Mass Effect the most boring game ever!


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 29, 2001
I've been really trying to play this on my 360 but it's so fucking boring.
It's nothing more than a damn interactive FMV and the 3rd person shooter looks like crap:rolleyes:

Explain to me again how this was supppose to be such a great game?
Im playing it on the PC. The combat is more strategic (constantly pausing and queueing up orders) than twitch. If that kind of gameplay isn't your thing, you will prob not like ME. Personally, I like it, but its def not for everyone.
I've been really trying to play this on my 360 but it's so fucking boring.
It's nothing more than a damn interactive FMV and the 3rd person shooter looks like crap:rolleyes:

Explain to me again how this was supppose to be such a great game?

I agree. Not to mention that rover thing has probably the worst control in the history of gaming.
Sadly i found the game boring too. But its a question of personnal preference.
Loved it once i got into it, but it was boring as hell at first. You really have to play it for the storyline, which is quite good.
The storyline is ace, the combat is a mediocre atempt at combining GoW gunfights with pauseable multicharacter rpg-combat. Its a Bioware game, you dont buy it for its combat system.

Go play Halo, kinda the same theme, better more direct combat system, and a faster paced simpler story
The storyline is ace, the combat is a mediocre atempt at combining GoW gunfights with pauseable multicharacter rpg-combat. Its a Bioware game, you dont buy it for its combat system.

Go play Halo, kinda the same theme, better more direct combat system, and a faster paced simpler story

I can't play through a game if I don't like the gameplay.
I've been really trying to play this on my 360 but it's so fucking boring.
It's nothing more than a damn interactive FMV and the 3rd person shooter looks like crap:rolleyes:

Explain to me again how this was supppose to be such a great game?

It's an RPG, not a shooter. That's the first thing to remember - this is Bioware, not Epic. It's not a good shooter, but it's a decent RPG combat system once you get used to it and use your party right. The story rocks, lots of conversations, excellent voice work, and your decisions change how things actually go.
I've been really trying to play this on my 360 but it's so fucking boring.
It's nothing more than a damn interactive FMV and the 3rd person shooter looks like crap:rolleyes:

Explain to me again how this was supppose to be such a great game?

Opinions are opinionated.

I can't play through a game if I don't like the gameplay.

Ah yes the vacuous general term of "gameplay" used to define the play of the game without actually defining anything.
This game isn't for the ADD / ADHD gamer.


This isn't Unreal or CounterStrike cranked at 200 percent, folks.

To be fair, as someone who likes the game, it is repetitve after a point and that tended to get a bit tedious. Overall, though, it's a heck of a game with a great story.

Part 2 is one of my most anticipated titles for 2010, especially since it sounds like the developers took notes from what went right and wrong on part 1.
The game was improved for the PC (as far as controls, graphics and interface), but what has been said is true. If you don't get into the story, much of the game can become tedious.

ME2 looks to have addressed all those issues however.
Ah yes the vacuous general term of "gameplay" used to define the play of the game without actually defining anything.

That doesn't make any sense. The gameplay encompasses your entire experience while playing the game. combat, navigation through the ui, etc. The combat in this game blew beyond anything I could manage.
I really enjoyed ME1, The Story was great, the characters interesting and the graphics were great for the most part.

The only "Boring" things i found were the side missions, endlessly driving around maps looking for things with little significance. Add to that the fact that all "bases" were cookie Cutter, it became very repetitive in those tasks.

Otherwise, it was a great game.
I really enjoyed ME1, The Story was great, the characters interesting and the graphics were great for the most part.

The only "Boring" things i found were the side missions, endlessly driving around maps looking for things with little significance. Add to that the fact that all "bases" were cookie Cutter, it became very repetitive in those tasks.

Otherwise, it was a great game.

I skipped 90% of the side stuff.
I played for about 1 hour and gave up. I also couldnt see why people cream their pants over this game. Although I just realized, the people that told me to play it were console gamers...makes sense now. They are sooo easy to please :) (COD:MW2)
I skipped 90% of the side stuff.

Same here. I'm generally one of those people that likes to COMPLETE a game like Mass Effect (or most RPGs in my case). Meaning I like to do all of the side quests (or at least the vast majority), get the uber items for my party, etc. However, the ME side missions were so horribly boring they actually made me put the game aside for several months. When I picked the game back up, I decided make an exception for this game and only do the main story. Definitely a good choice since the story turned out to be done very well.
The Side quests in ME1 were insanely mundane and monotonous and it seemed like Bioware wanted to promote the game as being non-linear but this really isn't they way you want to do things. By ignoring the side missions, the game ends up being extremely short for a RPG, about 10hrs. Maybe it hurts because I did about 90% of the side missions in a row, while the others were dependent on an event in a story planet. Either way, Bioware could've done a better job by just coupling more intuitive side missions on the actual story planets rather than sending us out to drab worlds driving the mako, fighting guys in a cookie cutter bunker, then doing the "kill the cat"/"pay cat through college" routine.
Same here. I'm generally one of those people that likes to COMPLETE a game like Mass Effect (or most RPGs in my case). Meaning I like to do all of the side quests (or at least the vast majority), get the uber items for my party, etc. However, the ME side missions were so horribly boring they actually made me put the game aside for several months. When I picked the game back up, I decided make an exception for this game and only do the main story. Definitely a good choice since the story turned out to be done very well.

Exactly the same for me, but when I started, a good friend that had already played it just told me to "skip the side stuff, it's pointless in this one (except the moon mission) - just play the story and enjoy it". He was dead on. It made for a solid, 25 hour RPG with awesome story for me.
The Side quests in ME1 were insanely mundane and monotonous and it seemed like Bioware wanted to promote the game as being non-linear but this really isn't they way you want to do things. By ignoring the side missions, the game ends up being extremely short for a RPG, about 10hrs. Maybe it hurts because I did about 90% of the side missions in a row, while the others were dependent on an event in a story planet. Either way, Bioware could've done a better job by just coupling more intuitive side missions on the actual story planets rather than sending us out to drab worlds driving the mako, fighting guys in a cookie cutter bunker, then doing the "kill the cat"/"pay cat through college" routine.

Agreed. It took me 25 hours with a few side missions, exploring all the story I could, and just having fun. Absolute blast of a game.
That doesn't make any sense. The gameplay encompasses your entire experience while playing the game. combat, navigation through the ui, etc. The combat in this game blew beyond anything I could manage.

It makes plenty of sense, as you said the gameplay encompasses your entire experience. At first you said you didn't like the "gameplay" which means the entire experience, when in fact you clarified and said the combat blew. Why didn't you just say that you didn't like the combat instead of some broad comment?

I don't begrudge you from not liking the combat, it was somewhat lackluster, however there were many fine parts of the game that would have contributed to the overall gameplay.

This isn't Unreal or CounterStrike cranked at 200 percent, folks.

To be fair, as someone who likes the game, it is repetitve after a point and that tended to get a bit tedious. Overall, though, it's a heck of a game with a great story.

Part 2 is one of my most anticipated titles for 2010, especially since it sounds like the developers took notes from what went right and wrong on part 1.
Agreed. Come for the story, stay for the story. If you don't care about the story you won't care about the game. In that regard it's one of the biggest successes in recent gaming, IMO. Good enough, in fact, to make up for the many, many gameplay flaws.

It was like an interactive sci fi movie in an extremely rich new universe. Positively can't wait for the sequel.
It makes plenty of sense, as you said the gameplay encompasses your entire experience. At first you said you didn't like the "gameplay" which means the entire experience, when in fact you clarified and said the combat blew. Why didn't you just say that you didn't like the combat instead of some broad comment?

I don't begrudge you from not liking the combat, it was somewhat lackluster, however there were many fine parts of the game that would have contributed to the overall gameplay.

No, I didn't find the story that enthralling either, or many other aspects. Combat just stood out. I stand by my statements.

Also, I didn't specifically note "story" as part of gameplay.
This is the standard "why does everybody like this game thread" ....... Name your favorite game and post here and everyone here will tear it apart. You don't like it cool but the most boring gave ever please!
I liked this game for a number of reasons.

1. The story, while not groundbreaking, is very well told. The whole game has a very cinematic feel. This was one a very few games where I actually sat back and enjoyed the cut scenes (rather than just waiting for them to end so I could get back to playing).
2. The characters. I found the background on the characters well done as well. There is a lot of depth in the story if you're interested in that kind of thing.
3. The combat. I know a lot of people really hated the combat, but I personally found it really fun, especially once I started to really understand my abilities. Running into a room and pushing a guy 50 feet away, lifting another guy off the ground, trapping another enemy in a stasis field and unloading on the last guy is still really fun. The combat becomes a real challenge if you play at the hardest difficulty. There are some annoyances for sure (dumb teammates, Krogans just blasting through your shots and meleeing you to death, etc.) but overall the combat is pretty good.
4. The setting. I really loved all the different parts of the citadel, the alien species, the geth, the reapers, everything. I feel like well-realized settings are rare in a lot of the games I play.
5. Some side quests. I found more side quests fun than lame. Granted the buildings were pretty samey, but the back stories and choices you could make in some of them were really fun.

The mako sucks. I think we're all in agreement on that one. There is definitely room for improvement in the combat and inventory management, but overall I felt the game was really polished.

Now if they make good on their promises for ME2 and make the combat even better, fix the texture popping/load times, improve the inventory issues, etc. ME2 will be one of the best games of the year.
I can't play through a game if I don't like the gameplay.

If you don't like it don't play it, I have Fall Out 3 and Crysis around somewhere, I think I played both for about an hour and have not played them since February.

I do not own this game yet, but I am willing to give it a try, before the sequel arrives.
I felt the same way about Mass Effect when I first played it and I remember uninstalling it shortly after. I reinstalled it again a couple months later and forced myself through the first few hours and I got hooked on it.

So far I put in at least 50 hours into the game after two playthroughs and I still will probably play through the game again before ME2 hits.

I think you should try it again if you have any interest in sci-fi/ rpgs.
I recently picked this up on the $5 deal, and previously have invested over 50 hours into the console game... but as I'm looking to get ME2 for the PC, I needed a "carry-over" character.

The story is great. The characters are even better.... and the combat is pretty good. I do agree though, some of the side missions are very repetitive.
I was totally digging the storyline in this game, but the combat completely ruined it for me. I found it clunky and ill-polished.
No, I didn't find the story that enthralling either, or many other aspects. Combat just stood out. I stand by my statements.

Also, I didn't specifically note "story" as part of gameplay.

I didn't note story as part of gameplay either, so you didn't need to defend that.

If there were no elements of the game that you like, why bother singling out gameplay? Just say you didn't like the game completely.
This is one of the best games of the last three years, easily.

Sure some things could be changed, but exploring the galaxy would have a lot of non-action time. And you would have to walk out of the mines.

And the combat is more realistic than polished. Reality would not be much smoother. They aren't going to put Unreal combat in an RPG. Maybe HL3 will add RPG.

If you don't want a story, play an FPS map for frags. Smoother, prettier.