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  1. G

    New Homeworld Game Announced

    I'm surprised I haven't seen a thread regarding this... I cannot tell you how long I've been waiting for a new Homeworld game. Really opened up the RTS genre back in the day. Gearbox...
  2. G

    The best space strategy game ever made is...

    Hands-down. The Homeworld series. :rolleyes:
  3. G

    Steam 2011 Holiday Sale is here!!

    More than likely... I guess patience is a virtue eh :p
  4. G

    Steam 2011 Holiday Sale is here!!

    ... Was gonna pick up Metro finally. But now its showing $20. 0% off. What gives?! :mad:
  5. G

    Post your workstation 2010!

    Who says I'm not a female? And I would not consider Budweiser to be a drink of significant taste. On a more serious note, who cares who is drinking what. CAV - Those are just the Swan M10's on stands, usually don't see them on them... Also that is an iPod stand, one that I wish I didn't...
  6. G

    Post your workstation 2010!

    Thought I'd post mine. You guys have some amazing setups. I really want a bigger desk, BUT..... that would lead to bigger displays... and speakers... the list goes on.
  7. G

    Battlefield Bad Company 2: Post Soldier Name

    I didn't see a thread like this, and I was getting tired of going through the 70+ pages of other Battlefield discussions and server information.... Figured it would be easier to grab people's names through here.... JustCallMeGreen {PC} So let's see them folks! I'm tired of playing...
  8. G

    Bad Company 2

    It's usually because they want the attention. Anyone who can sit there and let a computer do all the work for them is pretty pathetic. How is this entertaining to them at all, I'll never know. Some people play for fun, as in 95% the people online, the other 5% is usually made up of people only...
  9. G

    Bad Company 2

    I've only had one run-in with a hacker in this game... he was kicked within minutes of our game thanks to some individuals. Hacking will always be a problem with the Battlefield games, just as it will be with almost any online game... Any of you check the leaderboards lately...
  10. G

    Panasonic Plasma Lawsuit

    Didn't see this posted anywhere on here, so I thought I would share for those who may not know.... What do you fellas think? First reports I've seen were through AVS... I've been holding...
  11. G

    Bad Company 2

    I didn't realize we were putting " [H] " 's in front of our names!... Add me folks, usually on in the evenings! :p JustCallMeGreen
  12. G

    Bad Company 2

    No Spicey, you haven't lost all. It was asking me for the same... I kept logging out and logging back in, eventually it didn't ask me. The servers were back up for minutes and EVERYONE appeared to lose all the unlocks. I died once... got them all back..... ...... Now everything is down again.
  13. G

    Bad Company 2

    gahey? No, its a video that has a little humor in it. He's only doing what millions of other people do via Youtube....
  14. G

    Bad Company 2

    While we wait... once again, as the servers are down (Not to mention myself losing 1800 points!!!).... We can watch this:
  15. G

    Bad Company 2

    Apparently that seems to be the case.... that could take quite a long time. Looks like I'll be playing TF2 tonight. But still, I find these issues with the connections getting to be just ridiculous. I'll let you know when I can play.... :rolleyes::p
  16. G

    Bad Company 2

    Dear EA/DICE....... (Yes, I want to blow some people up!) I'm hearing that server masters are needing to restart.... So, apparently its not punkbuster? Some servers are full, hence they have restarted.... I imagine we'd need to give it an hour.....
  17. G

    Bad Company 2

    Your in the minority sir... Many of updated, restarted, re-installed..... Nothing. I'm still getting kicked.
  18. G

    Bad Company 2

    And Fresh from the press: This is ridiculous.
  19. G

    Bad Company 2

    Same here. Updated. Kicked constantly..... What the heck is the deal here......
  20. G

    Bad Company 2

    Great game. For those who are having some server issues, and I've experienced some myself.... When searching for servers, or refreshing, I usually have to wait about a min... and then I cancel it.... 5 seconds later the servers pop up....... You guys can try that.
  21. G

    Plasma: Which One?

    Thanks guys for the recommendations. It's great that I'm hearing good things about the Panasonics. A Pioneer you say? It really is a shame they have stopped producing Plasma televisions. I wouldn't mind going used, but yes these bad boys are real hard to come by. Pulled the trigger on...
  22. G

    Plasma: Which One?

    How so? Please define the term "blows." I've heard nothing but good things about Panasonic, and I don't hear much bad about Samsung as well. Some models and sizes would be appropriate.
  23. G

    Plasma: Which One?

    Yet another who agrees with the Panasonic. This is making the decision that much easier. Obobski, I for sure will post pictures whenever I get them... though it could be awhile. In the meantime, I'll just drool over the rest of the setups on here! :p
  24. G

    Plasma: Which One?

    Thanks guys for the recommendations. I've found a 50 inch Panasonic VIERA (S1 Series) on Amazon for a decent price... It looks like I'll be going with Panasonic. And about the sound. I do...
  25. G

    Plasma: Which One?

    After quite a bit of time being made up of research regarding LCD and Plasma, I've finally decided on going with a Plasma screen instead. I've weighed advantages and disadvantages of both.. So, if we could... let's not turn this into a Plasma Vs. LCD thread. I'm looking for some opinions. This...
  26. G

    So, Finally Playing Crysis...

    Thanks for the responses guys. Yes, I finally was able to go into console, but not via "~." Had to manually assign it to another key... Anyhow, finally on to the next level....
  27. G

    So, Finally Playing Crysis...

    Yes. The game is broken. I see some of you have said I need to find the nano-suit guys.... They do not appear at all. Even after I make a ton of noise. ... I'd hate to cheat my way through to that level, but I may need too. I'm tired of starting the level over again.
  28. G

    So, Finally Playing Crysis...

    .... until the "Relic" level. I'm sure most of you can guess what I'm talking about before I even state it... What is the deal with the extraction point in the Relic level? I've run across many, many people with problems not being able to finish. The extraction chopper doesn't come. I...
  29. G

    Best game music?

    Absolutely. The song is just epic, marking the beginning of an incredible journey through the rest of the soundtrack (and game-play).
  30. G

    Best game music?

    This thread is a total bust without: Homeworld (Main Theme) Homeworld "Sacred Gardens" (Worst. Level. Ever. Total Cluster) Homeworld 2 "Time to get your ass kicked" (Keepers)...
  31. G

    Best game music?

    Double Post. Sorry. :(
  32. G

    Best weapon ever?

    Gravity Gun. HL2 Deathmatch.
  33. G

    Post your pc screen shots!

    Tried something new, but not quite finished with it..... I think. I like the clean look.
  34. G

    Your most epic gaming experience/memories

    Memories of my brothers and I staying up playing the N64. Starfox 64. 4-way-split-screen. Just awesome. Numerous nights staying up and swapping our one controller back & forth playing GTA 3. And lastly, a memory of myself.... and: Anyone remember...
  35. G

    Worst Game You Ever Played ?

    I remember this game.. and quite actually had a lot of fun with it.... Well... I could only make it through the first two levels! :p
  36. G

    Mass Effect the most boring game ever!

    I recently picked this up on the $5 deal, and previously have invested over 50 hours into the console game... but as I'm looking to get ME2 for the PC, I needed a "carry-over" character. The story is great. The characters are even better.... and the combat is pretty good. I do agree though...
  37. G

    Aliens vs. Predator supposed on pc to kick consoles butt

    Haven't been a fan of the other games either, but this one may just be it... Screens look pretty good.
  38. G

    checkpoints in pc games

    It somewhat depends which game I'm playing. Sometimes the ability to save whenever you want and "checkpoints" makes the game a little easy to play.
  39. G

    Gaming with one hand

    Plants Vs. Zombies.
  40. G

    Purchasing new PC

    Thanks for the recommendations, but as good as that deal looks to me I'm going to see if Dell has anything"crazy" for "black Friday." 4GB's instead of 8GB's huh? As most of the time it's not that much more expensive... I'm not sure I see any problems with just sticking with 8GB's? Yes, I do...