Best game music?

Nice. Thanks.

The real Doom soundtrack is the one that Aubrey Hodges did for the PSX version. The Bobby Prince stuff isn't bad, but it was never particular Doom-ish. This track's called Toxin Refinery.

I was five when Mechwarrior 2 came out. Yet the soundtrack is still me all time favorite.
You win the thread! That being said, I've always preferred Umber Wall.

I'd say my all-time favorite piece of game music is Mark Morgan's Raiders for the original Fallout. The entire soundtrack was composed and arranged in the span of about a week.
Mark Morgans's Planescape Torment soundtrack comes to mind. Here's "Fortress of Regrets". For the full emotional impact you have to play the game and then listen to the eerily beautiful "Deionarra's Theme".

I can't believe I didn't think of this. Deionarra's Theme gives me chills. This game was so amazing, and the music helped to set the mood in a way I've not experienced since(and likely, won't). Will anyone ever create something that compares?

haha we didn't we just hadn't got to them yet :) , thanks for posting. There are just too many composers and songs to list.

Cosmo Canyon is one of my favs from FFVII I had these in my head for years.
Listen to the cries from the planet
Desert Wasteland

Im gonna go ahead and go out on a limb and say that the Final Fantasy VII soundtrack is the best soundtrack in gaming history. Atleast imo.
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er.. not game music, but I like listening to X-Dream "Radio" when I am death matching or playing a fast n furious type FPS game.
7th Guest
Erie and haunting music!

WarCraft 2
Epic soundtrack

Heroes of Might and Magic 2
All the minor harmony opera and pipe organ castle music was different for each faction and it was and still is awesome! Give it about 30 seconds to kick in. This was prolly my favorite game soundtrack!

Each fighter had their own cool techno track - you could put the game in your cd player and listen to the tracks (outside of track one which was the data track)

no link needed if you've played it you know

Command and Conquer's Hell March
Don't lie - you listened to this in your first car with your stereo system cranked to the max!
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Command and Conquer's Hell March
Don't lie - you listened to this in your first car with your stereo system cranked to the max!

I was going to link that one! I never listened to it in my first car with my stereo system cranked to the max... but now that I have one... I also liked RA2's Hell March remix, but you just can't beat the original.

I also really enjoyed the jazz tracks from Sim City 3000, such as: I found that type of music to just in fit into that perfectly, and really, really set the mood well.
I'm glad Fallout 2's redding music was posted, and I'll add:

secret of mana's opening theme

chrono trigger's magus battle

vampire bloodlines but some of it's music is actual bands
nevertheless: swamped from lacuna coil:

crusader no regret: I seriously believe nothing has ever rivaled crusader's music as far a video game music goes
Loved the music from Katamari. It was funny because I'd jam the soundtracks in the language labs at school before I even had a PS2 or even played the game once. I just heard some songs from it and loved it.

Like, this was back when I was getting my degree a good 3-4 years ago. I played Katamari Damacy for the first time a few months ago. lol (Quite fun and a great distraction for small kids who suck at videogames)

Oh um, I guess Example.