Bad Company 2

Anyone else having problems finding servers with the steam version? Mine keeps crashing when I look for a serverlist but I can join friends games. Just started doing it today.
Anyone have any concrete stats on the benefits of the perks? I've been using the accuracy perk for the assault class, and haven't really noticed any difference.
Agreed, but it is like throwing rocks with some of the weapons. I feel bad if I don't grind out a star for atleast each weapon as they unlock.

I've wrestled with that same thing but then get killed a couple times trying to use a shotty vs medic or assault then end up switching to M16 or M60. Payback time and it's all about killing the other guy to win.
Anyone playing with someone else on the same network? I've noticed that a lot of my connectivity issues flare up when my roommate is trying to play at the same time. He was playing FF13 for the past few days and I literally had no connection issues (server d/c, can't connect to server, lag, etc.)... as soon as he hops back on BC2, everything comes back. I can't connect to servers I used to be able to connect to... about half the time when I try to join his server, he d/c's, and vice versa. It's really really frustrating me.
Anyone playing with someone else on the same network? I've noticed that a lot of my connectivity issues flare up when my roommate is trying to play at the same time. He was playing FF13 for the past few days and I literally had no connection issues (server d/c, can't connect to server, lag, etc.)... as soon as he hops back on BC2, everything comes back. I can't connect to servers I used to be able to connect to... about half the time when I try to join his server, he d/c's, and vice versa. It's really really frustrating me.

Is this EA making sure that there aren't duplicate ip's logged on at the same time a la MW2?
I've wrestled with that same thing but then get killed a couple times trying to use a shotty vs medic or assault then end up switching to M16 or M60. Payback time and it's all about killing the other guy to win.

I gave up trying to use the shotty. Seems like everyone is on the M60 kick now. Played a game last night where I'd say over half the team was medics. So I switched over to recon and just sniped, then got kicked out of the game for being cheap.

Finally got the CG for the engineer so I don't have to worry about the shotty's as much anymore though.
Is this EA making sure that there aren't duplicate ip's logged on at the same time a la MW2?

It could be related to Punkbuster or the server itself.

Some of them kick multiple connections from the same IP as a way to discourage ghosting.. which is where you start helping the person who's dead, and shouldn't be able to help.

It's more prevalent in games like Counterstrike but still I recall it being a feature that prevented us from playing 2142 together at LAN's on certain servers...

But I could be wrong.
Anyone have any concrete stats on the benefits of the perks? I've been using the accuracy perk for the assault class, and haven't really noticed any difference.

I was wondering this. Someone posted a chart showing the number of shots required to drop someone with magnum ammo/who was wearing body armour vs normal, but the difference was so negligible - maybe one round in most cases - that it didn't seem particularly worth it. I guess they have to balance the game so that newcomers can hold their own against established players.

I was more interested in the vehicle upgrades: things like whether the V-Warhead package increased the explosive power of all explosives including the explosive rounds fired by the gunship copilots, or only the actual warheads fired by the pilot/shells fired by tanks. What the point of the alt-fire gunship pilot rocket was, the one that just arcs down to the ground and never seems to do any damage, how much the armour upgrade reduces damage taken and so on.

Someone should do one of those charts for the vehicles, showing the DPS done by an APC using the V-Reload perk compared to the V-Warhead and/or the V-Alt perks.

HUM. Didn't know there was a max amount ammo kits/first aid kits could replenish. Good thing I've just been chucking them down every spare moment I have anyway. Explains why the auto-spot scope didn't work for me the one time I tried it, too.
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Does the explosive damage perk apply to tank rounds? Or is it just limited to grenades, c4, mortar and rockets?
Does the explosive damage perk apply to tank rounds? Or is it just limited to grenades, c4, mortar and rockets?

There are two distinct perks - one for personal explosives and the one in the Vehicle perk column for vehicles. The one for vehicles is the one with a fist icon called V-Warhead or some such, the one in the second soldier column only affects RPGs and the like.
Wow I always wondered how a medic can kill me from long range... I've unlocked everything for recon, assault, and engineer... and played 1 game of medic before stopping for the day.

Holy crap... your LMG is like holding one of the mounted guns. You literally point and hold your mouse button down and things just die. I didn't realize how ridiculously easy the medic's gun is to use compared to the other classes.

The medic is both the bringer of life and death. All my top scores have been achieved with using the medic. The combination of kills, healing, and revives can rake in the points big time.

M60 + red dot sight and Marksman perk = killing machine.
Already had an experience with hackers. 2 guys lobbing grenades from spawn and taking out the enemy team before they even got within our perimeter. match ended in literally like 5 minutes.

I was wondering this. Someone posted a chart showing the number of shots required to drop someone with magnum ammo/who was wearing body armour vs normal, but the difference was so negligible - maybe one round in most cases - that it didn't seem particularly worth it. I guess they have to balance the game so that newcomers can hold their own against established players.

I was more interested in the vehicle upgrades: things like whether the V-Warhead package increased the explosive power of all explosives including the explosive rounds fired by the gunship copilots, or only the actual warheads fired by the pilot/shells fired by tanks. What the point of the alt-fire gunship pilot rocket was, the one that just arcs down to the ground and never seems to do any damage, how much the armour upgrade reduces damage taken and so on.

Someone should do one of those charts for the vehicles, showing the DPS done by an APC using the V-Reload perk compared to the V-Warhead and/or the V-Alt perks.

HUM. Didn't know there was a max amount ammo kits/first aid kits could replenish. Good thing I've just been chucking them down every spare moment I have anyway. Explains why the auto-spot scope didn't work for me the one time I tried it, too.

Thanks. It seems like for something like an assault riffle, which is already pretty accurate, a decrease in spread would be a lot less beneficial than an increase in damage (on the other hand, I can see that accuracy perk being very handy for medic's LMGs).

^ And wow, I don't even get why people bother with hacking like that. Point farming? A decent player would easily score higher than that during a full round. Pissing people off maybe? Well, it is the internet...
I've been sniped multiple times with a medic wielding the M60 + red dot and accuracy. It seems to be the best mid-range combo, with the added benefit of healing yourself.

Also, the accuracy of the shotguns with a slug is rather surprising.
funny how medics carry such large weapons in this game.

@blackbox - hackers aside that game looked stacked anyways.
NS2000 shotgun + slug is quickly becoming my favorite gun....but if you miss, you better pray you don't get killed reloading. Have to make the first shot count, a one-shot kill from close to medium range. The suckier gun I've used is the M14. That thing is terrible IMO.
A dumb question, but to use a medic kit on the ground you just have to be near it, right? I'm used to BF2 where when you run over it, it disappears and you're healed very quickly.
Yea all of the achievements/pins say that on my screen, I assume it's just a small bug.. I honestly don't care when I earned an achievement.
Already had an experience with hackers. 2 guys lobbing grenades from spawn and taking out the enemy team before they even got within our perimeter. match ended in literally like 5 minutes.

How are you sure they were hackers?

I've had scores nearly that high in some matches, especially on the small maps. I remember one match on the snow level (conquest) I literally had 30 kills with 5 deaths, of which 20 were knife kills because the other team was mostly camping snipers. I could literally run among the trees and no one would find me.

Other times the other team just won't get a clue and keep trying to attack the nearest point instead of using the vehicles to outflank.
How are you sure they were hackers?

I've had scores nearly that high in some matches, especially on the small maps. I remember one match on the snow level (conquest) I literally had 30 kills with 5 deaths, of which 20 were knife kills because the other team was mostly camping snipers. I could literally run among the trees and no one would find me.

Other times the other team just won't get a clue and keep trying to attack the nearest point instead of using the vehicles to outflank.
because when i spawned on them they were sitting in the defenders spawn lobbing 40mm grenade after grenade into the the open air and killing everyone on the opposite team. they did not move at all just fire, reload, repeat.
People who don't know how to use a tank should stay out of them! I just lost a match in the jungle level because the bradley driver was busy either on the other side of the base shooting rounds at a couple guys instead of covering A after I armed it or trying to shoot through a hill. IN the port valdeez level I see lots of people trying to use tanks as long range artillery pieces cause they are to afraid to lose the tank, but the rounds always fall short.
because when i spawned on them they were sitting in the defenders spawn lobbing 40mm grenade after grenade into the the open air and killing everyone on the opposite team. they did not move at all just fire, reload, repeat.

I apologize Black Box. I was sincerely hoping the hackers hadn't got to BFBC2 yet.

I just ran into 2 tonight. They were one shotting pistol kills and spraying G3's full auto from across the map. They evenly openly admitted to hacking. They were so far away I had to elevate 2 notches on my sniper rifle to hit them.

Their names are NGSO ExciteXO and NGSO Funkchiller. I'm assuming NGSO is their clan name.
Jesus, one of them has already shown up in a google search.
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I'm going back to bed and when I wake up I'm going to hope the hacker talk was all but a dream. Too many hackers, like all games, will mean the end of the game for me.
I've only had one run-in with a hacker in this game... he was kicked within minutes of our game thanks to some individuals.

Hacking will always be a problem with the Battlefield games, just as it will be with almost any online game...

Any of you check the leaderboards lately?

Does someone look out of place?

It appears are 'good' friend Bu.Rogers is back. He decimated BF2.....

His K/D is not humanly possible. And he doesn't have the Marksman Insignia.... with all those headshots. Hours played.

He got away with this before, bound to happen again.

Couple individuals with 300% + in the accuracy department smell a little fishy too.
I've always wondered... why do people do it? Low self esteem or something?
I've always wondered... why do people do it? Low self esteem or something?

It's usually because they want the attention. Anyone who can sit there and let a computer do all the work for them is pretty pathetic. How is this entertaining to them at all, I'll never know. Some people play for fun, as in 95% the people online, the other 5% is usually made up of people only playing to anger other gamers. Only to ruin other people's experiences.

In past other games, I've had the pleasure of asking some of them: "Why do you do it?"

I usually get: "It's fun" or "Because I can"

Some have regarded Bu.Rogers (In this battlefield game) to be a "Statpadder." His kills per minute and his non matching insignia's point to this not being possible. Though I find this to be true, in BF2 he did pad his stats quite a bit... I'm sure if you Google/Youtube his name you'll find something.
People who don't know how to use a tank should stay out of them! I just lost a match in the jungle level because the bradley driver was busy either on the other side of the base shooting rounds at a couple guys instead of covering A after I armed it or trying to shoot through a hill. IN the port valdeez level I see lots of people trying to use tanks as long range artillery pieces cause they are to afraid to lose the tank, but the rounds always fall short.

IMO, I say let them learn how to do it. Does not help them learn how to play the tank role if people are just yelling at them calling them a 'noob' or whatever. There are enough elitest pricks in FPSs in this day and age that I actually like helping the people that are not that skilled into getting more skilled as it will give me more of a challenge.

My squad's server (The Bungalow HC Rush) will let anyone learn what they need to learn. If they do not know how to fly a chopper, we let them learn and give them advice. In the long run, will give me more fun out of the game having a person actually shoot back at my when I am in his face rather then just raping the shit out of a newbie.

Now have I been an asshole elitest prick to some 'noobs' but then looked back and was like wow...I was a real prick. I have been trying to keep my inner rage tords new players to a minimum as we were all once 'noobs'.
Anyone playing with someone else on the same network? I've noticed that a lot of my connectivity issues flare up when my roommate is trying to play at the same time. He was playing FF13 for the past few days and I literally had no connection issues (server d/c, can't connect to server, lag, etc.)... as soon as he hops back on BC2, everything comes back. I can't connect to servers I used to be able to connect to... about half the time when I try to join his server, he d/c's, and vice versa. It's really really frustrating me.

Give this a shot:;jsessionid=7E7C78D8BC0BF53F5BFEF5CFEA4FA211#3819951

had to do this lanning in order for us all to join the same game. soon as we all set a +clientport (none matching), all restarted, and hopped in we were problem free. good luck...
My new favorite thing to do is stand infront of the snipers on my team padding stats far far in the back. Good times.
I tracer darted my friend in the face a few times. I dont know if my rocket would lock on to it or not, but his head glowed, and he could see a pink hue on part of his screen :D
Funniest thing happened to me last night.

Got the jump on a dude repairing his m3 bradley, blasted him away, then hopped in the m3 and went hunting. A moment later, I took a hit from a rocket or something, but couldn't see where it came from. So I pulled behind cover, jumped out, and started repairs. In the middle of repairs, I hear a faint fluttering sound, almost like a UAV... SQUISH!!! ...oh it was a UAV and the asshole landed it on me. :D
it's good to see team balancing, max player limit per team, and more specific limitss to when voluntary team switching can occur didn't make it into the patch

for a game that emphasizes team play, it sure is great teams are rarely within <=1 player

also, just got CTDed