Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

this game needs cross server warzones and a match making system, badly.

I know a lot of people will complain about "community," but if my experience is any indication, these are the same people who like to lock down low pop servers by making a 4 battlemaster premade.

And I say this as a battlemaster myself. I think forming premades and stomping people is no fun.

Gear matters so much in this game, to an extent that I don't remember it mattering in any other mmo. I know gear has always played a role, but I don't remember the disparity being that great. In a mix of t2/t3 pvp gear, I will have almost twice as much HP as a new 50 (as a dps class!), be at the hit, crit, and surge caps while buffed, and do 11.5 more damage and suffer 11.5% less .

Maybe the bigger servers don't need it, but personally, I'd rather lose the feeling of "community" than continue with the current set up of:
- very long wz queues
- Having 4 of the half a dozen battlemasters of the server running a premade for hours just rolling over people (something I refuse to do in the current state- premade vs premade? fun. Battlemaster premade vs new 50s pug? no thanks)
- hutball over and over and over again...

I agree with much of what you've said. Gear in PvP makes a HUGE difference. It's not so apparent in the bulk of the PvE parts of the game until you reach hard mode flashpoints and operations. Prior to that, it's hard to tell. I've never seen a single piece of gear at that stage make much difference. In PvP, especially in the level 50 bracket (which is ultra-competitive) the gear makes a world of difference. Honestly the Centurion gear isn't that much better than standard high level PvE drops. I'm not even talking about Tionese, Columni or Rakata gear. I'm talking about standard modifyable and blue / purple gear. That expertise stat that Centurion gear comes with however makes a world of difference in PvP. Just a couple pieces of it extended my survivability quite a bit in PvP. From a pure hit point situation I've got 4k more HP than I did as a fresh level 50. I've seen Battlemasters with 4k MORE than I've got.

Initially as a fresh level 50, I had to basically attack the nearly dead in order to survive and to get any kills at all. I couldn't even dream of a solo kill. Any class with even a small amount of PvP gear would crush me in mere seconds. With full champion gear, I can at least hold off 2-5 enemies depending on their gear until reinforcements arrive. I can literally hold an objective point by myself until my team mates spawn back in and come to me. This morning on Ilum, the Republic had us outnumbered 2-1. It would literally take 2 of them for every 1 of us to win a fight. When we were 10 vs. 12, we sent them packing every time. This has been the basic experience all along. The difference? Out of the regulars I see on Ilum on my server, from both sides, our side has more guys with full champion gear and far more Battlemasters. About 4-1 on BM's.

The faction imbalance has led to serious problems where PvP is concerned. Essentially it leaves us playing far too much Huttball and nearly every Huttball or Warzone match is lopsided either way. Within the first few seconds to minutes, you know how it will turn out each time. As a result you get a lot of people who bail after the first goal is scored or the first two objectives fall to the enemy. Rarely do you ever turn it around and win. As a result often you'll join a Huttball match or a Warzone only to end up in a game you can't win. So you eat up far more time than is necessary to complete your weekly or daily PvP quests. And again, due to the imbalance, you have ridiculous warzone queue times. And 75% of the time you are playing Huttball. I don't mind Huttball, but I'd like some new maps at the very least.

I think PvP can be fun, and for the most part it is, but BioWare still has a lot of work to do on that front. I think the only really good decision I think BioWare has made post-launch is to separate the level 50's from the earlier levels. Even a fresh 50 has a ton of advantage over a level 49 in that all your skills are upgradable at that point. Or nearly all of them are. Then of course, level 50's can get Centurion, Champion and Battlemaster gear. So equipped, a level 49 has literally zero chance against you.
The PvP on Ilum is badly broken. It ends up being a bridge fight and "trading" blows. On the republic side we have punished Sith badly whenever there is a full ops group of our guild.

But the zone for whatever reason is badly broken. The lag will happen sooner or later and everyone framerate drops below 10, regardless of setup.

The other problem with PvP is that matches do not count sometimes and that can be streaks of 5 to 12 at times which made me quit pvp and the pvp dailies because it is not entertaining and I am not a valor farming monkey.

I can only say that cross server events won't fix any of the problems not on Ilum not in warzones.

I am very disappointed with Bioware. I have done operations which are badly broken (bugged) Boss fights and so on. Patches which are supposed to fix things do nothing.

The guild I am in does very well tho we have 4 to 5 raiding groups and are very nice bunch of people to play with (on EST server) ..

A few reservations come to mind:
1 have they enough budget to get people to fix bugs
2 hiring people that can do miracles with the HERO engine
3 get someone to make clear patchnotes and check them before rolled out
Supposedly the warzone bug is fixed in the patch that is on the Public Test hopefully I can start doing warzones again lol
I think the only really good decision I think BioWare has made post-launch is to separate the level 50's from the earlier levels. Even a fresh 50 has a ton of advantage over a level 49 in that all your skills are upgradable at that point. Or nearly all of them are. Then of course, level 50's can get Centurion, Champion and Battlemaster gear. So equipped, a level 49 has literally zero chance against you.

that decision was made pre-launch so that the first 50's would have someone to pvp against.

They planned all along to later have a separate 50 bracket later on as more 50's showed up.

So I guess we're still waiting on a good decision post-launch.
The PvP on Ilum is badly broken. It ends up being a bridge fight and "trading" blows. On the republic side we have punished Sith badly whenever there is a full ops group of our guild.

But the zone for whatever reason is badly broken. The lag will happen sooner or later and everyone framerate drops below 10, regardless of setup.

The other problem with PvP is that matches do not count sometimes and that can be streaks of 5 to 12 at times which made me quit pvp and the pvp dailies because it is not entertaining and I am not a valor farming monkey.

I can only say that cross server events won't fix any of the problems not on Ilum not in warzones.

I am very disappointed with Bioware. I have done operations which are badly broken (bugged) Boss fights and so on. Patches which are supposed to fix things do nothing.

The guild I am in does very well tho we have 4 to 5 raiding groups and are very nice bunch of people to play with (on EST server) ..

A few reservations come to mind:
1 have they enough budget to get people to fix bugs
2 hiring people that can do miracles with the HERO engine
3 get someone to make clear patchnotes and check them before rolled out

Cross server wouldn't fix "any of the problems?"
I don't know about your server, but in mine from 3 am to 3 pm the wz queue either won't pop, or you are going to have a match that ends in 2 minutes because not enough people are on. Cross server fixes that. Then, starting at 3, until about 10 (when all the guilds finish raiding) you will have one warzone going on at a time. Which means that premades can pretty much lock the server down and win everything. Cross server would fix that. Then from 11 until 2 am, you will start having a couple of warzones going on at the same time. But sometimes republic will use the low pop on its side to their advantage and run 8 man premades, again locking the place down.

I don't mind it so much, since I am in champion and battlemaster gear. That means that even in a losing effort I can do enough damage to reach the commendation and valor cap (or at least get close). But it is not surprising, to me, that even though we have a lot more 50s now than we did a month ago, we still just have a small minority queuing up. And I don't blame them. If my only hope in a warzone was to be lucky and end up on the 4 BMs premade to win, and then hope that the 4BMs aren't up against the 8 man repub premade, I'd never queue either. At any given night there will be 40-48 50s raiding imperial side, and about half that repub. I've yet to see a night where more than 2 warzones were going on at the same time.

A match making system would go a long way towards fixing that. If premades lined up against premades, well geared against well geared, it would be more fun for everyone (best wz experience i've had was the one night the BMs on both sides decided to solo queue). But in order to have that, most servers would need to either be merged or have cross server BGs.

Other than Ilum framerate issues and win count issues, I think a match making system (and therefore cross server warzones) would go a very long way to solving most balance and pvp complaints in this game. People complain about big hits and crits thinking it is a class issue, when in reality it is a gear issue. If I spec arsenal on my BH, I will crit new 50s for over 5k with my heat seeking missile and an adrenal. On geared players, it is more around 3k.
Something to try guys. Those of you running Hard Mode and above Ops change the loot mode to FFA and let me know if you see Alien crafting materials for the first time and roughly double the loot drops :)
With cross server you would get "more" people in the que but that is it. What you want is the people on your server queuing, improvements rather then quick fixes.

I am not a battlemaster but I enjoy pvp from time to time. Be that on Ilum or warzones. I even leave the n00bs alone on the PvP server I play on :)

It is funny sometimes when I was picking flowers in Alderaan, that area had L30 players iI explained many times that I would not kill them :) .
With cross server you would get "more" people in the que but that is it. What you want is the people on your server queuing, improvements rather then quick fixes.

I am not a battlemaster but I enjoy pvp from time to time. Be that on Ilum or warzones. I even leave the n00bs alone on the PvP server I play on :)

It is funny sometimes when I was picking flowers in Alderaan, that area had L30 players iI explained many times that I would not kill them :) .

A lot more people queuing. To the point where you could have a match making system.I guarantee that the vast majority complaints about class imbalance would go away if we had a match making system lining geared vs geared and premade vs premade. Which is only possible if you have a much, much larger pool of players to draw from.
alright, i think im done with PvP....theres just too damn many mez, stuns, slows, roots, etc...even with the shit resolve system its too damn much. MAYBE if resolve lasted through a death it would be better...
the main problem with resolve is that:
1- it is only affected by knockbacks, stuns and mez. No roots or slows
2- It does not break if you get it full, it only prevents the next one
3- It starts ticking down as soon as you are out of stun

This means that against bad players and pugs, it helps since if they are constantly putting you over 1000 resolve you will become immune to it. But against good players and premades, they will do just enough so that you don't get too far over 1000 resolve, so that a few seconds after you are out of one you can be stunned again.
I'm thinking a lot of the complaining is coming from people foreign to this type of PvP. The problem with multiple CC's is that it's a double edged sword, YOUR team can utilize them (assuming similar group makes ups obvi) just as well as your targets can. Yeah it sucks to be stunned from 100% to dead but it sure feels awesome when you do it to someone else. Classic case of you can't have your cake and eat it too.

I like Diogo's point of skilled PvPer's keeping you near 1000 resolve in order to control you. That's skill, not luck or imbalance. Just seems like the vast majority of people today would rather complain about the rules in place and demand they be changed, than learn how to maximize their efficiency within those sets of rules. That's not to say that imbalances don't exist and the whole system could use some polish, but if you're constantly getting rolled... I know it's hard to swallow it, but it JUST MIGHT be you.
been watching some videos of Tera and now I feel let down by SWTOR.

Why couldn't the character creation have this level of detail? SWTOR doesn't look like a 2011-2012 game. It's seems so dated.

obviously the story won't be there for Tera compared to SWTOR, but hey at least it looks like a modern game.
Anyone read the QnA this week? Cross server is coming, they admitted it ;)

Simoon: Will you be adding the option to choose what Warzone you enter a queue for?

Gabe Amatangelo: Not until we introduce cross server queuing. If we were to allow players to choose their Warzone before they could queue across servers, then it would negatively affect how often every player would see a Warzone – and for every player that loves a certain Warzone there is another player that hates it. The population would end up divided by their Warzone choice, negatively affecting the time it would take for a specific Warzone to become available for anyone. With cross server queuing we will still have a preference to match players of the same server, but those players who choose specific preferences such as these will likely end up in a match with players in the larger Wargroup.
I'm thinking a lot of the complaining is coming from people foreign to this type of PvP. The problem with multiple CC's is that it's a double edged sword, YOUR team can utilize them (assuming similar group makes ups obvi) just as well as your targets can. Yeah it sucks to be stunned from 100% to dead but it sure feels awesome when you do it to someone else. Classic case of you can't have your cake and eat it too.

I like Diogo's point of skilled PvPer's keeping you near 1000 resolve in order to control you. That's skill, not luck or imbalance. Just seems like the vast majority of people today would rather complain about the rules in place and demand they be changed, than learn how to maximize their efficiency within those sets of rules. That's not to say that imbalances don't exist and the whole system could use some polish, but if you're constantly getting rolled... I know it's hard to swallow it, but it JUST MIGHT be you.

I didn't complain that it "wasn't fair" I just said its damn annoying. Yes, if your team is utilizing their skills perfectly, its fun to do the owning. But honestly a game full of nonstop stunning, slowing, mezzing, rooting, etc just isn't fun to me. I would rather it be a little more face paced and action orientated (and no, i dont mean i want to play an FPS)... oh well. I find the PvE is still rather fun. I'll be playing it for a while still, but probably mostly avoid PvP except my dailys.
been watching some videos of Tera and now I feel let down by SWTOR.

Why couldn't the character creation have this level of detail? SWTOR doesn't look like a 2011-2012 game. It's seems so dated.

obviously the story won't be there for Tera compared to SWTOR, but hey at least it looks like a modern game.
Gotta tell ya, nothing to make you appreciate modern mmo than trying swtor for 2 months and then going back to try rift again. Night and day difference..... I think I am going to stay back there.
that sucks

Not really.

Prioritized own server, can still queue own server. Selectable warzones only on cross server.

Should cut down on huttball only nights, and nights where you wait 2 hours to queue because the imps run scared (I'm on a balanced server. When we start rolling, they run :( )
Finally hit 50 yesterday on my Imp Sniper... Have yet to play my first 50 bracket warzone, but am definitely not looking forward to it. Even at 49, my class' gimpness was apparent. Now I've got to deal with opponents having 100% more HP than me... Contemplating just saying eff it and starting my sorc alt, as they out DPS my current DPS only class AND have heals.

Edit: Forgot I wanted to mention;

I'm a big PVPer. It is my nature. That said I knew Bioware's (what... first?) multiplayer game was going to have PVP issues. This is little johnny's first chemistry set. As such I take it's shortcomings in stride.
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Luckily your on a balanced server, not many exist. Servers seem small and what the really need to do is merge some of the small pop servers to get more of a balance. I was 4th on my server empire side to hit 50, but got tired of playing only Huttball so I went republic. Fixing Ilum should be top priority with trying to resolve PvP issues. Yesterday was the 1st time EVER that we had the Empire pushed back at their base like cowards. Everyother time they knocking on our door not letting us move. Cannons always seem to be bugged and not getting credit for kills just plain sucks.
been watching some videos of Tera and now I feel let down by SWTOR.

Why couldn't the character creation have this level of detail? SWTOR doesn't look like a 2011-2012 game. It's seems so dated.

obviously the story won't be there for Tera compared to SWTOR, but hey at least it looks like a modern game.

While TERA's graphics are obviously more detailed and realistic, the anime voicing, styling, and animations kill it for me. Just hate the whole eastern anime looks in games.
While TERA's graphics are obviously more detailed and realistic, the anime voicing, styling, and animations kill it for me. Just hate the whole eastern anime looks in games.

yea that's why I'm let down.

I wish SWTOR could have been more detailed and realistic with the fluid 2011 animation (responsive combat).

I don't want anime in star wars, lol

It's just so hard to even log into SWTOR anymore. The graphics are dated which hurt the immersion level for me. And the planets just feel empty. It really doesn't even feel like an mmo. Just a single player rpg with a chat channel.
yea that's why I'm let down.

I wish SWTOR could have been more detailed and realistic with the fluid 2011 animation (responsive combat).

I don't want anime in star wars, lol

It's just so hard to even log into SWTOR anymore. The graphics are dated which hurt the immersion level for me. And the planets just feel empty. It really doesn't even feel like an mmo. Just a single player rpg with a chat channel.

Right now they're working on content and fixes. Give them a little time to actually get to work out the kinks in the engine and we'll be laughing. (It's not theirs, but they do have the source. )
I enjoyed my time with this game but ultimately cancelled my subscription.

Servers just don't feel alive. I played on a server that I felt was just void of any life. Planets had about 5 people on them and getting anybody together to do anything was a chore. Even the PVP just felt unbalanced and at times extremely unfair (there were a host of rampant exploits, that afaik, are still in use today -- sneaking people into to warzones being the straw that broke the camels back for me).

I miss the days of sandbox MMO's -- where players were forced to band together and rely on each other for progression.

I'll revisit this title in a few months. If anything, the single player experience was certainly above average. Perhaps by then some issues will have been worked out and the populations will have stabilized.
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Not really.

Prioritized own server, can still queue own server. Selectable warzones only on cross server.

Should cut down on huttball only nights, and nights where you wait 2 hours to queue because the imps run scared (I'm on a balanced server. When we start rolling, they run :( )

i love huttball but i hate cross server wz's

they kill the rivalry of opposing factions guilds.
yea that's why I'm let down.

I wish SWTOR could have been more detailed and realistic with the fluid 2011 animation (responsive combat).

I don't want anime in star wars, lol

It's just so hard to even log into SWTOR anymore. The graphics are dated which hurt the immersion level for me. And the planets just feel empty. It really doesn't even feel like an mmo. Just a single player rpg with a chat channel.

I find nothing wrong with SW:ToR graphics; maxed out they look damn nice.
I enjoyed my time with this game but ultimately cancelled my subscription.

Servers just don't feel alive. I played on a server that I felt was just void of any life. Planets had about 5 people on them and getting anybody together to do anything was a chore. Even the PVP just felt unbalanced and at times extremely unfair (there were a host of rampant exploits, that afaik, are still in use today -- sneaking people into to warzones being the straw that broke the camels back for me).

I miss the days of sandbox MMO's -- where players were forced to band together and rely on each other for progression.

I'll revisit this title in a few months. If anything, the single player experience was certainly above average. Perhaps by then some issues will have been worked out and the populations will have stabilized.

I agree with you. Sandbox was great for MMO's back in the day and to a lesser extent WoW.

For me, its hard to enjoy the game because for some reason I can't get "comfortable" with any of my characters. Hard to explain but it feels like I can't ever really master any of my dudes. Including all of my fat jedi's.

One thing is though, I'm going to support this game. Even though its hard to get excited about it.
There's just so much that was missing from the launch or felt like it had been thrown together at the last minute (GTN interface is an abortion). Certain parts are awesome, but they are too few and far between.

I really wanted to like this game, and I put faith in BW to deliver on what the marketing showed.

Now I have worries about trusting them for ME3.
There's just so much that was missing from the launch or felt like it had been thrown together at the last minute (GTN interface is an abortion). Certain parts are awesome, but they are too few and far between.

I really wanted to like this game, and I put faith in BW to deliver on what the marketing showed.

Now I have worries about trusting them for ME3.

This... it's unfortunately yet another MMO with good potential, but most of those don't end up actually delivering on it post-launch when they are in that state. The Q&A ( was interesting but I'm not going to likely be throwing 2x $15/mo subs at it for wishes and horseshoes. Most of the info is re-hashed, but the extra confirmation was nice.

I can be playing other games that currently are better for $9-12 a month (Rift comes to mind with its annual plan that often goes on promotion for around $8.80/mo, as well as "f2p" games like Conan and LOTRO that you can buy content for inexpensively and are better-polished). If it improves I might be back, I might not, if I end up quitting, but they'd have to make gigantic strides. I'll probably keep my subs active for 1 more month to see what 1.2 brings, since I have only 5 days left on my current ones. That, or I may let them lapse until 1.2 is about to launch... not sure.
This... it's unfortunately yet another MMO with good potential, but most of those don't end up actually delivering on it post-launch when they are in that state. The Q&A ( was interesting but I'm not going to likely be throwing 2x $15/mo subs at it for wishes and horseshoes. Most of the info is re-hashed, but the extra confirmation was nice.

I can be playing other games that currently are better for $9-12 a month (Rift comes to mind with its annual plan that often goes on promotion for around $8.80/mo, as well as "f2p" games like Conan and LOTRO that you can buy content for inexpensively and are better-polished). If it improves I might be back, I might not, if I end up quitting, but they'd have to make gigantic strides. I'll probably keep my subs active for 1 more month to see what 1.2 brings, since I have only 5 days left on my current ones. That, or I may let them lapse until 1.2 is about to launch... not sure.

I just read the Q&A link. That makes me optimistic. Guild banks, target of target, and dual specs coming is a good sign. But I don't understand how they didn't implement that at the start? :confused:
I just read the Q&A link. That makes me optimistic. Guild banks, target of target, and dual specs coming is a good sign. But I don't understand how they didn't implement that at the start? :confused:

One thing I learned about MMO's -- it's all just talk until they deliver.
not pleased with the direction of the game - letting my subscription end in March. A few problems - 9/10 huttball matches as an imperial, no real sense of community, huge pvp class imbalances, lack of interest, passable graphics etc.,

bioware could've hit it out of the park with this game but they missed a huge opportunity and between this game and dragon age 2, they've just about burned out all my goodwill and right now they're on 2/3 strikes.
I just read the Q&A link. That makes me optimistic. Guild banks, target of target, and dual specs coming is a good sign. But I don't understand how they didn't implement that at the start? :confused:

Because it was pushed out the door well before it was ready (like most games nowadays it seems).

The UI boggles me the most. I'm not sure how they thought a non-customizable UI would fly with PC users in an MMO. It's almost like they assigned design of it to a team that normally only works on consoles. After 5 minutes with the GTN interface I was ready to kill someone. SW:tOR made Rift look even better than it already is in my mind.

Lets say I want to craft something in either game, I have 8 out of 10 of the needed rare material and want to just buy them. Lets see how we'd hit up the GTN/AH in both games to get those last 2 items.....

Open GTN
Select Crafting Materials
Select Type of Material (Bioanalysis, Diplomacy, Scavenging, etc)
Search (try not to hit the "reset" button which is right next to it btw)
Type in name of item in filter box and hit enter (filtering is done manually after the search)

Open AH
Right click stack of 8 in bag (this auto searches the AH for the exact same items)

Which would you rather deal with, esp when trying to find upgrades and materials for both you and all you companions? I don't see how any hard core AH folks can deal with it.

Maybe I'll go back some day, but I'm thinking EA is gonna end up on the losing end of this one, and it didnt have to be that way if they'd only put effort into the game in areas other than the class storyline quests.
50 bucks at best buy now..10 bucks cheaper than launch..and so it begins

Was $45 at amazon recently (now 50 at time of this writing however: Not that abnormal for an MMO though to drop in price... the state of the game though, compared to a couple of other recent launches such as Rift... yeah...

I just don't see how they spent 200+ million dollars and made a product so inferior compared to other games with a small fraction of their budget. Where'd it all go? How'd it take them so long to even make this? Why is there so little endgame content? What is the reason they keep breaking as much as they're fixing with patches, and have barely added any content (one short new raid)? Etc.

Subscriptions cancelled. If it becomes worth playing, I can always resubscribe then. Unfortunately for them, most people don't think that way and their subs stay cancelled period once they ever do become as such.
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New updates are cool , but some of the "updates" didn't deliver still PvP matches sometimes do not count, Exotech recipe still not functioning (invalid schematic).
Anyone know if they have discounts on their subscription plans. I know they don't offer a lifetime :-( but do they have a discount on purchasing 6 month and 12 month game time?

A friend and I are looking forward to trying this game out for a year and seeing how it is.

EDIT: NVMD, Found it on the site. Subs are nicely hidden.