I wasn't exactly jumping for joy to do these but I wanted to clear them out. I picked up low level mats (free) along the way (to make things for my alts), got the pure frozen shock water and saw some places that I had skipped both times through. Also saved someone that was getting jumped, made a new friend and guild mate.

I respect that you don't want to do the quests. Obviously at the time I went through I didn't feel like completing them either. The only alternative, at the moment, to having them in my log and being upset about it is to complete them. What did I do? I turned something that I didn't think would be fun into fun. My quests are done and are no longer an issue, yours are still there until a patch is released and are going to bother your every single day until that time, or until you do something about it.
My quests are done and are no longer an issue, yours are still there until a patch is released and are going to bother your every single day until that time, or until you do something about it.

Jumping into this conversation here to talk about the mission deletion bug. I have a mission bonus (not bonus mission. That is, what I have is the 'kill x thingies on your way to completing the real mission' type mission) that is undeletable in my log. The kicker is that the main part of that mission was completed and turned in. This sealed off the mission area with the red transparent wall. I have to kill one more bad guy in a place I can't get to.

For me it's no big deal, as I keep my mission list pretty trim. I haven't bothered to open a ticket, and I'm sure that would fix it. I figure they'll patch it soon and everything will be fine.

I'm having fun, have not had a single gamebreaking bug, and I expect the things that aren't that great to improve in time. I understand that other people have less fun, and my statement that I'm having fun is not meant to imply that the not-fun of others is invalid in any way.
I said minor annoyance. If you're going to quote something, yell, and construct your reply in a condescending tone you should at least get that part correct. You seem awfully passionate about something that doesn't affect you on a personal level.

Your definition of "taking it personally" is a way of putting it.
"take something personally - be insulted by, be offended by, take offence at, take umbrage at,, feel insulted by, feel hurt by, stake something as an insult."

On Sunday while trying to do a couple of Mastercraft implants and ear piece for best in slot items I traveled to Tatooine and Taris to clear out some quests I didn't complete. I wasn't exactly jumping for joy to do these but I wanted to clear them out. I picked up low level mats (free) along the way (to make things for my alts), got the pure frozen shock water and saw some places that I had skipped both times through. Also saved someone that was getting jumped, made a new friend and guild mate.

I respect that you don't want to do the quests. Obviously at the time I went through I didn't feel like completing them either. The only alternative, at the moment, to having them in my log and being upset about it is to complete them. What did I do? I turned something that I didn't think would be fun into fun. My quests are done and are no longer an issue, yours are still there until a patch is released and are going to bother your every single day until that time, or until you do something about it.

I'm glad you were able to have some fun by clearing out your quest log like that. I've had a lot of fun with the game despite the many flaws too. With that said, I have one level 50 and two 40ish characters... I simply have seen all that I care to see of the little sterile, lifeless, sectioned off questing zones that I'm supposed to believe are actually "planets." If you can appreciate them more than me, please, by all means do so and don't let my, or anyone else's criticism of such things get in the way of your enjoyment.

Sorry if you thought I was using a "condescending tone," but the post of yours that I was replying to essentially compared all the game's critics to impatient, whiney, spoiled little children that need to "grow a pair".............. ...... :rolleyes:
Reading the official forums makes you lose faith in humanity. People are seriously upset that a clear exploit, the shockfrozen water, was fixed...
Reading the official forums makes you lose faith in humanity. People are seriously upset that a clear exploit, the shockfrozen water, was fixed...

Haven't checked out the official forums myself, but I can easily imagine why people would be upset. Not that I'm advocating not fixing bugs like that, but it can be hard to get medals as a DPS only class in warzones... and if I understand the frozen water bug correctly, I think you could get one or maybe even two extra by popping that in a warzone.
Haven't checked out the official forums myself, but I can easily imagine why people would be upset. Not that I'm advocating not fixing bugs like that, but it can be hard to get medals as a DPS only class in warzones... and if I understand the frozen water bug correctly, I think you could get one or maybe even two extra by popping that in a warzone.

Yep. That's exactly how it works.
Yep. That's exactly how it works.

OK. I never took the time to try it out myself, but do you know how often it could be used? If it was on a really short cooldown I could almost understand the urgency, but if you're talking aboout something that could only be used once or twice in an entire warzone, I'm pretty sure most of us would rather have them take the time to finally fix something like wins not counting towards the PvP daily/weekly quests. I think that's what contributes to people getting frustrated, when they'll spend the time to fix something that people would use just to make up for their class's medal earning shortcomings compared to others, but then a blind eye is turned to the glaring bugs that really frustrate everyone regardless of class or level.
you could use it every 10 seconds if you clicked off the debuff, and the main issue wasn't that people were using it to farm medals, which is fairly minor.

The main issue was that stealth classes could pop their stealth, get immediately out of combat and use it for 50% hp regen.

As for fixing this and not other things, making this item a one time use instead of repeat use is likely a lot easier to fix than most of the other issues.
OK. I never took the time to try it out myself, but do you know how often it could be used? If it was on a really short cooldown I could almost understand the urgency, but if you're talking aboout something that could only be used once or twice in an entire warzone, I'm pretty sure most of us would rather have them take the time to finally fix something like wins not counting towards the PvP daily/weekly quests. I think that's what contributes to people getting frustrated, when they'll spend the time to fix something that people would use just to make up for their class's medal earning shortcomings compared to others, but then a blind eye is turned to the glaring bugs that really frustrate everyone regardless of class or level.

I don't know the specifics on that. I never did it. The shockfrozen water is used to get the adegan crystals off the force ghost champion. It's also a pain in the ass to get. In the time it takes me to go around and get the shockfrozen water, I can probably complete a warzone. Yeah, I could get two or more medals for it, but ultimately I deemed it as not being economical use of my time in the game. But yeah, DPS classes are always at the bottom of the heap for medals. It sucks, but there it is. Though I have to say, with pretty much full champion gear, I'm getting more medals consistently. 75k damage bonus, and 2.5k per hit bonus are easily attained now. Before they were things I got occasionally and rarely did I get both at the same time. Now I'm getting 5 medals about every time. That is provided we don't get steam rolled by a premade group.

you could use it every 10 seconds if you clicked off the debuff, and the main issue wasn't that people were using it to farm medals, which is fairly minor.

The main issue was that stealth classes could pop their stealth, get immediately out of combat and use it for 50% hp regen.

As for fixing this and not other things, making this item a one time use instead of repeat use is likely a lot easier to fix than most of the other issues.

Farming the medals gets you what? A few more commendations per match? Hardly worth the effort. What you are talking about is a bigger issue, and it's one of the things I couldn't stand about Assasins and similar classes. They did it constantly and never bothered to hide it. As a Marauder I can stealth, for a whopping 4 seconds. But my stealth doesn't break combat. At best it breaks their target lock on me. If I run away far enough, I typically get left alone. Especially in large battles. So I can pull back and heal, provided we have a healer or I've got health packs left.
Just unlocked my legacy. Even though there are a lot of little nit-pickings and issues with this game, I was very happy with the overall quest line and story, at least for the trooper. I've really enjoyed the leveling process so far.